2 research outputs found

    kk-tree connectivity of line graphs

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    For a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set S⊆V(G)S\subseteq V(G) of size at least 22, an SS-Steiner tree TT is a subgraph of GG that is a tree with S⊆V(T)S\subseteq V(T). Two SS-Steiner trees TT and T′T' are internally disjoint (resp. edge-disjoint) if E(T)∩E(T′)=∅E(T)\cap E(T')=\emptyset and V(T)∩V(T′)=SV(T)\cap V(T')=S (resp. if E(T)∩E(T′)=∅E(T)\cap E(T')=\emptyset). Let κG(S)\kappa_G (S) (resp. λG(S)\lambda_G (S)) denote the maximum number of internally disjoint (resp. edge-disjoint) SS-Steiner trees in GG. The kk-tree connectivity κk(G)\kappa_k(G) (resp. kk-tree edge-connectivity λk(G)\lambda_k(G)) of GG is then defined as the minimum κG(S)\kappa_G (S) (resp. λG(S)\lambda_G (S)), where SS ranges over all kk-subsets of V(G)V(G). In [H. Li, B. Wu, J. Meng, Y. Ma, Steiner tree packing number and tree connectivity, Discrete Math. 341(2018), 1945--1951], the authors conjectured that if a connected graph GG has at least kk vertices and at least kk edges, then κk(L(G))≥λk(G)\kappa_k(L(G))\geq \lambda_k(G) for any k≥2k\geq 2, where L(G)L(G) is the line graph of GG. In this paper, we confirm this conjecture and prove that the bound is sharp

    The generalized connectivity of some regular graphs

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    The generalized kk-connectivity κk(G)\kappa_{k}(G) of a graph GG is a parameter that can measure the reliability of a network GG to connect any kk vertices in GG, which is proved to be NP-complete for a general graph GG. Let S⊆V(G)S\subseteq V(G) and κG(S)\kappa_{G}(S) denote the maximum number rr of edge-disjoint trees T1,T2,⋯ ,TrT_{1}, T_{2}, \cdots, T_{r} in GG such that V(Ti)⋂V(Tj)=SV(T_{i})\bigcap V(T_{j})=S for any i,j∈{1,2,⋯ ,r}i, j \in \{1, 2, \cdots, r\} and i≠ji\neq j. For an integer kk with 2≤k≤n2\leq k\leq n, the {\em generalized kk-connectivity} of a graph GG is defined as κk(G)=min{κG(S)∣S⊆V(G)\kappa_{k}(G)= min\{\kappa_{G}(S)|S\subseteq V(G) and ∣S∣=k}|S|=k\}. In this paper, we study the generalized 33-connectivity of some general mm-regular and mm-connected graphs GnG_{n} constructed recursively and obtain that κ3(Gn)=m−1\kappa_{3}(G_{n})=m-1, which attains the upper bound of κ3(G)\kappa_{3}(G) [Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) 2147-2163] given by Li {\em et al.} for G=GnG=G_{n}. As applications of the main result, the generalized 33-connectivity of many famous networks such as the alternating group graph AGnAG_{n}, the kk-ary nn-cube QnkQ_{n}^{k}, the split-star network Sn2S_{n}^{2} and the bubble-sort-star graph BSnBS_{n} etc. can be obtained directly.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure