4,018 research outputs found

    Digital-Analog Quantum Simulations with Superconducting Circuits

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    Quantum simulations consist in the intentional reproduction of physical or unphysical models into another more controllable quantum system. Beyond establishing communication vessels between unconnected fields, they promise to solve complex problems which may be considered as intractable for classical computers. From a historic perspective, two independent approaches have been pursued, namely, digital and analog quantum simulations. The former usually provide universality and flexibility, while the latter allows for better scalability. Here, we review recent literature merging both paradigms in the context of superconducting circuits, yielding: digital-analog quantum simulations. In this manner, we aim at getting the best of both approaches in the most advanced quantum platform involving superconducting qubits and microwave transmission lines. The discussed merge of quantum simulation concepts, digital and analog, may open the possibility in the near future for outperforming classical computers in relevant problems, enabling the reach of a quantum advantage.Comment: Review article, 26 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement creation in circuit QED via Landau-Zener sweeps

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    A qubit may undergo Landau-Zener transitions due to its coupling to one or several quantum harmonic oscillators. We show that for a qubit coupled to one oscillator, Landau-Zener transitions can be used for single-photon generation and for the controllable creation of qubit-oscillator entanglement, with state-of-the-art circuit QED as a promising realization. Moreover, for a qubit coupled to two cavities, we show that Landau-Zener sweeps of the qubit are well suited for the robust creation of entangled cavity states, in particular symmetric Bell states, with the qubit acting as the entanglement mediator. At the heart of our proposals lies the calculation of the exact Landau-Zener transition probability for the qubit, by summing all orders of the corresponding series in time-dependent perturbation theory. This transition probability emerges to be independent of the oscillator frequencies, both inside and outside the regime where a rotating-wave approximation is valid.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    One qubit and one photon -- the simplest polaritonic heat engine

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    Hybrid quantum systems can often be described in terms of polaritons. These are quasiparticles formed of superpositions of their constituents, with relative weights depending on some control parameter in their interaction. In many cases, these constituents are coupled to reservoirs at different temperatures. This suggests a general approach to the realization of polaritonic heat engines where a thermodynamic cycle is realized by tuning this control parameter. Here we discuss what is arguably the simplest such engine, a single qubit coupled to a single photon. We show that this system can extract work from feeble thermal microwave fields. We also propose a quantum measurement scheme of the work and evaluate its back-action on the operation of the engine.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, new contents adde