2,136 research outputs found

    A Generalized Framework on Beamformer Design and CSI Acquisition for Single-Carrier Massive MIMO Systems in Millimeter Wave Channels

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    In this paper, we establish a general framework on the reduced dimensional channel state information (CSI) estimation and pre-beamformer design for frequency-selective massive multiple-input multiple-output MIMO systems employing single-carrier (SC) modulation in time division duplex (TDD) mode by exploiting the joint angle-delay domain channel sparsity in millimeter (mm) wave frequencies. First, based on a generic subspace projection taking the joint angle-delay power profile and user-grouping into account, the reduced rank minimum mean square error (RR-MMSE) instantaneous CSI estimator is derived for spatially correlated wideband MIMO channels. Second, the statistical pre-beamformer design is considered for frequency-selective SC massive MIMO channels. We examine the dimension reduction problem and subspace (beamspace) construction on which the RR-MMSE estimation can be realized as accurately as possible. Finally, a spatio-temporal domain correlator type reduced rank channel estimator, as an approximation of the RR-MMSE estimate, is obtained by carrying out least square (LS) estimation in a proper reduced dimensional beamspace. It is observed that the proposed techniques show remarkable robustness to the pilot interference (or contamination) with a significant reduction in pilot overhead

    Two-Stage Subspace Constrained Precoding in Massive MIMO Cellular Systems

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    We propose a subspace constrained precoding scheme that exploits the spatial channel correlation structure in massive MIMO cellular systems to fully unleash the tremendous gain provided by massive antenna array with reduced channel state information (CSI) signaling overhead. The MIMO precoder at each base station (BS) is partitioned into an inner precoder and a Transmit (Tx) subspace control matrix. The inner precoder is adaptive to the local CSI at each BS for spatial multiplexing gain. The Tx subspace control is adaptive to the channel statistics for inter-cell interference mitigation and Quality of Service (QoS) optimization. Specifically, the Tx subspace control is formulated as a QoS optimization problem which involves an SINR chance constraint where the probability of each user's SINR not satisfying a service requirement must not exceed a given outage probability. Such chance constraint cannot be handled by the existing methods due to the two stage precoding structure. To tackle this, we propose a bi-convex approximation approach, which consists of three key ingredients: random matrix theory, chance constrained optimization and semidefinite relaxation. Then we propose an efficient algorithm to find the optimal solution of the resulting bi-convex approximation problem. Simulations show that the proposed design has significant gain over various baselines.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Downlink channel spatial covariance estimation in realistic FDD massive MIMO systems

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    The knowledge of the downlink (DL) channel spatial covariance matrix at the BS is of fundamental importance for large-scale array systems operating in frequency division duplexing (FDD) mode. In particular, this knowledge plays a key role in the DL channel state information (CSI) acquisition. In the massive MIMO regime, traditional schemes based on DL pilots are severely limited by the covariance feedback and the DL training overhead. To overcome this problem, many authors have proposed to obtain an estimate of the DL spatial covariance based on uplink (UL) measurements. However, many of these approaches rely on simple channel models, and they are difficult to extend to more complex models that take into account important effects of propagation in 3D environments and of dual-polarized antenna arrays. In this study we propose a novel technique that takes into account the aforementioned effects, in compliance with the requirements of modern 4G and 5G system designs. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: [v2] is the version accepted at GlobalSIP 2018. Only minor changes mainly in the introductio

    FDD massive MIMO channel spatial covariance conversion using projection methods

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    Knowledge of second-order statistics of channels (e.g. in the form of covariance matrices) is crucial for the acquisition of downlink channel state information (CSI) in massive MIMO systems operating in the frequency division duplexing (FDD) mode. Current MIMO systems usually obtain downlink covariance information via feedback of the estimated covariance matrix from the user equipment (UE), but in the massive MIMO regime this approach is infeasible because of the unacceptably high training overhead. This paper considers instead the problem of estimating the downlink channel covariance from uplink measurements. We propose two variants of an algorithm based on projection methods in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space that exploit channel reciprocity properties in the angular domain. The proposed schemes are evaluated via Monte Carlo simulations, and they are shown to outperform current state-of-the art solutions in terms of accuracy and complexity, for typical array geometries and duplex gaps.Comment: Paper accepted on 29/01/2018 for presentation at ICASSP 201

