13 research outputs found

    State-of-the-Art of Non-Radiative, Non-Visual Spine Sensing with a Focus on Sensing Forces, Vibrations and Bioelectrical Properties: A Systematic Review

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    In the research field of robotic spine surgery, there is a big upcoming momentum for surgeon-like autonomous behaviour and surgical accuracy in robotics which goes beyond the standard engineering notions such as geometric precision. The objective of this review is to present an overview of the state of the art in non-visual, non-radiative spine sensing for the enhancement of surgical techniques in robotic automation. It provides a vantage point that facilitates experimentation and guides new research projects to what has not been investigated or integrated in surgical robotics. Studies were identified, selected and processed according to the PRISMA guidelines. Relevant study characteristics that were searched for include the sensor type and measured feature, the surgical action, the tested sample, the method for data analysis and the system's accuracy of state identification. The 6DOF f/t sensor, the microphone and the electromyography probe were the most commonly used sensors in each category, respectively. The performance of the electromyography probe is unsatisfactory in terms of preventing nerve damage as it can only signal after the nerve is disturbed. Feature thresholding and artificial neural networks were the most common decision algorithms for state identification. The fusion of different sensor data in the decision algorithm improved the accuracy of state identification

    Haemostasis in endoscopic skull base surgery

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    The endoscopic approach to the skull base has revolutionised surgery in this region. Neurosurgery involves working around anatomical structures that are uniquely sensitive to damage and manipulation and patients may be left with the potentially devastating consequences of violating these structures. The endoscope allows the surgeon to visualise and reach areas that were previously only accessible with large amounts of destructive dissection. Tumours are able to be removed and aneurysms clipped without the need for large craniotomies and bony drilling. There are, however, drawbacks. The midline endoscopic route takes the surgeon between the carotid arteries. It potentially violates the anterior communicating artery complex and the basilar artery region anterior to the brainstem. These are important arteries that supply critical structures. Damage to these, or diminution of blood flow through them, results in profound neurological dysfunction or death. The rate of damage to the carotid artery with these approaches ranges from 1.1-9% depending on the specific approach and pathology. The carotid artery in this region does not generally lend itself to suturing, clipping or direct closure methods. Currently, the gold standard for repair is the application of crushed muscle patch to stop the bleeding and seal the vessel. The drawbacks to this are that it takes time to harvest and control the bleed (generally requiring 2 surgeons), and that there is a risk of pseudoaneurysm formation post recovery. This thesis describes novel techniques that may replace the muscle patch in order that a single surgeon may have this technique available to them immediately. Aims: To demonstrate the use of fibrin/thrombin/gelatin patches, fibrin/thrombin glues, beta-chitosan patches and self-assembling peptides on a sheep model of carotid artery haemorrhage and quantify the rate of pseudoaneurysm formation. To show the percentage of platelets activated by crushed and uncrushed muscle, chitosan, and fibrin and thrombin patches and gels using flow cytometry to further delineate the mechanism of action of crushed muscle as a haemostatic agent. To quantify the stress response in surgeons training on this sheep vascular haemorrhage model de novo, to quantify its effect on surgeons’ teamwork and communication skills, and determine the effect and value of training on modulation of this stress response.Thesis (Ph.D.) (Research by Publication) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Medical School, 201

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Medical Imaging: A Systematic Review

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    This scientific review presents a comprehensive overview of medical imaging modalities and their diverse applications in artificial intelligence (AI)-based disease classification and segmentation. The paper begins by explaining the fundamental concepts of AI, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL). It provides a summary of their different types to establish a solid foundation for the subsequent analysis. The prmary focus of this study is to conduct a systematic review of research articles that examine disease classification and segmentation in different anatomical regions using AI methodologies. The analysis includes a thorough examination of the results reported in each article, extracting important insights and identifying emerging trends. Moreover, the paper critically discusses the challenges encountered during these studies, including issues related to data availability and quality, model generalization, and interpretability. The aim is to provide guidance for optimizing technique selection. The analysis highlights the prominence of hybrid approaches, which seamlessly integrate ML and DL techniques, in achieving effective and relevant results across various disease types. The promising potential of these hybrid models opens up new opportunities for future research in the field of medical diagnosis. Additionally, addressing the challenges posed by the limited availability of annotated medical images through the incorporation of medical image synthesis and transfer learning techniques is identified as a crucial focus for future research efforts

    Factors affecting accuracy and fusion rate in lumbosacral fusion surgery - a preclinical and clinical study

