2 research outputs found

    Predictive Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Demand Forecasting: Methods, Applications, and Research Opportunities

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    Big data analytics (BDA) in supply chain management (SCM) is receiving a growing attention. This is due to the fact that BDA has a wide range of applications in SCM, including customer behavior analysis, trend analysis, and demand prediction. In this survey, we investigate the predictive BDA applications in supply chain demand forecasting to propose a classification of these applications, identify the gaps, and provide insights for future research. We classify these algorithms and their applications in supply chain management into time-series forecasting, clustering, K-nearest-neighbors, neural networks, regression analysis, support vector machines, and support vector regression. This survey also points to the fact that the literature is particularly lacking on the applications of BDA for demand forecasting in the case of closed-loop supply chains (CLSCs) and accordingly highlights avenues for future research

    Transformaci贸n, cambios y renovaci贸n con visi贸n a futuro c贸mo el correcto manejo de materiales en Aymesa S.A. puede ayudar a mitigar el uso innecesario de recursos

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    This paper discusses the current situation, operational assessment and generation of proposals regarding the handling of materials in automotive assembly company, Aymesa S.A. In first instance, the study examines the current status of operations in conjunction with the critical problems to be improved using industrial engineering tools. Based on the results, relevant time measurements are performed using simulation in order to have a baseline so a comparison of future improvement can be performed after applying the generated proposals. As a next step, operational improvements are made which after being applied may result in significant improvements potentially reducing resource use by half, especially in the process of distribution of materials, improving the use and organization of space and benefiting the materials management process for any increase in productivity.El presente trabajo de titulaci贸n trata acerca de la situaci贸n actual, evaluaci贸n operativa y generaci贸n de propuestas en cuanto al manejo de materiales en la empresa de ensamblaje automotriz Aymesa S.A. El estudio en primer t茅rmino analiza el estado actual de las operaciones conjuntamente con los problemas cr铆ticos a ser mejorados utilizando herramientas de ingenier铆a industrial. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se realizan las mediciones de tiempo pertinentes mediante el uso de la simulaci贸n a fin de tener una l铆nea base y as铆 poder comparar a futuro la mejora obtenida luego de aplicar las propuestas generadas. Como paso siguiente, se proponen mejoras a nivel operativo que luego de ser aplicadas podr谩n resultar en mejoras significativas reduciendo potencialmente la utilizaci贸n de recursos a la mitad especialmente en el proceso de distribuci贸n de materiales. Adicionalmente, se podr谩 mejorar la utilizaci贸n y organizaci贸n del espacio y beneficiando al proceso de manejo de materiales durante un eventual incremento de productividad