98,660 research outputs found

    Balance score card in health care organization

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    Balance Score Card is a strategic planning and management system and it helps in observing organizational business activities. This approach has improved the organizational performances. It has four perspectives of vision and strategy listed as financial, internal business, learning and growth, and customer perspective. A semi structured interview has been taken with Tanya Morton, who is ‎an Assistant Director of Nursing at Cabell Huntington hospital. Hospital graphs have shown that the utilization of BSC with Nurse Department have become more satisfied during the eight years, and the remaining three departments also showed satisfactory report with BSC

    Games on graphs: A minor modification of payoff scheme makes a big difference

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    Various social dilemma games that follow different strategy updating rules have been studied on many networks.The reported results span the entire spectrum, from significantly boosting,to marginally affecting,to seriously decreasing the level of cooperation.Experimental results that are qualitatively different from theoretical prediction have also been reported.It is widely believed that the results are largely determined by three elements,including payoff matrices of the underlying 2*2 games,the way that the strategic states of the players are updated and the structure of the networks.Here we discuss the impact of a seemly non-essential mechanism -- what we refer to as a "payoff scheme". Specifically, in each round after the states of all of the players are determined,the payoff scheme is how each player's payoff is calculated.In addition to the two conventions in which either the accumulated or the averaged payoff is calculated from playing with all of the neighboring players,we here study the effects of calculating the payoff from pairing up with one random player from among the neighboring players. Based on probability theory, in a situation of uncorrelated events, the average payoff that involves all of the neighbors should,in principal,be equivalent to the payoff from pairing up with one neighbor.However,our simulation of games on graphs shows that, in many cases,the two payoff schemes lead to qualitatively different levels of cooperation.This finding appears to provide a possible explanation for a wide spectrum of observed behaviors in the literature.We have also observed that results from the randomly-pairing-one mechanism are more robust than the involving-all-neighbours mechanism because,in the former case, neither the other three main elements nor the initial states of the players have a large impact on the final level of cooperation compared with in the latter case.Comment: 23 pages,171 figure

    Government Expenditure and Inflation Rate in Nigeria: An Empirical Analyses of Pairwise Causal Relationship

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    The study investigates the nature and extent of causal relationship between government expenditure and inflation rate in a 42-year  period (1970-2011).Times series data obtained from the Central Bank's statistical bulletin of relevant years are analysed using descriptive(graphs and charts) and inferential(correlation,stationarity,Johansen's cointegration test and Granger causality test) analysis.The variables are stationary,weakly and inversely correlated and show longrun relationship.However,they did not granger-cause each other implying that there exists no pairwise causal relationship between them. We recommend appropriate fiscal-monetary policy mix,redirecting government expenditure to productive channels in the economy and maintaing a strategic balance between capital and recurrent expenditure. Keywords: Government Expenditure;Inflation Rate;Pair-wise causal relationship; Granger causality test

    The impact of events on annual reporting disclosures

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    Burchell, Club and Hopwood (1985) considered that “little is known of how...wider social forces can impinge upon and change accounting” (p.382). This study identifies six political forces that may have instigated changes in accounting practice and annual reporting of a New Zealand electricity entity. Based on the literature (Hopwood, 1983, 1990; Napier, 1989; Gray and Haslam, 1990; Thomson, 1993) it is expected that significant changes in the environment in which the entity operates will effect changes in reporting. The study compares the annual report disclosures of an Electricity Supply Authority on a yearly basis from 1970 to 2001 - a 18 year period with little significant environmental impact in the electricity industry with a period of intense activity in the following 14 years. The study found considerable evidence that the change from a local body accountable to electors/consumers to a public company accountable to shareholders, led to a greater emphasis on profits and earnings per share as a means of measuring performance. It identifies specific changes in accounting practice that support this view as well as a period of “big bath” accounting, decreasing disclosure of commercially sensitive information, and the increasing use of dramatic presentation in the annual report

    Government Expenditure and Inflation Rate in Nigeria: An Empirical Analyses of Pairwise Causal Relationship.

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    The study investigates the nature and extent of causal relationship between government expenditure and inflation rate in a 42-year  period (1970-2011). Times series data obtained from the Central Bank's statistical bulletin of relevant years are analysed using descriptive(graphs and charts) and inferential (correlation, stationarity, Johansen's cointegration test and Granger causality test) analysis. The  variables are stationary, weakly and inversely correlated and show longrun relationship. However, they did not granger-cause each other implying that there exists no pairwise causal relationship between them. We recommend appropriate fiscal-monetary policy mix,redirecting government expenditure to productive channels in the economy and maintaing ba strategic balance between capital and recurrent expenditure. Keywords: Government Expenditure; Inflation Rate; Pair-wise causal relationship; Granger causality test

    Trust and cooperation in buyer–seller relationships and networks. The co-evolution of structural balance and trust in iterated PD games

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    Our study has two aims: to elaborate theoretical frameworks and introduce social mechanisms of spontaneous co-operation in repeated buyer-seller relationships and to formulate hypotheses which can be empirically tested. The basis of our chain of ideas is the simple two-person Prisoner’s Dilemma game. On the one hand, its repeated variation can be applicable for the distinction of the analytical types of trust (iteration trust, strategy trust) in co-operations. On the other hand, it provides a chance to reveal those dyadic sympathy-antipathy relations, which make us understand the evolution of trust. Then we introduce the analysis of the more complicated (more than two-person) buyer-seller relationship. Firstly, we outline the possible role of the structural balancing mechanisms in forming trust in three-person buyer-seller relationships. Secondly, we put forward hypotheses to explain complex buyer-seller networks. In our research project we try to theoretically combine some of the simple concepts of game theory with certain ideas of the social-structural balance theory. Finally, it is followed by a short summary

    Communication Network Design: Balancing Modularity and Mixing via Optimal Graph Spectra

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    By leveraging information technologies, organizations now have the ability to design their communication networks and crowdsourcing platforms to pursue various performance goals, but existing research on network design does not account for the specific features of social networks, such as the notion of teams. We fill this gap by demonstrating how desirable aspects of organizational structure can be mapped parsimoniously onto the spectrum of the graph Laplacian allowing the specification of structural objectives and build on recent advances in non-convex programming to optimize them. This design framework is general, but we focus here on the problem of creating graphs that balance high modularity and low mixing time, and show how "liaisons" rather than brokers maximize this objective
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