3 research outputs found

    Statistical Concurrent Non-malleable Zero-knowledge from One-way Functions

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    Concurrent non-malleable zero-knowledge (CNMZK) protocols are zero-knowledge protocols that provides security even when adversaries interacts with multiple provers and verifiers simultaneously. It is known that CNMZK arguments for NP can be constructed in the plain model. Furthermore, it was recently shown that statistical CNMZK arguments for NP can also be constructed in the plain model. However, although the former requires only the existence of one-way functions, the latter requires the DDH assumption. In this paper, we construct a statistical CNMZK argument for NP assuming only the existence of one-way functions. The security is proven via black-box simulation, and the round complexity is poly(n). Furthermore, under the existence of collision-resistant hash functions, the round complexity is reduced to w(log n), which is essentially optimal for black-box concurrent zero-knowledge protocols

    Continuous NMC Secure Against Permutations and Overwrites, with Applications to CCA Secure Commitments

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    Non-Malleable Codes (NMC) were introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs in ICS 2010 as a relaxation of error correcting codes and error detecting codes. Faust, Mukherjee, Nielsen, and Venturi in TCC 2014 introduced an even stronger notion of non-malleable codes called continuous non-malleable codes where security is achieved against continuous tampering of a single codeword without re-encoding. We construct information theoretically secure CNMC resilient to bit permutations and overwrites, this is the first Continuous NMC constructed outside of the split-state model. In this work we also study relations between the CNMC and parallel CCA commitments. We show that the CNMC can be used to bootstrap a self-destruct parallel CCA bit commitment to a self-destruct parallel CCA string commitment, where self-destruct parallel CCA is a weak form of parallel CCA security. Then we can get rid of the self-destruct limitation obtaining a parallel CCA commitment, requiring only one-way functions

    Composable Long-Term Security with Rewinding

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    Long-term security, a variant of Universally Composable (UC) security introduced by Müller-Quade and Unruh (JoC ’10), allows to analyze the security of protocols in a setting where all hardness assumptions no longer hold after the protocol execution has finished. Such a strict notion is highly desirable when properties such as input privacy need to be guaranteed for a long time, e.g. zero-knowledge proofs for secure electronic voting. Strong impossibility results rule out so-called long-term-revealing setups, e.g. a common reference string (CRS), to achieve long-term security, with known constructions for long-term security requiring hardware assumptions, e.g. signature cards. We circumvent these impossibility results by making use of new techniques, allowing rewinding-based simulation in a way that universal composability is possible. The new techniques allow us to construct a long-term-secure composable commitment scheme in the CRS-hybrid model, which is provably impossible in the notion of Müller-Quade and Unruh. We base our construction on a statistically hiding commitment scheme in the CRS-hybrid model with CCA-like properties. To provide a CCA oracle, we cannot rely on superpolynomial extraction techniques, as statistically hiding commitments do not define a unique value. Thus, we extract the value committed to via rewinding. However, even a CCA “rewinding oracle” without additional properties may be useless, as extracting a malicious committer could require to rewind other protocols the committer participates in. If this is e.g. a reduction, this clearly is forbidden. Fortunately, we can establish the well-known and important property of k-robust extractability, which guarantees that extraction is possible without rewinding k-round protocols the malicious committer participates in. While establishing this property for statistically binding commitment schemes is already non-trivial, it is even more complicated for statistically hiding ones. We then incorporate rewinding-based commitment extraction into the UC framework via a helper in analogy to Canetti, Lin and Pass (FOCS 2010), allowing both adversary and environment to extract statistically hiding commitments. Despite the rewinding, our variant of long-term security is universally composable. Our new framework provides the first setting in which a commitment scheme that is both statistically hiding and composable can be constructed from standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions and a CRS only. Unfortunately, we can prove that our setting does not admit long-term-secure oblivious transfer (and thus general two-party computations). Still, our long-term-secure commitment scheme suffices for natural applications, such as long-term secure and composable (commit-and-prove) zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge