3,068 research outputs found

    3-D Velocity Regulation for Nonholonomic Source Seeking Without Position Measurement

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    We consider a three-dimensional problem of steering a nonholonomic vehicle to seek an unknown source of a spatially distributed signal field without any position measurement. In the literature, there exists an extremum seeking-based strategy under a constant forward velocity and tunable pitch and yaw velocities. Obviously, the vehicle with a constant forward velocity may exhibit certain overshoots in the seeking process and can not slow down even it approaches the source. To resolve this undesired behavior, this paper proposes a regulation strategy for the forward velocity along with the pitch and yaw velocities. Under such a strategy, the vehicle slows down near the source and stays within a small area as if it comes to a full stop, and controllers for angular velocities become succinct. We prove the local exponential convergence via the averaging technique. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated with simulations.Comment: submitted to IEEE TCST;12 pages, 10 figure

    Prescribed-Time Seeking of a Repulsive Source by Unicycle Angular Velocity Tuning

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    All the existing source seeking algorithms for unicycle models in GPS-denied settings guarantee at best an exponential rate of convergence over an infinite interval. Using the recently introduced time-varying feedback tools for prescribed-time stabilization, we achieve source seeking in prescribed time, i.e., the convergence to the source, without the measurements of the position and velocity of the unicycle, in as short a time as the user desires, starting from an arbitrary distance from the source. The convergence is established using a singularly perturbed version of the Lie bracket averaging method, combined with time dilation and time contraction operations. The algorithm is robust, provably, even to an arbitrarily strong gradient-dependent repulsive velocity drift emanating from the source

    Planar Cooperative Extremum Seeking with Guaranteed Convergence Using A Three-Robot Formation

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    In this paper, a combined formation acquisition and cooperative extremum seeking control scheme is proposed for a team of three robots moving on a plane. The extremum seeking task is to find the maximizer of an unknown two-dimensional function on the plane. The function represents the signal strength field due to a source located at maximizer, and is assumed to be locally concave around maximizer and monotonically decreasing in distance to the source location. Taylor expansions of the field function at the location of a particular lead robot and the maximizer are used together with a gradient estimator based on signal strength measurements of the robots to design and analyze the proposed control scheme. The proposed scheme is proven to exponentially and simultaneously (i) acquire the specified geometric formation and (ii) drive the lead robot to a specified neighborhood disk around maximizer, whose radius depends on the specified desired formation size as well as the norm bounds of the Hessian of the field function. The performance of the proposed control scheme is evaluated using a set of simulation experiments.Comment: Presented at the 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, US

    Newton Nonholonomic Source Seeking for Distance-Dependent Maps

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    The topics of source seeking and Newton-based extremum seeking have flourished, independently, but never combined. We present the first Newton-based source seeking algorithm. The algorithm employs forward velocity tuning, as in the very first source seeker for the unicycle, and incorporates an additional Riccati filter for inverting the Hessian inverse and feeding it into the demodulation signal. Using second-order Lie bracket averaging, we prove convergence to the source at a rate that is independent of the unknown Hessian of the map. The result is semiglobal and practical, for a map that is quadratic in the distance from the source. The paper presents a theory and simulations, which show advantage of the Newton-based over the gradient-based source seeking

    Underactuated Source Seeking by Surge Force Tuning: Theory and Boat Experiments

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    We extend source seeking algorithms, in the absence of position and velocity measurements, and with tuning of the surge input, from velocity-actuated (unicycle) kinematic models to force-actuated generic Euler-Lagrange dynamic underactuated models. In the design and analysis, we employ a symmetric product approximation, averaging, passivity, and partial-state stability theory. The proposed control law requires only real-time measurement of the source signal at the current position of the vehicle and ensures semi-global practical uniform asymptotic stability (SPUAS) with respect to the linear motion coordinates for the closed-loop system. The performance of our source seeker with surge force tuning is illustrated with both numerical simulations and experiments of an underactuated boat

    Source Seeking Control of Unicycle Robots with 3-D-Printed Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors

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    We present the design and experimental validation of source seeking control algorithms for a unicycle mobile robot that is equipped with novel 3D-printed flexible graphene-based piezoresistive airflow sensors. Based solely on a local gradient measurement from the airflow sensors, we propose and analyze a projected gradient ascent algorithm to solve the source seeking problem. In the case of partial sensor failure, we propose a combination of Extremum-Seeking Control with our projected gradient ascent algorithm. For both control laws, we prove the asymptotic convergence of the robot to the source. Numerical simulations were performed to validate the algorithms and experimental validations are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods

    Astrocyte Regulated Neuromorphic Central Pattern Generator Control of Legged Robotic Locomotion

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    Neuromorphic computing systems, where information is transmitted through action potentials in a bio-plausible fashion, is gaining increasing interest due to its promise of low-power event-driven computing. Application of neuromorphic computing in robotic locomotion research have largely focused on Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) for bionics robotic control algorithms - inspired from neural circuits governing the collaboration of the limb muscles in animal movement. Implementation of artificial CPGs on neuromorphic hardware platforms can potentially enable adaptive and energy-efficient edge robotics applications in resource constrained environments. However, underlying rewiring mechanisms in CPG for gait emergence process is not well understood. This work addresses the missing gap in literature pertaining to CPG plasticity and underscores the critical homeostatic functionality of astrocytes - a cellular component in the brain that is believed to play a major role in multiple brain functions. This paper introduces an astrocyte regulated Spiking Neural Network (SNN)-based CPG for learning locomotion gait through Reward-Modulated STDP for quadruped robots, where the astrocytes help build inhibitory connections among the artificial motor neurons in different limbs. The SNN-based CPG is simulated on a multi-object physics simulation platform resulting in the emergence of a trotting gait while running the robot on flat ground. 23.3×23.3\times computational power savings is observed in comparison to a state-of-the-art reinforcement learning based robot control algorithm. Such a neuroscience-algorithm co-design approach can potentially enable a quantum leap in the functionality of neuromorphic systems incorporating glial cell functionality

    Growth and migration of solids in evolving protostellar disks I: Methods and Analytical tests

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    This series of papers investigates the early stages of planet formation by modeling the evolution of the gas and solid content of protostellar disks from the early T Tauri phase until complete dispersal of the gas. In this first paper, I present a new set of simplified equations modeling the growth and migration of various species of grains in a gaseous protostellar disk evolving as a result of the combined effects of viscous accretion and photo-evaporation from the central star. Using the assumption that the grain size distribution function always maintains a power-law structure approximating the average outcome of the exact coagulation/shattering equation, the model focuses on the calculation of the growth rate of the largest grains only. The coupled evolution equations for the maximum grain size, the surface density of the gas and the surface density of solids are then presented and solved self-consistently using a standard 1+1 dimensional formalism. I show that the global evolution of solids is controlled by a leaky reservoir of small grains at large radii, and propose an empirically derived evolution equation for the total mass of solids, which can be used to estimate the total heavy element retention efficiency in the planet formation paradigm. Consistency with observation of the total mass of solids in the Minimum Solar Nebula augmented with the mass of the Oort cloud sets strong upper limit on the initial grain size distribution, as well as on the turbulent parameter \alphat. Detailed comparisons with SED observations are presented in a following paper.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 23 pages and 13 figure
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