2 research outputs found

    Integrador para Sistema de Gestão Documental

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    Devido a padrões existentes na área da saúde e à tecnologia existente, a partilha de documentos clínicos entre entidades tornou-se possível. O projeto “Integrador para Sistema de Gestão Documental” surge na necessidade da Glintt –Healthcare Solutions conseguir apresentar às entidades de saúde uma alternativa de partilha de resultados clínicos com elevadas taxas de desempenho. Para atingir esse objetivo, o projeto contemplou, em primeiro lugar, um processo de análise às tecnologias existentes que se enquadravam nos requisitos estabelecidos. Após esta análise, de forma a obter testes mais concretos, estas foram sujeitas a testes de desempenho e análise de custos, o que permitiu selecionar as alternativas mais vantajosas para futura implementação. Por último, foi desenvolvido um protótipo integrador. Este protótipo permitiu à empresa dispor de uma solução funcional para a partilha de documentos entre instituições. Foi também sujeito a testes de desempenho que permitiram verificar o seu comportamento no envio e na receção de documentos clínicos. Os objetivos planeados foram atingidos com sucesso o que permitiu à empresa dispor de uma aplicação funcional e um estudo com conclusões sólidas para a partilha de documentos entre instituições de saúde, que lhe possibilitará suprir a necessidade identificada inicialmente.Due to existing standards in healthcare and existing technology, sharing clinical documents between entities it became possible. The project "Integration for Document Management System" appears in need of Glintt -Healthcare Solutions fails to submit to health entities an alternative to sharing clinical documents between entities with high performance rates. To achieve this goal, the project includes, first of all, an analysis process to existing technologies that met the established requirements. After this analysis, in order to obtain more specific tests, they were subjected to performance testing and analysis costs, allowing us to select the most advantageous alternative for future implementation. Finally, was developed a prototype integrator. This prototype has enabled the company to have a functional solution for document sharing between institutions. It was also subject to erformance tests that allowed us to verify their behavior in sending and receiving clinical documents. The planned objectives were achieved successfully which enabled the company to have a working application and a study of firm conclusions for sharing documents between healthcare institutions, which will enable to meet the need identified initially

    Storage Model for CDA Documents

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    The Health Level 7 Clinic Document Architecture (CDA) is an XML-based document markup standard that specifies the hierarchical structure and semantics of "clinical documents" for the purpose of information exchange. In this research, issues arising with the design and implementation of a DB to support efficient retrieval from CDA documents and data mining for statistical analysis purposes are explored. Both an object-relational approach and a traditional relational approach were explored and compared in terms of design, implementation issues and efficiency. Although the object-relational approach results in a simpler design, implementation is more complicated as object methods must be programmed. In the relational design, queries were more complex to express than in the object-oriented design, but more efficient to execute. It was concluded that the DB design should use standard relational tables while using objects only when required for specialized processing, such as processing of graphs or scans