72,058 research outputs found

    On Sampling Strategies for Neural Network-based Collaborative Filtering

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    Recent advances in neural networks have inspired people to design hybrid recommendation algorithms that can incorporate both (1) user-item interaction information and (2) content information including image, audio, and text. Despite their promising results, neural network-based recommendation algorithms pose extensive computational costs, making it challenging to scale and improve upon. In this paper, we propose a general neural network-based recommendation framework, which subsumes several existing state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms, and address the efficiency issue by investigating sampling strategies in the stochastic gradient descent training for the framework. We tackle this issue by first establishing a connection between the loss functions and the user-item interaction bipartite graph, where the loss function terms are defined on links while major computation burdens are located at nodes. We call this type of loss functions "graph-based" loss functions, for which varied mini-batch sampling strategies can have different computational costs. Based on the insight, three novel sampling strategies are proposed, which can significantly improve the training efficiency of the proposed framework (up to ×30\times 30 times speedup in our experiments), as well as improving the recommendation performance. Theoretical analysis is also provided for both the computational cost and the convergence. We believe the study of sampling strategies have further implications on general graph-based loss functions, and would also enable more research under the neural network-based recommendation framework.Comment: This is a longer version (with supplementary attached) of the KDD'17 pape

    A Framework for Evaluating Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Analyzing land use and land cover (LULC) using remote sensing (RS) imagery is essential for many environmental and social applications. The increase in availability of RS data has led to the development of new techniques for digital pattern classification. Very recently, deep learning (DL) models have emerged as a powerful solution to approach many machine learning (ML) problems. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are currently the state of the art for many image classification tasks. While there exist several promising proposals on the application of CNNs to LULC classification, the validation framework proposed for the comparison of different methods could be improved with the use of a standard validation procedure for ML based on cross-validation and its subsequent statistical analysis. In this paper, we propose a general CNN, with a fixed architecture and parametrization, to achieve high accuracy on LULC classification over RS data from different sources such as radar and hyperspectral. We also present a methodology to perform a rigorous experimental comparison between our proposed DL method and other ML algorithms such as support vector machines, random forests, and k-nearest-neighbors. The analysis carried out demonstrates that the CNN outperforms the rest of techniques, achieving a high level of performance for all the datasets studied, regardless of their different characteristics.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-2-

    S-OHEM: Stratified Online Hard Example Mining for Object Detection

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    One of the major challenges in object detection is to propose detectors with highly accurate localization of objects. The online sampling of high-loss region proposals (hard examples) uses the multitask loss with equal weight settings across all loss types (e.g, classification and localization, rigid and non-rigid categories) and ignores the influence of different loss distributions throughout the training process, which we find essential to the training efficacy. In this paper, we present the Stratified Online Hard Example Mining (S-OHEM) algorithm for training higher efficiency and accuracy detectors. S-OHEM exploits OHEM with stratified sampling, a widely-adopted sampling technique, to choose the training examples according to this influence during hard example mining, and thus enhance the performance of object detectors. We show through systematic experiments that S-OHEM yields an average precision (AP) improvement of 0.5% on rigid categories of PASCAL VOC 2007 for both the IoU threshold of 0.6 and 0.7. For KITTI 2012, both results of the same metric are 1.6%. Regarding the mean average precision (mAP), a relative increase of 0.3% and 0.5% (1% and 0.5%) is observed for VOC07 (KITTI12) using the same set of IoU threshold. Also, S-OHEM is easy to integrate with existing region-based detectors and is capable of acting with post-recognition level regressors.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted by CCCV 201