6 research outputs found

    Analysis of a purely conductance-based stochastic nerve fibre model as applied to compound models of populations of human auditory nerve fibres used in cochlear implant simulations

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    The study presents the application of a purely conductance-based stochastic nerve fibre model to human auditory nerve fibres within finite element volume conduction models of a semi-generic head and user-specific cochleae. The stochastic, threshold and temporal characteristics of the human model are compared and successfully validated against physiological feline results with the application of a mono-polar, bi-phasic, cathodic first stimulus. Stochastic characteristics validated include: (i) the log(Relative Spread) versus log(fibre diameter) distribution for the discharge probability versus stimulus intensity plots and (ii) the required exponential membrane noise versus transmembrane voltage distribution. Intra-user, and to a lesser degree inter-user, comparisons are made with respect to threshold and dynamic range at short and long pulse widths for full versus degenerate single fibres as well as for populations of degenerate fibres of a single user having distributed and aligned somas with varying and equal diameters. Temporal characteristics validated through application of different stimulus pulse rates and different stimulus intensities include: (i) discharge rate, latency and latency standard deviation versus stimulus intensity, (ii) period histograms and (iii) interspike interval histograms. Although the stochastic population model does not reduce the modelled single deterministic fibre threshold, the simulated stochastic and temporal characteristics show that it could be used in future studies to model user-specific temporally encoded information, which influences the speech perception of CI users.http://link.springer.com/journal/4222018-12-30hj2018Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    A Model of Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve Fiber Responses with Peripheral and Central Sites of Spike Generation

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    A computational model of cat auditory nerve fiber (ANF) responses to electrical stimulation is presented. The model assumes that (1) there exist at least two sites of spike generation along the ANF and (2) both an anodic (positive) and a cathodic (negative) charge in isolation can evoke a spike. A single ANF is modeled as a network of two exponential integrateand-fire point-neuron models, referred to as peripheral and central axons of the ANF. The peripheral axon is excited by the cathodic charge, inhibited by the anodic charge, and exhibits longer spike latencies than the central axon; the central axon is excited by the anodic charge, inhibited by the cathodic charge, and exhibits shorter spike latencies than the peripheral axon. The model also includes subthreshold and suprathreshold adaptive feedback loops which continuously modify the membrane potential and can account for effects of facilitation, accommodation, refractoriness, and spike-rate adaptation in ANF. Although the model is parameterized using data for either single or paired pulse stimulation with monophasic rectangular pulses, it correctly predicts effects of various stimulus pulse shapes, stimulation pulse rates, and level on the neural response statistics. The model may serve as a framework to explore the effects of different stimulus parameters on psychophysical performance measured in cochlear implant listeners

    Temporal integration in cochlear implants and the effect of high pulse rates

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    Although cochlear implants (CIs) have proven to be an invaluable help for many people afflicted with severe hearing loss, there are still many hurdles left before a full restoration of hearing. A better understanding of how individual stimuli in a pulse train interact temporally to form a conjoined percept, and what effects the stimulation rate has on the percept of loudness will be beneficial for further improvements in the development of new coding strategies and thus in the quality of life of CI-wearers. Two experiments presented here deal on the topic of temporal integration with CIs, and raise the question of the effects of the high stimulation rates made possible by the broad spread of stimulation. To this effect, curves of equal loudness were measured as a function of pulse train length for different stimulation characteristics. In the first exploratory experiment, threshold and maximum acceptable loudness (MAL) were measured, and the existence and behaviour of the critical duration of integration in cochlear implants is discussed. In the second experiment, the effect of level was further investigated by including MAL measurements at shorter durations, as well as a line of equal loudness at a comfortable level. It is found that the amount of temporal integration (the slope of integration as a function of duration) is greatly decreased in electrical hearing compared to acoustic hearing. The higher stimulation rates seem to have a compensating effect on this, increasing the slope with increasing rate. The highest rates investigated here lead to slopes that are even comparable to those found in persons with normal hearing and hearing impaired. The rate also has an increasing effect on the dynamic range, which is otherwise taken to be a correlate of good performance. The values presented here point towards larger effects of rate on dynamic range than what has been found so far in the literature for more moderate ranges. While rate effects on threshold, dynamic range and integration slope seem to act uniformly for the different test subjects, the critical duration of integration varies strongly but in a non-consistent way, possibly reflecting more central, individual-specific effects. Additionally, measurements on the voltage spread of human CI-wearers are presented which are used to validate a 3D computational model of the human cochlea developed in our group. The theoretical model falls squarely inside of the distribution of measurements. A single, implant dependent voltage-offset seems to adequately explain most of the variability

    Pulsatile electrical stimulation of auditory nerve fibres : a modelling approach

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    A stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire nerve model with a dynamical threshold (LIFDT) has been derived for the neural response to sinusoidal electrical stimulation. The LIFDT model incorporates both the refractory effects and the accommodation effects in the interpulse interactions. In this thesis, this phenomenological nerve model is extended for the neural response to pulsatile electrical stimulation, which is widely used in cochlear implants as it reduces inter channel interference. Neurophysiological data from adult guinea pigs were fitted to the LIFDT model. First, the parameters were constrained by the Input/output (I/O) curve analysis. Analysis of the data showed strong accommodation effects. The figures of I/O function for each pulse were plotted according to the physiological data. Fitting the I/O function of the data constrained the value of four variables of LIFDT model. The other five parameters were “optimised by eye”. Although the LIFDT is built with stimulus-dependent threshold, the response of short duration biphasic pulsatile stimuli exhibits weak accommodation effects. Then, in order to avoid the complication of full optimization, analytical approximation of the LIFDT model was derived for pulsatile electrical stimulation. It improves computational efficiency and provides information on how the parameters of the LIFDT model affect the accommodation effects. Theoretical predictions indicate that the LIFDT model could not capture the strong accommodation effects in the neurophysiological data due to structural problems. Alternatively, a Markov renewal process model was utilized to track the pulsetrain response. The stationary and non-stationary Markov renewal process models were fitted to the neurophysiological data. Both models can interpret the conventional PST histograms into conditional probabilities, which are directly related to the interpulse intervals. The consistent results from those two models provide a qualitative analysis of the accommodation characteristics