1 research outputs found

    stick textures for image-based rendering

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    兵团边境农牧团场以屯垦戍边为已任,着力解决其在社会平等、解除贫困、生态建设等方面的问题,是新时期国家、特别是兵团面临的重大课题。一、加强边境农牧团场建设的重大意义 50年来,兵团忠实地履行党中央赋予的屯垦戍边的神圣使命,我国几代领导人都高度重视兵团的建设、发This paper presents a new data structure, called stick textures, to give a continuous and compact 3D representation of the scene displayed in depth images. A stick texture is constructed for each pixel of a depth image, composed of the interp