573 research outputs found

    Inferring context-sensitive probablistic boolean networks from gene expression data under multi-biological conditions

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    In recent years biological microarrays have emerged as a high-throughput data acquisition technology in bioinformatics. In conjunction with this, there is an increasing need to develop frameworks for the formal analysis of biological pathways. A modeling approach defined as Probabilistic Boolean Networks (PBNs) was proposed for inferring genetic regulatory networks [1]. This technology, an extension of Boolean Networks [2], is able to capture the time-varying dependencies with deterministic probabilities for a series of sets of predictor functions

    Entropy of complex relevant components of Boolean networks

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    Boolean network models of strongly connected modules are capable of capturing the high regulatory complexity of many biological gene regulatory circuits. We study numerically the previously introduced basin entropy, a parameter for the dynamical uncertainty or information storage capacity of a network as well as the average transient time in random relevant components as a function of their connectivity. We also demonstrate that basin entropy can be estimated from time-series data and is therefore also applicable to non-deterministic networks models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Boolean Models of Genomic Regulatory Networks: Reduction Mappings, Inference, and External Control

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    Computational modeling of genomic regulation has become an important focus of systems biology and genomic signal processing for the past several years. It holds the promise to uncover both the structure and dynamical properties of the complex gene, protein or metabolic networks responsible for the cell functioning in various contexts and regimes. This, in turn, will lead to the development of optimal intervention strategies for prevention and control of disease. At the same time, constructing such computational models faces several challenges. High complexity is one of the major impediments for the practical applications of the models. Thus, reducing the size/complexity of a model becomes a critical issue in problems such as model selection, construction of tractable subnetwork models, and control of its dynamical behavior. We focus on the reduction problem in the context of two specific models of genomic regulation: Boolean networks with perturbation (BNP) and probabilistic Boolean networks (PBN). We also compare and draw a parallel between the reduction problem and two other important problems of computational modeling of genomic networks: the problem of network inference and the problem of designing external control policies for intervention/altering the dynamics of the model

    Intervention in gene regulatory networks via greedy control policies based on long-run behavior

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A salient purpose for studying gene regulatory networks is to derive intervention strategies, the goals being to identify potential drug targets and design gene-based therapeutic intervention. Optimal stochastic control based on the transition probability matrix of the underlying Markov chain has been studied extensively for probabilistic Boolean networks. Optimization is based on minimization of a cost function and a key goal of control is to reduce the steady-state probability mass of undesirable network states. Owing to computational complexity, it is difficult to apply optimal control for large networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose three new greedy stationary control policies by directly investigating the effects on the network long-run behavior. Similar to the recently proposed mean-first-passage-time (MFPT) control policy, these policies do not depend on minimization of a cost function and avoid the computational burden of dynamic programming. They can be used to design stationary control policies that avoid the need for a user-defined cost function because they are based directly on long-run network behavior; they can be used as an alternative to dynamic programming algorithms when the latter are computationally prohibitive; and they can be used to predict the best control gene with reduced computational complexity, even when one is employing dynamic programming to derive the final control policy. We compare the performance of these three greedy control policies and the MFPT policy using randomly generated probabilistic Boolean networks and give a preliminary example for intervening in a mammalian cell cycle network.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The newly proposed control policies have better performance in general than the MFPT policy and, as indicated by the results on the mammalian cell cycle network, they can potentially serve as future gene therapeutic intervention strategies.</p
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