8 research outputs found

    Wireless Networked Control Systems with Coding-Free Data Transmission for Industrial IoT

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    Wireless networked control systems for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) require low latency communication techniques that are very reliable and resilient. In this paper, we investigate a coding-free control method to achieve ultra-low latency communications in single-controller-multi-plant networked control systems for both slow and fast fading channels. We formulate a power allocation problem to optimize the sum cost functions of multiple plants, subject to the plant stabilization condition and the controller's power limit. Although the optimization problem is a non-convex one, we derive a closed-form solution, which indicates that the optimal power allocation policy for stabilizing the plants with different channel conditions is reminiscent of the channel-inversion policy. We numerically compare the performance of the proposed coding-free control method and the conventional coding-based control methods in terms of the control performance (i.e., the cost function) of a plant, which shows that the coding-free method is superior in a practical range of SNRs.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Stealthy hacking and secrecy of controlled state estimation systems with random dropouts

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    We study the maximum information gain that an adversary may obtain through hacking without being detected. Consider a dynamical process observed by a sensor that transmits a local estimate of the system state to a remote estimator according to some reference transmission policy across a packet-dropping wireless channel equipped with acknowledgments (ACK). An adversary overhears the transmissions and proactively hijacks the sensor to reprogram its transmission policy. We define perfect secrecy as keeping the averaged expected error covariance bounded at the legitimate estimator and unbounded at the adversary. By analyzing the stationary distribution of the expected error covariance, we show that perfect secrecy can be attained for unstable systems only if the ACK channel has no packet dropouts. In other situations, we prove that independent of the reference policy and the detection methods, perfect secrecy is not attainable. For this scenario, we formulate a constrained Markov decision process to derive the optimal transmission policy that the adversary should implement at the sensor, and devise a Stackelberg game to derive the optimal reference policy for the legitimate estimator.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Crowd Vetting: Rejecting Adversaries via Collaboration--with Application to Multi-Robot Flocking

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    We characterize the advantage of using a robot's neighborhood to find and eliminate adversarial robots in the presence of a Sybil attack. We show that by leveraging the opinions of its neighbors on the trustworthiness of transmitted data, robots can detect adversaries with high probability. We characterize a number of communication rounds required to achieve this result to be a function of the communication quality and the proportion of legitimate to malicious robots. This result enables increased resiliency of many multi-robot algorithms. Because our results are finite time and not asymptotic, they are particularly well-suited for problems with a time critical nature. We develop two algorithms, \emph{FindSpoofedRobots} that determines trusted neighbors with high probability, and \emph{FindResilientAdjacencyMatrix} that enables distributed computation of graph properties in an adversarial setting. We apply our methods to a flocking problem where a team of robots must track a moving target in the presence of adversarial robots. We show that by using our algorithms, the team of robots are able to maintain tracking ability of the dynamic target

    State-secrecy codes for networked linear systems

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    We study the problem of remote state estimation in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. An authorized user estimates the state of an unstable plant based on the packets received from a sensor, while the packets may also be intercepted by the eavesdropper. Our goal is to design a coding scheme at the sensor, which encodes the state information, in order to impair the eavesdropper's estimation performance, while enabling the user to successfully decode the sent messages. We introduce a novel class of codes, termed State-Secrecy Codes, which use acknowledgment signals from the user and apply linear time-varying transformations to the current and previously received states. Under minimal conditions, these codes achieve perfect secrecy, namely the eavesdropper's estimation error grows unbounded almost surely, while the user's estimation performance is optimal. It is sufficient that at least once, the user receives the corresponding packet while the eavesdropper fails to intercept it. Even one occurrence of this event renders the eavesdropper's error unbounded with asymptotically optimal rate of increase. The theoretical results are illustrated in simulations