4 research outputs found

    Highly scalable algorithms for scheduling tasks and provisioning machines on heterogeneous computing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references.2015 Summer.As high performance computing systems increase in size, new and more efficient algorithms are needed to schedule work on the machines, understand the performance trade-offs inherent in the system, and determine which machines to provision. The extreme scale of these newer systems requires unique task scheduling algorithms that are capable of handling millions of tasks and thousands of machines. A highly scalable scheduling algorithm is developed that computes high quality schedules, especially for large problem sizes. Large-scale computing systems also consume vast amounts of electricity, leading to high operating costs. Through the use of novel resource allocation techniques, system administrators can examine this trade-off space to quantify how much a given performance level will cost in electricity, or see what kind of performance can be expected when given an energy budget. Trading-off energy and makespan is often difficult for companies because it is unclear how each affects the profit. A monetary-based model of high performance computing is presented and a highly scalable algorithm is developed to quickly find the schedule that maximizes the profit per unit time. As more high performance computing needs are being met with cloud computing, algorithms are needed to determine the types of machines that are best suited to a particular workload. An algorithm is designed to find the best set of computing resources to allocate to the workload that takes into account the uncertainty in the task arrival rates, task execution times, and power consumption. Reward rate, cost, failure rate, and power consumption can be optimized, as desired, to optimally trade-off these conflicting objectives

    Resource management in heterogeneous computing systems with tasks of varying importance

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    2014 Summer.The problem of efficiently assigning tasks to machines in heterogeneous computing environments where different tasks can have different levels of importance (or value) to the computing system is a challenging one. The goal of this work is to study this problem in a variety of environments. One part of the study considers a computing system and its corresponding workload based on the expectations for future environments of Department of Energy and Department of Defense interest. We design heuristics to maximize a performance metric created using utility functions. We also create a framework to analyze the trade-offs between performance and energy consumption. We design techniques to maximize performance in a dynamic environment that has a constraint on the energy consumption. Another part of the study explores environments that have uncertainty in the availability of the compute resources. For this part, we design heuristics and compare their performance in different types of environments

    Resource management for heterogeneous computing systems: utility maximization, energy-aware scheduling, and multi-objective optimization

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    Includes bibliographical references.2015 Summer.As high performance heterogeneous computing systems continually become faster, the operating cost to run these systems has increased. A significant portion of the operating costs can be attributed to the amount of energy required for these systems to operate. To reduce these costs it is important for system administrators to operate these systems in an energy efficient manner. Additionally, it is important to be able to measure the performance of a given system so that the impacts of operating at different levels of energy efficiency can be analyzed. The goal of this research is to examine how energy and system performance interact with each other for a variety of environments. One part of this study considers a computing system and its corresponding workload based on the expectations for future environments of Department of Energy and Department of Defense interest. Numerous Heuristics are presented that maximize a performance metric created using utility functions. Additional heuristics and energy filtering techniques have been designed for a computing system that has the goal of maximizing the total utility earned while being subject to an energy constraint. A framework has been established to analyze the trade-offs between performance (utility earned) and energy consumption. Stochastic models are used to create "fuzzy" Pareto fronts to analyze the variability of solutions along the Pareto front when uncertainties in execution time and power consumption are present within a system. In addition to using utility earned as a measure of system performance, system makespan has also been studied. Finally, a framework has been developed that enables the investigation of the effects of P-states and memory interference on energy consumption and system performance