    Massive MIMO is a Reality -- What is Next? Five Promising Research Directions for Antenna Arrays

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    Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is no longer a "wild" or "promising" concept for future cellular networks - in 2018 it became a reality. Base stations (BSs) with 64 fully digital transceiver chains were commercially deployed in several countries, the key ingredients of Massive MIMO have made it into the 5G standard, the signal processing methods required to achieve unprecedented spectral efficiency have been developed, and the limitation due to pilot contamination has been resolved. Even the development of fully digital Massive MIMO arrays for mmWave frequencies - once viewed prohibitively complicated and costly - is well underway. In a few years, Massive MIMO with fully digital transceivers will be a mainstream feature at both sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequencies. In this paper, we explain how the first chapter of the Massive MIMO research saga has come to an end, while the story has just begun. The coming wide-scale deployment of BSs with massive antenna arrays opens the door to a brand new world where spatial processing capabilities are omnipresent. In addition to mobile broadband services, the antennas can be used for other communication applications, such as low-power machine-type or ultra-reliable communications, as well as non-communication applications such as radar, sensing and positioning. We outline five new Massive MIMO related research directions: Extremely large aperture arrays, Holographic Massive MIMO, Six-dimensional positioning, Large-scale MIMO radar, and Intelligent Massive MIMO.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Digital Signal Processin

    Beamspace Aware Adaptive Channel Estimation for Single-Carrier Time-varying Massive MIMO Channels

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    In this paper, the problem of sequential beam construction and adaptive channel estimation based on reduced rank (RR) Kalman filtering for frequency-selective massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems employing single-carrier (SC) in time division duplex (TDD) mode are considered. In two-stage beamforming, a new algorithm for statistical pre-beamformer design is proposed for spatially correlated time-varying wideband MIMO channels under the assumption that the channel is a stationary Gauss-Markov random process. The proposed algorithm yields a nearly optimal pre-beamformer whose beam pattern is designed sequentially with low complexity by taking the user-grouping into account, and exploiting the properties of Kalman filtering and associated prediction error covariance matrices. The resulting design, based on the second order statistical properties of the channel, generates beamspace on which the RR Kalman estimator can be realized as accurately as possible. It is observed that the adaptive channel estimation technique together with the proposed sequential beamspace construction shows remarkable robustness to the pilot interference. This comes with significant reduction in both pilot overhead and dimension of the pre-beamformer lowering both hardware complexity and power consumption.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposiu

    Massive MIMO for Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity

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    Massive MIMO is considered to be one of the key technologies in the emerging 5G systems, but also a concept applicable to other wireless systems. Exploiting the large number of degrees of freedom (DoFs) of massive MIMO essential for achieving high spectral efficiency, high data rates and extreme spatial multiplexing of densely distributed users. On the one hand, the benefits of applying massive MIMO for broadband communication are well known and there has been a large body of research on designing communication schemes to support high rates. On the other hand, using massive MIMO for Internet-of-Things (IoT) is still a developing topic, as IoT connectivity has requirements and constraints that are significantly different from the broadband connections. In this paper we investigate the applicability of massive MIMO to IoT connectivity. Specifically, we treat the two generic types of IoT connections envisioned in 5G: massive machine-type communication (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). This paper fills this important gap by identifying the opportunities and challenges in exploiting massive MIMO for IoT connectivity. We provide insights into the trade-offs that emerge when massive MIMO is applied to mMTC or URLLC and present a number of suitable communication schemes. The discussion continues to the questions of network slicing of the wireless resources and the use of massive MIMO to simultaneously support IoT connections with very heterogeneous requirements. The main conclusion is that massive MIMO can bring benefits to the scenarios with IoT connectivity, but it requires tight integration of the physical-layer techniques with the protocol design.Comment: Submitted for publicatio