1,218 research outputs found

    A Study on the Effect of an Attractive and a Repulsive Forces with Feedback Control on a Magnetic Levitation System

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    This research was conducted to observe the effect of an attractive force and a repulsive force on a magnetic levitation (maglev) with the addition of a feedback control system. Initially, the study was conducted by observing the displacement gap from both type of maglev without an application of a control system. Closed loop control experiments were performed by implementing a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller in order to maintain the displacement gap. Stable responses from both simulation control and experiments indicated that the PID controller can be employed to control the gap between the magnet and the levitated object. However, the results of the repulsive maglev control show faster response and smaller steady state error in comparison with the attractive maglev control

    Proportional-Integral-Derivative Gain-Scheduling Control of a Magnetic Levitation System

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    The paper presents a gain-scheduling control design procedure for classical Proportional-Integral-Derivative controllers (PID-GS-C) for positioning system. The method is applied to a Magnetic Levitation System with Two Electromagnets (MLS2EM) laboratory equipment, which allows several experimental verifications of the proposed solution. The nonlinear model of MLS2EM is linearized at seven operating points. A state feedback control structure is first designed to stabilize the process. PID control and PID-GS-C structures are next designed to ensure zero steady-state control error and bumpless switching between PID controllers for the linearized models. Real-time experimental results are presented for validation.

    Design a Robust Proportional-Derivative Gain-Scheduling Control for a Magnetic Levitation System

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    This study focuses on the design of a robust PD gain-scheduling controller (PD-GS-C) for an unstable SISO (single-input, single-output) magnetic levitation system with two electromagnets (MLS2EM). Magnetic levitation systems offer various advantages, including friction-free, reliable, fast, and cost-effective operations. However, due to their unstable and highly nonlinear nature, these systems require sophisticated feedback control techniques to ensure optimal performance and functionality. To address these challenges, in this study, we derive the nonlinear state-space mathematical model of the MLS2EM and linearize it around five different operating points. The PDGS-C controller aims to stabilize the system and improve steady-state control error. The strategy for obtaining the PD controller gains involves a parameter space technique, which specifies performance requirements. This technique results in ranges of proportional (KP) and derivative (KD) gains that are used by the PD-GS-C structure. To optimize the controller's performance further, we utilize the big bang-big crunch optimization technique (BB-BC) to determine the optimal PD gains within the specified ranges. The optimization process focuses on achieving optimal performance in terms of a specific performance index function. This function quantifies the system's time-domain step response criteria, which include minimizing overshoot percentage, settling time, and rising time. The index function is inversely proportional to the desired performance criteria, meaning that the goal is to maximize the index function to optimize the system's performance. To validate the effectiveness and viability of the proposed strategy, we conducts MATLAB simulations and real-time experiments. The simulations and experimental findings serve to demonstrate the controller's performance and verify its capabilities in stabilizing the MLS2EM magnetic levitation system


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    Magnetic Levitation System (Maglev) is an approach which is currently widely applied in different areas like semiconductor, transportation, power generation, household appliances and etc. Since Magnetic Levitation System is a highly non-linear system, constructing a successful controller which has robust performance becomes a big challenge. The most conventional method of building Maglev is PID controller. However findings of controller’s parameters which ar

    Construction and control of a magnetic levitation system

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    This project aimed to design and build a low-cost magnetic levitation system based on attraction, using a single coil. The materials and components were carefully selected to keep the cost of the system as low as possible, making it suitable for educational purposes such as laboratory demonstrations or science classes. The system consists of a base made of aluminium and PLA onto which a single coil has been screwed. The intention of the project is to levitate a neodymium magnet underneath the coil by constructing a levitator that works by attraction, i.e. that compensates the force of gravity that the magnet suffers to keep the magnet floating in the air. A PID control algorithm has been implemented using an Arduino microcontroller to regulate the levitation distance between the magnet and the coil. The design and construction of the system were performed with an emphasis on simplicity and affordability. The use of a single coil and inexpensive materials made it possible to achieve a functional prototype at a low cost. The system was tested and the performance of the PID controller was evaluated. The results showed that the system was able to achieve stable magnetic levitation. However, the tuning of the PID parameters was found to be challenging due to the non-linear behavior of the system and an unexpected behavior of the sensor that was expected to give measurements of the magnet position. The sensitivity of the system to external disturbances and noise was also observed. Therefore, a low-cost attraction-based magnetic levitation system was successfully designed and implemented using a single coil, a hall effect sensor and an Arduino microcontroller with a PID control algorithm. The system provides a valuable educational tool for teaching principles of electromagnetics and control engineering. Future work could focus on further improving the system’s performance through the use of more advanced control strategies, such as a sliding mode or fuzzy-logic contro

