11 research outputs found

    PRF: A Framework for Building Automatic Program Repair Prototypes for JVM-Based Languages

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    PRF is a Java-based framework that allows researchers to build prototypes of test-based generate-and-validate automatic program repair techniques for JVM languages by simply extending it with their patch generation plugins. The framework also provides other useful components for constructing automatic program repair tools, e.g., a fault localization component that provides spectrum-based fault localization information at different levels of granularity, a configurable and safe patch validation component that is 11+X faster than vanilla testing, and a customizable post-processing component to generate fix reports. A demo video of PRF is available at https://bit.ly/3ehduSS.Comment: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '20

    How software engineering research aligns with design science: A review

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    Background: Assessing and communicating software engineering research can be challenging. Design science is recognized as an appropriate research paradigm for applied research but is seldom referred to in software engineering. Applying the design science lens to software engineering research may improve the assessment and communication of research contributions. Aim: The aim of this study is 1) to understand whether the design science lens helps summarize and assess software engineering research contributions, and 2) to characterize different types of design science contributions in the software engineering literature. Method: In previous research, we developed a visual abstract template, summarizing the core constructs of the design science paradigm. In this study, we use this template in a review of a set of 38 top software engineering publications to extract and analyze their design science contributions. Results: We identified five clusters of papers, classifying them according to their alignment with the design science paradigm. Conclusions: The design science lens helps emphasize the theoretical contribution of research output---in terms of technological rules---and reflect on the practical relevance, novelty, and rigor of the rules proposed by the research.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    CONTRACTFIX: A Framework for Automatically Fixing Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts

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    The increased adoption of smart contracts in many industries has made them an attractive target for cybercriminals, leading to millions of dollars in losses. Thus, deploying smart contracts with detected vulnerabilities (known to developers) are not acceptable, and fixing all the detected vulnerabilities is needed, which incurs high manual labor cost without effective tool support. To fill this need, in this paper, we propose ContractFix, a novel framework that automatically generates security patches for vulnerable smart contracts. ContractFix is a general framework that can incorporate different fix patterns for different types of vulnerabilities. Users can use it as a security fix-it tool that automatically applies patches and verifies the patched contracts before deploying the contracts. To address the unique challenges in fixing smart contract vulnerabilities, given an input smart contract, \tool conducts our proposed ensemble identification based on multiple static verification tools to identify vulnerabilities that are amenable for automatic fix. Then, ContractFix generates patches using template-based fix patterns and conducts program analysis (program dependency computation and pointer analysis) for smart contracts to accurately infer and populate the parameter values for the fix patterns. Finally, ContractFix performs static verification that guarantees the patched contract is free of vulnerabilities. Our evaluations on 144144 real vulnerable contracts demonstrate that \tool can successfully fix 94%94\% of the detected vulnerabilities (565565 out of 601601) and preserve the expected behaviors of the smart contracts

    Frustrated with Code Quality Issues? LLMs can Help!

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    As software projects progress, quality of code assumes paramount importance as it affects reliability, maintainability and security of software. For this reason, static analysis tools are used in developer workflows to flag code quality issues. However, developers need to spend extra efforts to revise their code to improve code quality based on the tool findings. In this work, we investigate the use of (instruction-following) large language models (LLMs) to assist developers in revising code to resolve code quality issues. We present a tool, CORE (short for COde REvisions), architected using a pair of LLMs organized as a duo comprised of a proposer and a ranker. Providers of static analysis tools recommend ways to mitigate the tool warnings and developers follow them to revise their code. The \emph{proposer LLM} of CORE takes the same set of recommendations and applies them to generate candidate code revisions. The candidates which pass the static quality checks are retained. However, the LLM may introduce subtle, unintended functionality changes which may go un-detected by the static analysis. The \emph{ranker LLM} evaluates the changes made by the proposer using a rubric that closely follows the acceptance criteria that a developer would enforce. CORE uses the scores assigned by the ranker LLM to rank the candidate revisions before presenting them to the developer. CORE could revise 59.2% Python files (across 52 quality checks) so that they pass scrutiny by both a tool and a human reviewer. The ranker LLM is able to reduce false positives by 25.8% in these cases. CORE produced revisions that passed the static analysis tool in 76.8% Java files (across 10 quality checks) comparable to 78.3% of a specialized program repair tool, with significantly much less engineering efforts

    StaticFixer: From Static Analysis to Static Repair

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    Static analysis tools are traditionally used to detect and flag programs that violate properties. We show that static analysis tools can also be used to perturb programs that satisfy a property to construct variants that violate the property. Using this insight we can construct paired data sets of unsafe-safe program pairs, and learn strategies to automatically repair property violations. We present a system called \sysname, which automatically repairs information flow vulnerabilities using this approach. Since information flow properties are non-local (both to check and repair), \sysname also introduces a novel domain specific language (DSL) and strategy learning algorithms for synthesizing non-local repairs. We use \sysname to synthesize strategies for repairing two types of information flow vulnerabilities, unvalidated dynamic calls and cross-site scripting, and show that \sysname successfully repairs several hundred vulnerabilities from open source {\sc JavaScript} repositories, outperforming neural baselines built using {\sc CodeT5} and {\sc Codex}. Our datasets can be downloaded from \url{http://aka.ms/StaticFixer}

    Memory and resource leak defects and their repairs in Java projects

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    Despite huge software engineering efforts and programming language support, resource and memory leaks are still a troublesome issue, even in memory-managed languages such as Java. Understanding the properties of leak-inducing defects, how the leaks manifest, and how they are repaired is an essential prerequisite for designing better approaches for avoidance, diagnosis, and repair of leak-related bugs. We conduct a detailed empirical study on 491 issues from 15 large open-source Java projects. The study proposes taxonomies for the leak types, for the defects causing them, and for the repair actions. We investigate, under several aspects, the distributions within each taxonomy and the relationships between them. We find that manual code inspection and manual runtime detection are still the main methods for leak detection. We find that most of the errors manifest on error-free execution paths, and developers repair the leak defects in a shorter time than non-leak defects. We also identify 13 recurring code transformations in the repair patches. Based on our findings, we draw a variety of implications on how developers can avoid, detect, isolate and repair leak-related bugs

    A Survey on Automated Program Repair Techniques

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    With the rapid development and large-scale popularity of program software, modern society increasingly relies on software systems. However, the problems exposed by software have also come to the fore. Software defect has become an important factor troubling developers. In this context, Automated Program Repair (APR) techniques have emerged, aiming to automatically fix software defect problems and reduce manual debugging work. In particular, benefiting from the advances in deep learning, numerous learning-based APR techniques have emerged in recent years, which also bring new opportunities for APR research. To give researchers a quick overview of APR techniques' complete development and future opportunities, we revisit the evolution of APR techniques and discuss in depth the latest advances in APR research. In this paper, the development of APR techniques is introduced in terms of four different patch generation schemes: search-based, constraint-based, template-based, and learning-based. Moreover, we propose a uniform set of criteria to review and compare each APR tool, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of APR techniques, and discuss the current state of APR development. Furthermore, we introduce the research on the related technical areas of APR that have also provided a strong motivation to advance APR development. Finally, we analyze current challenges and future directions, especially highlighting the critical opportunities that large language models bring to APR research.Comment: This paper's earlier version was submitted to CSUR in August 202