1,713 research outputs found

    Variable elimination for building interpreters

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    In this paper, we build an interpreter by reusing host language functions instead of recoding mechanisms of function application that are already available in the host language (the language which is used to build the interpreter). In order to transform user-defined functions into host language functions we use combinatory logic : lambda-abstractions are transformed into a composition of combinators. We provide a mechanically checked proof that this step is correct for the call-by-value strategy with imperative features.Comment: 33 page

    Observational Equivalence and Full Abstraction in the Symmetric Interaction Combinators

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    The symmetric interaction combinators are an equally expressive variant of Lafont's interaction combinators. They are a graph-rewriting model of deterministic computation. We define two notions of observational equivalence for them, analogous to normal form and head normal form equivalence in the lambda-calculus. Then, we prove a full abstraction result for each of the two equivalences. This is obtained by interpreting nets as certain subsets of the Cantor space, called edifices, which play the same role as Boehm trees in the theory of the lambda-calculus

    The Biequivalence of Locally Cartesian Closed Categories and Martin-L\"of Type Theories

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    Seely's paper "Locally cartesian closed categories and type theory" contains a well-known result in categorical type theory: that the category of locally cartesian closed categories is equivalent to the category of Martin-L\"of type theories with Pi-types, Sigma-types and extensional identity types. However, Seely's proof relies on the problematic assumption that substitution in types can be interpreted by pullbacks. Here we prove a corrected version of Seely's theorem: that the B\'enabou-Hofmann interpretation of Martin-L\"of type theory in locally cartesian closed categories yields a biequivalence of 2-categories. To facilitate the technical development we employ categories with families as a substitute for syntactic Martin-L\"of type theories. As a second result we prove that if we remove Pi-types the resulting categories with families are biequivalent to left exact categories.Comment: TLCA 2011 - 10th Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, Novi Sad : Serbia (2011

    Strategic polymorphism requires just two combinators!

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    In previous work, we introduced the notion of functional strategies: first-class generic functions that can traverse terms of any type while mixing uniform and type-specific behaviour. Functional strategies transpose the notion of term rewriting strategies (with coverage of traversal) to the functional programming paradigm. Meanwhile, a number of Haskell-based models and combinator suites were proposed to support generic programming with functional strategies. In the present paper, we provide a compact and matured reconstruction of functional strategies. We capture strategic polymorphism by just two primitive combinators. This is done without commitment to a specific functional language. We analyse the design space for implementational models of functional strategies. For completeness, we also provide an operational reference model for implementing functional strategies (in Haskell). We demonstrate the generality of our approach by reconstructing representative fragments of the Strafunski library for functional strategies.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper was presented at IFL 2002, and included in the informal preproceedings of the worksho
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