    Multi - objective sliding mode control of active magnetic bearing system

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    Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) system is known to inherit many nonlinearity effects due to its rotor dynamic motion and the electromagnetic actuators which make the system highly nonlinear, coupled and open-loop unstable. The major nonlinearities that are associated with AMB system are gyroscopic effect, rotor mass imbalance and nonlinear electromagnetics in which the gyroscopics and imbalance are dependent to the rotational speed of the rotor. In order to provide satisfactory system performance for a wide range of system condition, active control is thus essential. The main concern of the thesis is the modeling of the nonlinear AMB system and synthesizing a robust control method based on Sliding Mode Control (SMC) technique such that the system can achieve robust performance under various system nonlinearities. The model of the AMB system is developed based on the integration of the rotor and electromagnetic dynamics which forms nonlinear time varying state equations that represent a reasonably close description of the actual system. Based on the known bound of the system parameters and state variables, the model is restructured to become a class of uncertain system by using a deterministic approach. In formulating the control algorithm to control the system, SMC theory is adapted which involves the formulation of the sliding surface and the control law such that the state trajectories are driven to the stable sliding manifold. The surface design involves the transformation of the system into a special canonical representation such that the sliding motion can be characterized by a convex representation of the desired system performances. Optimal Linear Quadratic (LQ) characteristics and regional pole-clustering of the closed-loop poles are designed to be the objectives to be fulfilled in the surface design where the formulation is represented as a set of Linear Matrix Inequality optimization problem. For the control law design, a new continuous SMC controller is proposed in which asymptotic convergence of the system’s state trajectories in finite time is guaranteed. This is achieved by adapting the equivalent control approach with the exponential decaying boundary layer technique. The newly designed sliding surface and control law form the complete Multi-objective SMC (MO-SMC) and the proposed algorithm is applied into the nonlinear AMB in which the results show that robust system performance is achieved for various system conditions. The findings also demonstrate that the MO-SMC gives better system response than the reported ideal SMC (I-SMC) and continuous SMC (C-SMC)

    Control of a magnetically levitated ventricular assist device

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    This work presents theoretical and experimental means for achieving impeller stability in a magnetically levitated left ventricular assist device (LVAD). These types of medical devices are designed to boost the native heart`s ability to pump blood by means of mechanical energy transfer using a rotating impeller. Magnetic suspension of the impeller eliminates bearing friction and reduces blood damage, but it requires active controls that monitor the impeller`s position and speed in order to generate the forces and torques required to regulate its dynamic behavior. To accomplish this goal, this work includes: 1) a dynamic system model derived using energy and momentum conservation 2) dynamic analysis including stability, controllability and observability, and 3) development of two control algorithms: proportional integral derivative and sliding mode control. Experimental validation included component behavior, model accuracy, and the characterization of controller performance using a physiological simulator. The system model proved to be an adequate representation of the system while levitating in air, but additional research is needed to model hydrodynamic and gyroscopic effects. After the prototype`s subcomponents were tested, calibrated and/or modified to fit the control requirements, both control strategies were successful in controlling the rotor as it spun at 6000 rpm pumping 6L/min of water at 80mmHg. A maximum speed of 6500 rpm was achieved with speed control within 5% over most of the operating range. The control platform and many of the methods presented here are continually being used and improved towards the implantation of the device in a human subject in the future

    Tuning of different controlling techniques for magnetic suspending system using an improved bat algorithm

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    In this paper, design of proportional- derivative (PD) controller, pseudo-derivative-feedback (PDF) controller and PDF with feedforward (PDFF) controller for magnetic suspending system have been presented. Tuning of the above controllers is achieved based on Bat algorithm (BA). BA is a recent bio-inspired optimization method for solving global optimization problems, which mimic the behavior of micro-bats. The weak point of the standard BA is the exploration ability due to directional echolocation and the difficulty in escaping from local optimum. The new improved BA enhances the convergence rate while obtaining optimal solution by introducing three adaptations namely modified frequency factor, adding inertia weight and modified local search. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is examined by applied to several benchmark problems that are adopted from literature. The results of IBA are compared with the results collected from standard BA and the well-known particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The simulation results show that the IBA has a higher accuracy and searching speed than the approaches considered. Finally, the tuning of the three controlling schemes using the proposed algorithm, standard BA and PSO algorithms reveals that IBA has a higher performance compared with the other optimization algorithm

    Electromagnetic Levitation System for Active Magnetic Bearing Wheels

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    In this chapter, the author presents an electromagnetic levitation system for active magnetic bearing wheels. This system consists of a rotor, a shaft, a cover, and a base. The author derives a meaningful electromagnetic force by using the singular value decomposition. The author develops a control system using the proportional‐integral‐derivative controller to control the position of the rotor and regulate the two gimbal angles of the rotor. The author gives the numerical simulation and experimental results on the control of the electromagnetic levitation system