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    Lumbosacral fusion surgery is indicated in symptomatic degenerative lumbosacral disorder, when the origin of pain is demonstrated to lie within the restricted number of functional spinal units and when the pain is refractory to the conservative treatment, to eliminate painful motion of the spinal units. Inaccurate placement of pedicle screws may cause neurological symptoms, and result in early hardware failure and return of spinal instability symptoms. All spinal instrumentation eventually fails without solid bony fusion, and the presence of symptomatic bony non-union at least a year after fusion surgery is defined as pseudoarthrosis. Bioactive glasses (BAGs) are synthetic, biocompatible, osteoconductive and osteostimulative materials with angiogenic and antibacterial properties, able to bond to bone. In a study of 147 patients and 837 pedicle screws placed due to degenerative lumbosacral spine disorder, 14.3 % breached the pedicle. New neurological symptoms corresponding to the breach were observed in 25.9 % of patients with pedicle breach, and 89.2 % of the symptomatic breaches were either medially or inferiorly. A preclinical controlled study of novel BAG S53P4 putty showed good biocompatibility, slightly higher intramedullary ossification of putty group compared to the control group, and that the binder agent did not disturb formation of new bone in vivo. The interbody fusion rate was 95.8 % with BAG S53P4 putty as bone graft expander with autograft in clinical lumbosacral interbody fusion, indicating at least as good interbody fusion results as the presently used materials. One early operative subsidence remaining unchanged over the study period was observed with putty.Lannerangan luudutusleikkausten tarkkuuteen ja luutumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät Lannerangan luudutusleikkaus voidaan tehdä oireisessa lannerangan rappeumasairaudessa, kun kivun syyn on osoitettu sijaitsevan rajallisessa määrässä selkärangan toiminnallisia yksikköjä ja kun kipu ei vähene leikkauksettomilla hoidoilla. Leikkauksella voidaan poistaa kipua tuottava selkärangan toiminnallisten yksikköjen liike. Epätarkka pedikkeliruuvien asettaminen voi aiheuttaa neurologisia oireita ja johtaa nopeaan kiinnitysosien irtoamiseen ja rangan epätukevuusoireiden palaamiseen. Suuri osa selkärangan kiinnityslaitteista irtoaa lopulta, jollei luutumista kiinnitettyjen kohtien välillä tapahdu. Vuoden kuluttua luudutusleikkauksesta oireista luutumatonta kiinnityskohtaa nimitetään pseudoartroosiksi. Bioaktiiviset lasit ovat synteettisiä, bioyhteensopivia, osteokonduktiivisia ja osteostimulatiivisia materiaaleja, joilla on angiogeenisiä ja antibakteerisia ominaisuuksia, ja ne voivat sitoutua suoraan luuhun. 147 potilaalle lannerangan rappeumasairauden vuoksi asetetut 837 pedikkeliruuvia käsittävän tutkimuksen mukaan 14.3 % ruuveista rikkoi luisen pedikkelin seinämän. 25.9 %:lla potilaista, joilla ruuvi läpäisi pedikkelin seinämän, ilmeni uusia neurologisia oireita, ja 89.2 %:lla oireisista potilaista pedikkeliruuvi läpäisi pedikkelin seinämän mediaalisesti tai inferiorisesti. Prekliinisessä kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa uudenlainen bioaktiivisesta lasista valmistettu S53P4 luunkorviketahna todettiin bioyhteensopivaksi, ja sen avulla saavutettiin hieman vertailuryhmää parempi luutuminen luuydinontelossa. Tahnan sidosaineen ei eläinkokeessa todettu häiritsevän luun muodostumista. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa saavutettiin 95.8 %:n luutuminen käytettäessä S53P4 biolasitahnaa yhdessä oman luun kanssa lannerangan nikamasolmujen välisessä luudutuksessa. Siten yhdessä oman luun kanssa käytettäessä S53P4 biolasitahnalla saadaan aikaan vähintään yhtä hyvä nikamasolmujen välinen luutuminen kuin nykyisin käytettävillä synteettisillä luunkorvikkeilla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin yksi leikkauksen yhteydessä tapahtunut nikamasolmujen välisen implantin päätelevyyn painuminen, jonka suuruus ei muuttunut seurantakuvantamisissa

    The safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells for prevention or regeneration of intervertebral disc degeneration: a systematic review

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    General Posters: abstract no. GP86INTRODUCTION: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been used to halt the progression or regenerate the disc with hopes to prevent or treat discogenic back pain. However, the safety and efficacy of the use of MSCs for such treatment in animal and human models at short and long term assessment (i.e. greater than 48 weeks) have not been systematically addressed. This study addressed a systematic review of comparative controlled studies addressing the use of MSCs to that of no treatment/saline for the treatment of disc degeneration. METHODS: Online databases were extensively searched. Controlled trials in animal models and humans were eligible for inclusion. Trial design, MSC characteristics, injection method, disc assessment, outcome intervals, and complication events were assessed. Validity of each study was assessed addressing trial design. Two individuals independently addressed the aforementioned. RESULTS: Twenty-two animal studies were included. No human comparative controlled trials were reported. All three types of MSCs (i.e. derived from bone marrow, synovial and adipose tissue) showed successful inhibition of disc degeneration progression. From three included studies, bone marrow derived MSC showed superior quality of disc repair when compared to other treatments, including TGF-β1, NP bilaminar co-culture and axial distraction regimen. However, osteophyte development was reported in two studies as potential complication of MSC transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Based on animal models, the current evidence suggests that in the short-term MSC transplantation is safe and effective in halting disc degeneration; however, additional and larger studies are needed to assess the long-term regenerative effects and potential complications. Inconsistency in methodological design and outcome parameters prevent any robust conclusions. In addition, randomized controlled trials in humans are needed to assess the safety and efficacy of such therapy.published_or_final_versio

    Fusion, 2022

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