25 research outputs found

    Stationary Distribution Convergence for Generalized Jackson Networks in Heavy Traffic

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    In a recent paper [5] it was shown that under suitable conditions stationary distributions of the (scaled) queue lengths process for a generalized Jackson network converge to the stationary distribution of the associated re ected Brownian motion in the heavy traffic limit. The proof relied on certain exponential integrability assumptions on the primitives of the network. In this note we show that the above result holds under much weaker integrability conditions. We provide an alternative proof of this result assuming (in addition to natural heavy traffic and stability assumptions) only standard independence and square integrability conditions on the network primitives that are commonly used in heavy traffic analysis. Furthermore, under additional integrability conditions we establish convergence of moments of stationary distributions

    Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for GI/GI/1+GI Queues in Heavy Traffic

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    A result of Ward and Glynn (2005) asserts that the sequence of scaled offered waiting time processes of the GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue converges weakly to a reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (ROU) in the positive real line, as the traffic intensity approaches one. As a consequence, the stationary distribution of a ROU process, which is a truncated normal, should approximate the scaled stationary distribution of the offered waiting time in a GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue; however, no such result has been proved. We prove the aforementioned convergence, and the convergence of the moments, in heavy traffic, thus resolving a question left open in Ward and Glynn (2005). In comparison to Kingman's classical result in Kingman (1961) showing that an exponential distribution approximates the scaled stationary offered waiting time distribution in a GI/GI/1GI/GI/1 queue in heavy traffic, our result confirms that the addition of customer abandonment has a non-trivial effect on the queue stationary behavior.Comment: 29 page

    Multiclass multiserver queueing system in the Halfin-Whitt heavy traffic regime. Asymptotics of the stationary distribution

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    We consider a heterogeneous queueing system consisting of one large pool of O(r)O(r) identical servers, where rr\to\infty is the scaling parameter. The arriving customers belong to one of several classes which determines the service times in the distributional sense. The system is heavily loaded in the Halfin-Whitt sense, namely the nominal utilization is 1a/r1-a/\sqrt{r} where a>0a>0 is the spare capacity parameter. Our goal is to obtain bounds on the steady state performance metrics such as the number of customers waiting in the queue Qr()Q^r(\infty). While there is a rich literature on deriving process level (transient) scaling limits for such systems, the results for steady state are primarily limited to the single class case. This paper is the first one to address the case of heterogeneity in the steady state regime. Moreover, our results hold for any service policy which does not admit server idling when there are customers waiting in the queue. We assume that the interarrival and service times have exponential distribution, and that customers of each class may abandon while waiting in the queue at a certain rate (which may be zero). We obtain upper bounds of the form O(r)O(\sqrt{r}) on both Qr()Q^r(\infty) and the number of idle servers. The bounds are uniform w.r.t. parameter rr and the service policy. In particular, we show that lim suprEexp(θr1/2Qr())<\limsup_r E \exp(\theta r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty))<\infty. Therefore, the sequence r1/2Qr()r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty) is tight and has a uniform exponential tail bound. We further consider the system with strictly positive abandonment rates, and show that in this case every weak limit Q^()\hat{Q}(\infty) of r1/2Qr()r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty) has a sub-Gaussian tail. Namely E[exp(θ(Q^())2)]0E[\exp(\theta (\hat{Q}(\infty))^2)]0.Comment: 21 page

    Stability of Skorokhod problem is undecidable

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    Skorokhod problem arises in studying Reflected Brownian Motion (RBM) on an non-negative orthant, specifically in the context of queueing networks in the heavy traffic regime. One of the key problems is identifying conditions for stability of a Skorokhod problem, defined as the property that trajectories are attracted to the origin. The stability conditions are known in dimension up to three, but not for general dimensions. In this paper we explain the fundamental difficulties encountered in trying to establish stability conditions for general dimensions. We prove that stability of Skorokhod problem is an undecidable property when the starting state is a part of the input. Namely, there does not exist an algorithm (a constructive procedure) for identifying stable Skorokhod problem in general dimensions

    A Numerical Scheme for Invariant Distributions of Constrained Diffusions

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    Reflected diffusions in polyhedral domains are commonly used as approximate models for stochastic processing networks in heavy traffic. Stationary distributions of such models give useful information on the steady state performance of the corresponding stochastic networks and thus it is important to develop reliable and efficient algorithms for numerical computation of such distributions. In this work we propose and analyze a Monte-Carlo scheme based on an Euler type discretization of the reflected stochastic differential equation using a single sequence of time discretization steps which decrease to zero as time approaches infinity. Appropriately weighted empirical measures constructed from the simulated discretized reflected diffusion are proposed as approximations for the invariant probability measure of the true diffusion model. Almost sure consistency results are established that in particular show that weighted averages of polynomially growing continuous functionals evaluated on the discretized simulated system converge a.s. to the corresponding integrals with respect to the invariant measure. Proofs rely on constructing suitable Lyapunov functions for tightness and uniform integrability and characterizing almost sure limit points through an extension of Echeverria's criteria for reflected diffusions. Regularity properties of the underlying Skorohod problems play a key role in the proofs. Rates of convergence for suitable families of test functions are also obtained. A key advantage of Monte-Carlo methods is the ease of implementation, particularly for high dimensional problems. A numerical example of a eight dimensional Skorohod problem is presented to illustrate the applicability of the approach

    Steady-state simulation of reflected Brownian motion and related stochastic networks

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    This paper develops the first class of algorithms that enable unbiased estimation of steady-state expectations for multidimensional reflected Brownian motion. In order to explain our ideas, we first consider the case of compound Poisson (possibly Markov modulated) input. In this case, we analyze the complexity of our procedure as the dimension of the network increases and show that, under certain assumptions, the algorithm has polynomial-expected termination time. Our methodology includes procedures that are of interest beyond steady-state simulation and reflected processes. For instance, we use wavelets to construct a piecewise linear function that can be guaranteed to be within ε\varepsilon distance (deterministic) in the uniform norm to Brownian motion in any compact time interval.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1072 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org