3 research outputs found

    Online Evaluation for Effective Web Service Development

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    Development of the majority of the leading web services and software products today is generally guided by data-driven decisions based on evaluation that ensures a steady stream of updates, both in terms of quality and quantity. Large internet companies use online evaluation on a day-to-day basis and at a large scale. The number of smaller companies using A/B testing in their development cycle is also growing. Web development across the board strongly depends on quality of experimentation platforms. In this tutorial, we overview state-of-the-art methods underlying everyday evaluation pipelines at some of the leading Internet companies. Software engineers, designers, analysts, service or product managers --- beginners, advanced specialists, and researchers --- can learn how to make web service development data-driven and do it effectively

    Evaluating Personal Assistants on Mobile devices

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    The iPhone was introduced only a decade ago in 2007 but has fundamentally changed the way we interact with online information. Mobile devices differ radically from classic command-based and point-and-click user interfaces, now allowing for gesture-based interaction using fine-grained touch and swipe signals. Due to the rapid growth in the use of voice-controlled intelligent personal assistants on mobile devices, such as Microsoft's Cortana, Google Now, and Apple's Siri, mobile devices have become personal, allowing us to be online all the time, and assist us in any task, both in work and in our daily lives, making context a crucial factor to consider. Mobile usage is now exceeding desktop usage, and is still growing at a rapid rate, yet our main ways of training and evaluating personal assistants are still based on (and framed in) classical desktop interactions, focusing on explicit queries, clicks, and dwell time spent. However, modern user interaction with mobile devices is radically different due to touch screens with a gesture- and voice-based control and the varying context of use, e.g., in a car, by bike, often invalidating the assumptions underlying today's user satisfaction evaluation. There is an urgent need to understand voice- and gesture-based interaction, taking all interaction signals and context into account in appropriate ways. We propose a research agenda for developing methods to evaluate and improve context-aware user satisfaction with mobile interactions using gesture-based signals at scale

    On Post-Selection Inference in A/B Tests

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    When interpreting A/B tests, we typically focus only on the statistically significant results and take them by face value. This practice, termed post-selection inference in the statistical literature, may negatively affect both point estimation and uncertainty quantification, and therefore hinder trustworthy decision making in A/B testing. To address this issue, in this paper we explore two seemingly unrelated paths, one based on supervised machine learning and the other on empirical Bayes, and propose post-selection inferential approaches that combine the strengths of both. Through large-scale simulated and empirical examples, we demonstrate that our proposed methodologies stand out among other existing ones in both reducing post-selection biases and improving confidence interval coverage rates, and discuss how they can be conveniently adjusted to real-life scenarios