1 research outputs found

    Streaming Transformations of Infinite Ordered-Data Words

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    In this paper, we define streaming register transducer (SRT), a one-way, letter-to-letter, transductional machine model for transformations of infinite data words whose data domain forms a linear group. Comparing with existing data word transducers, SRT are able to perform two extra operations on the registers: a linear-order-based comparison and an additive update. We consider the transformations that can be defined by SRT and several subclasses of SRT. We investigate the expressiveness of these languages and several decision problems. Our main results include: 1) SRT are closed under union and intersection, and add-free SRT are also closed under composition; 2) SRT-definable transformations can be defined in monadic second-order (MSO) logic, but are not comparable with first-order (FO) definable transformations; 3) the functionality problem is decidable for add-free SRT, the reactivity problem and inclusion problem are decidable for deterministic add-free SRT, but none of these problems is decidable in general for SRT