48 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of Action Recognition Methods via Riemannian Manifolds, Fisher Vectors and GMMs: Ideal and Challenging Conditions

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    We present a comparative evaluation of various techniques for action recognition while keeping as many variables as possible controlled. We employ two categories of Riemannian manifolds: symmetric positive definite matrices and linear subspaces. For both categories we use their corresponding nearest neighbour classifiers, kernels, and recent kernelised sparse representations. We compare against traditional action recognition techniques based on Gaussian mixture models and Fisher vectors (FVs). We evaluate these action recognition techniques under ideal conditions, as well as their sensitivity in more challenging conditions (variations in scale and translation). Despite recent advancements for handling manifolds, manifold based techniques obtain the lowest performance and their kernel representations are more unstable in the presence of challenging conditions. The FV approach obtains the highest accuracy under ideal conditions. Moreover, FV best deals with moderate scale and translation changes

    Expanding the Family of Grassmannian Kernels: An Embedding Perspective

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    Modeling videos and image-sets as linear subspaces has proven beneficial for many visual recognition tasks. However, it also incurs challenges arising from the fact that linear subspaces do not obey Euclidean geometry, but lie on a special type of Riemannian manifolds known as Grassmannian. To leverage the techniques developed for Euclidean spaces (e.g, support vector machines) with subspaces, several recent studies have proposed to embed the Grassmannian into a Hilbert space by making use of a positive definite kernel. Unfortunately, only two Grassmannian kernels are known, none of which -as we will show- is universal, which limits their ability to approximate a target function arbitrarily well. Here, we introduce several positive definite Grassmannian kernels, including universal ones, and demonstrate their superiority over previously-known kernels in various tasks, such as classification, clustering, sparse coding and hashing

    Generalized Rank Pooling for Activity Recognition

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    Most popular deep models for action recognition split video sequences into short sub-sequences consisting of a few frames; frame-based features are then pooled for recognizing the activity. Usually, this pooling step discards the temporal order of the frames, which could otherwise be used for better recognition. Towards this end, we propose a novel pooling method, generalized rank pooling (GRP), that takes as input, features from the intermediate layers of a CNN that is trained on tiny sub-sequences, and produces as output the parameters of a subspace which (i) provides a low-rank approximation to the features and (ii) preserves their temporal order. We propose to use these parameters as a compact representation for the video sequence, which is then used in a classification setup. We formulate an objective for computing this subspace as a Riemannian optimization problem on the Grassmann manifold, and propose an efficient conjugate gradient scheme for solving it. Experiments on several activity recognition datasets show that our scheme leads to state-of-the-art performance.Comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    GhostVLAD for set-based face recognition

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    The objective of this paper is to learn a compact representation of image sets for template-based face recognition. We make the following contributions: first, we propose a network architecture which aggregates and embeds the face descriptors produced by deep convolutional neural networks into a compact fixed-length representation. This compact representation requires minimal memory storage and enables efficient similarity computation. Second, we propose a novel GhostVLAD layer that includes {\em ghost clusters}, that do not contribute to the aggregation. We show that a quality weighting on the input faces emerges automatically such that informative images contribute more than those with low quality, and that the ghost clusters enhance the network's ability to deal with poor quality images. Third, we explore how input feature dimension, number of clusters and different training techniques affect the recognition performance. Given this analysis, we train a network that far exceeds the state-of-the-art on the IJB-B face recognition dataset. This is currently one of the most challenging public benchmarks, and we surpass the state-of-the-art on both the identification and verification protocols.Comment: Accepted by ACCV 201

    Disturbance Grassmann Kernels for Subspace-Based Learning

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    In this paper, we focus on subspace-based learning problems, where data elements are linear subspaces instead of vectors. To handle this kind of data, Grassmann kernels were proposed to measure the space structure and used with classifiers, e.g., Support Vector Machines (SVMs). However, the existing discriminative algorithms mostly ignore the instability of subspaces, which would cause the classifiers misled by disturbed instances. Thus we propose considering all potential disturbance of subspaces in learning processes to obtain more robust classifiers. Firstly, we derive the dual optimization of linear classifiers with disturbance subject to a known distribution, resulting in a new kernel, Disturbance Grassmann (DG) kernel. Secondly, we research into two kinds of disturbance, relevant to the subspace matrix and singular values of bases, with which we extend the Projection kernel on Grassmann manifolds to two new kernels. Experiments on action data indicate that the proposed kernels perform better compared to state-of-the-art subspace-based methods, even in a worse environment.Comment: This paper include 3 figures, 10 pages, and has been accpeted to SIGKDD'1