897 research outputs found

    Novel design of a soft lightweight pneumatic continuum robot arm with decoupled variable stiffness and positioning

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    Soft robot arms possess unique capabilities when it comes to adaptability, flexibility and dexterity. In addition, soft systems that are pneumatically actuated can claim high power to weight ratio. One of the main drawbacks of pneumatically actuated soft arms is that their stiffness cannot be varied independently from their end-effector position in space. The novel robot arm physical design presented in this paper successfully decouples its end-effector positioning from its stiffness. An experimental characterisation of this ability is coupled with a mathematical analysis. The arm combines the light weight, high payload to weight ratio and robustness of pneumatic actuation with the adaptability and versatility of variable stiffness. Light weight is a vital component of the inherent safety approach to physical human-robot interaction. In order to characterise the arm, a neural network analysis of the curvature of the arm for different input pressures is performed. The curvature-pressure relationship is also characterised experimentally

    Design of Soft Composite Finger with Adjustable Joint Stiffness

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    This research presents the design of a soft composite finger with tunable joint stiffness. The composite finger, made from two different types of silicone, has hybrid actuation principle combining tendon and pneumatic actuation schemes. Tendons control the finger shape in a prescribed direction to demonstrate discrete bending behavior due to different material moduli, similar to the human finger’s discrete bending. Whereas, pneumatic actuation changes the stiffness of joints using air chambers. The feasibility of adjustable stiffness joints is proven using both the parallel spring-damper model and experiments, demonstrating the stiffening effect when pressurized. A set of experiments were also conducted on fingers with four different chamber designs to see the effect of chamber shape on stiffening and the discrete bending capability of the finger. These stiffened fingers lead to firm grasp as they constrain the object better and apply higher grasping force. The gripper made up of soft composite fingers can grasp objects of various sizes, shapes and in different orientations

    The Research on Soft Pneumatic Actuators in Italy: Design Solutions and Applications

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    Interest in soft actuators has increased enormously in the last 10 years. Thanks to their compliance and flexibility, they are suitable to be employed to actuate devices that must safely interact with humans or delicate objects or to actuate bio-inspired robots able to move in hostile environments. This paper reviews the research on soft pneumatic actuators conducted in Italy, focusing on mechanical design, analytical modeling, and possible application. A classification based on the geometry is proposed, since a wide set of architectures and manufacturing solutions are available. This aspect is confirmed by the extent of scenarios in which researchers take advantage of such systems’ improved flexibility and functionality. Several applications regarding bio-robotics, bioengineering, wearable devices, and more are presented and discussed

    Quasi-Articulation of a Continuous Robotic Manipulator Enabled by Stiffness-Switching Origami Joints

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    Soft robots possess a nearly infinite number of kinematic degrees of freedom due to the compliance of their underlying materials which enables them to accomplish incredible feats of movement and adaptation. However, their severely underactuated structures limit their controllability and the degree of precision that can be achieved. As demonstrated by the octopus when fetching prey, it is possible to achieve precise movement in an otherwise “soft” arm by stiffening select sections of the arm while keeping other sections flexible, in effect generating a quasi-articulated structure and reducing the degrees of freedom from practically infinite to a finite number of angles. In this study, we use the bistable generalized Kresling origami to emulate this strategy. Both experimental and computational modeling procedures are conducted to evaluate the bending mechanics of the structure at each of its two stable states (extended and contracted). As the model accurately predicts the major trends observed in experiments, it is used to perform a parametric study on the bending stiffness ratio, defined as the ratio of bending stiffness at the extended state to the bending stiffness at the contracted state. Using the results of the parametric study, we discover that the Kresling design which maximizes the bending stiffness ratio is that possessing the greatest angle ratio λ, the lowest contracted height Lc, and the largest number of sides of the base polygon n, enabling the transformation of the structure from rigid to flexible. To complete the study, we use the optimal Kresling design in the fabrication of a tendon-driven reconfigurable manipulator composed of three Kresling modules. We find that by reconfiguring the Kresling module states (rigid or flexible), the manipulator can effectively transform into 2m different configurations where m corresponds to the number of modules. Through this reconfiguration, the manipulator can generate a quasi-articulated structure which reduces its effective degrees of freedom and enables linkage-like motion. Unlike other methods of stiffness modulation, this solution reduces system complexity by using a bistable structure as both the body of the robot and as a mechanism of stiffness-switching. The structure’s primary reliance on geometry for its properties makes it a scalable solution, which is appealing for minimally invasive surgical applications where both precision and adaptability are vital. The manipulator may also be used as an inspection or exploration robot to access areas that may be inaccessible to humans or rigid robots

    A Lightweight Modular Continuum Manipulator with IMU-based Force Estimation

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    Most aerial manipulators use serial rigid-link designs, which results in large forces when initiating contacts during manipulation and could cause flight stability difficulty. This limitation could potentially be improved by the compliance of continuum manipulators. To achieve this goal, we present the novel design of a compact, lightweight, and modular cable-driven continuum manipulator for aerial drones. We then derive a complete modeling framework for its kinematics, statics, and stiffness (compliance). The modeling framework can guide the control and design problems to integrate the manipulator to aerial drones. In addition, thanks to the derived stiffness (compliance) matrix, and using a low-cost IMU sensor to capture deformation angles, we present a simple method to estimate manipulation force at the tip of the manipulator. We report preliminary experimental validations of the hardware prototype, providing insights on its manipulation feasibility. We also report preliminary results of the IMU-based force estimation method.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 2022, under review. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0624

    A Dexterous Tip-extending Robot with Variable-length Shape-locking

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    Soft, tip-extending "vine" robots offer a unique mode of inspection and manipulation in highly constrained environments. For practicality, it is desirable that the distal end of the robot can be manipulated freely, while the body remains stationary. However, in previous vine robots, either the shape of the body was fixed after growth with no ability to manipulate the distal end, or the whole body moved together with the tip. Here, we present a concept for shape-locking that enables a vine robot to move only its distal tip, while the body is locked in place. This is achieved using two inextensible, pressurized, tip-extending, chambers that "grow" along the sides of the robot body, preserving curvature in the section where they have been deployed. The length of the locked and free sections can be varied by controlling the extension and retraction of these chambers. We present models describing this shape-locking mechanism and workspace of the robot in both free and constrained environments. We experimentally validate these models, showing an increased dexterous workspace compared to previous vine robots. Our shape-locking concept allows improved performance for vine robots, advancing the field of soft robotics for inspection and manipulation in highly constrained environments.Comment: 7 pages,10 figures. Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Rootics and Automation (ICRA) 202

    A geometry deformation model for braided continuum manipulators

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    © 2017 Sadati, Naghibi, Shiva, Noh, Gupta, Walker, Althoefer and Nanayakkara. Continuum manipulators have gained significant attention in the robotic community due to their high dexterity, deformability, and reachability. Modeling of such manipulators has been shown to be very complex and challenging. Despite many research attempts, a general and comprehensive modeling method is yet to be established. In this paper, for the first time, we introduce the bending effect in the model of a braided extensile pneumatic actuator with both stiff and bendable threads. Then, the effect of the manipulator cross-section deformation on the constant curvature and variable curvature models is investigated using simple analytical results from a novel geometry deformation method and is compared to experimental results. We achieve 38% mean reference error simulation accuracy using our constant curvature model for a braided continuum manipulator in presence of body load and 10% using our variable curvature model in presence of extensive external loads. With proper model assumptions and taking to account the cross-section deformation, a 7-13% increase in the simulation mean error accuracy is achieved compared to a fixed cross-section model. The presented models can be used for the exact modeling and design optimization of compound continuum manipulators by providing an analytical tool for the sensitivity analysis of the manipulator performance. Our main aim is the application in minimal invasive manipulation with limited workspaces and manipulators with regional tunable stiffness in their cross section.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), European Union H2020 project FourByThre

    3D printed pneumatic soft actuators and sensors: their modeling, performance quantification, control and applications in soft robotic systems

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    Continued technological progress in robotic systems has led to more applications where robots and humans operate in close proximity and even physical contact in some cases. Soft robots, which are primarily made of highly compliant and deformable materials, provide inherently safe features, unlike conventional robots that are made of stiff and rigid components. These robots are ideal for interacting safely with humans and operating in highly dynamic environments. Soft robotics is a rapidly developing field exploiting biomimetic design principles, novel sensor and actuation concepts, and advanced manufacturing techniques. This work presents novel soft pneumatic actuators and sensors that are directly 3D printed in one manufacturing step without requiring postprocessing and support materials using low-cost and open-source fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers that employ an off-the-shelf commercially available soft thermoplastic poly(urethane) (TPU). The performance of the soft actuators and sensors developed is optimized and predicted using finite element modeling (FEM) analytical models in some cases. A hyperelastic material model is developed for the TPU based on its experimental stress-strain data for use in FEM analysis. The novel soft vacuum bending (SOVA) and linear (LSOVA) actuators reported can be used in diverse robotic applications including locomotion robots, adaptive grippers, parallel manipulators, artificial muscles, modular robots, prosthetic hands, and prosthetic fingers. Also, the novel soft pneumatic sensing chambers (SPSC) developed can be used in diverse interactive human-machine interfaces including wearable gloves for virtual reality applications and controllers for soft adaptive grippers, soft push buttons for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education platforms, haptic feedback devices for rehabilitation, game controllers and throttle controllers for gaming and bending sensors for soft prosthetic hands. These SPSCs are directly 3D printed and embedded in a monolithic soft robotic finger as position and touch sensors for real-time position and force control. One of the aims of soft robotics is to design and fabricate robotic systems with a monolithic topology embedded with its actuators and sensors such that they can safely interact with their immediate physical environment. The results and conclusions of this thesis have significantly contributed to the realization of this aim
