120,980 research outputs found

    Sharp Attention Network via Adaptive Sampling for Person Re-identification

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    In this paper, we present novel sharp attention networks by adaptively sampling feature maps from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for person re-identification (re-ID) problem. Due to the introduction of sampling-based attention models, the proposed approach can adaptively generate sharper attention-aware feature masks. This greatly differs from the gating-based attention mechanism that relies soft gating functions to select the relevant features for person re-ID. In contrast, the proposed sampling-based attention mechanism allows us to effectively trim irrelevant features by enforcing the resultant feature masks to focus on the most discriminative features. It can produce sharper attentions that are more assertive in localizing subtle features relevant to re-identifying people across cameras. For this purpose, a differentiable Gumbel-Softmax sampler is employed to approximate the Bernoulli sampling to train the sharp attention networks. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the superiority of this new sharp attention model for person re-ID over the other state-of-the-art methods on three challenging benchmarks including CUHK03, Market-1501, and DukeMTMC-reID.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(T-CSVT

    Online Learning to Sample

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is one of the most widely used techniques for online optimization in machine learning. In this work, we accelerate SGD by adaptively learning how to sample the most useful training examples at each time step. First, we show that SGD can be used to learn the best possible sampling distribution of an importance sampling estimator. Second, we show that the sampling distribution of an SGD algorithm can be estimated online by incrementally minimizing the variance of the gradient. The resulting algorithm - called Adaptive Weighted SGD (AW-SGD) - maintains a set of parameters to optimize, as well as a set of parameters to sample learning examples. We show that AWSGD yields faster convergence in three different applications: (i) image classification with deep features, where the sampling of images depends on their labels, (ii) matrix factorization, where rows and columns are not sampled uniformly, and (iii) reinforcement learning, where the optimized and exploration policies are estimated at the same time, where our approach corresponds to an off-policy gradient algorithm.Comment: Update: removed convergence theorem and proof as there is an error. Submitted to UAI 201

    Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Handful of Trials using Probabilistic Dynamics Models

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    Model-based reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can attain excellent sample efficiency, but often lag behind the best model-free algorithms in terms of asymptotic performance. This is especially true with high-capacity parametric function approximators, such as deep networks. In this paper, we study how to bridge this gap, by employing uncertainty-aware dynamics models. We propose a new algorithm called probabilistic ensembles with trajectory sampling (PETS) that combines uncertainty-aware deep network dynamics models with sampling-based uncertainty propagation. Our comparison to state-of-the-art model-based and model-free deep RL algorithms shows that our approach matches the asymptotic performance of model-free algorithms on several challenging benchmark tasks, while requiring significantly fewer samples (e.g., 8 and 125 times fewer samples than Soft Actor Critic and Proximal Policy Optimization respectively on the half-cheetah task).Comment: NIPS 2018, video and code available at https://sites.google.com/view/drl-in-a-handful-of-trials

    Visually-aware Recommendation with Aesthetic Features

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    Visual information plays a critical role in human decision-making process. While recent developments on visually-aware recommender systems have taken the product image into account, none of them has considered the aesthetic aspect. We argue that the aesthetic factor is very important in modeling and predicting users' preferences, especially for some fashion-related domains like clothing and jewelry. This work addresses the need of modeling aesthetic information in visually-aware recommender systems. Technically speaking, we make three key contributions in leveraging deep aesthetic features: (1) To describe the aesthetics of products, we introduce the aesthetic features extracted from product images by a deep aesthetic network. We incorporate these features into recommender system to model users' preferences in the aesthetic aspect. (2) Since in clothing recommendation, time is very important for users to make decision, we design a new tensor decomposition model for implicit feedback data. The aesthetic features are then injected to the basic tensor model to capture the temporal dynamics of aesthetic preferences (e.g., seasonal patterns). (3) We also use the aesthetic features to optimize the learning strategy on implicit feedback data. We enrich the pairwise training samples by considering the similarity among items in the visual space and graph space; the key idea is that a user may likely have similar perception on similar items. We perform extensive experiments on several real-world datasets and demonstrate the usefulness of aesthetic features and the effectiveness of our proposed methods.Comment: Accepted by VLDBJ. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0582

    Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association

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    Mostexistingpersonre-identification(re-id)methods relyon supervised model learning on per-camera-pair manually labelled pairwise training data. This leads to poor scalability in practical re-id deployment due to the lack of exhaustive identity labelling of image positive and negative pairs for every camera pair. In this work, we address this problem by proposing an unsupervised re-id deep learning approach capable of incrementally discovering and exploiting the underlying re-id discriminative information from automatically generated person tracklet data from videos in an end-to-end model optimisation. We formulate a Tracklet Association Unsupervised Deep Learning (TAUDL) framework characterised by jointly learning per-camera (within-camera) tracklet association (labelling) and cross-camera tracklet correlation by maximising the discovery of most likely tracklet relationships across camera views. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed TAUDL model over the state-of-the-art unsupervised and domain adaptation re- id methods using six person re-id benchmarking datasets.Comment: ECCV 2018 Ora

    Deep Variational Koopman Models: Inferring Koopman Observations for Uncertainty-Aware Dynamics Modeling and Control

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    Koopman theory asserts that a nonlinear dynamical system can be mapped to a linear system, where the Koopman operator advances observations of the state forward in time. However, the observable functions that map states to observations are generally unknown. We introduce the Deep Variational Koopman (DVK) model, a method for inferring distributions over observations that can be propagated linearly in time. By sampling from the inferred distributions, we obtain a distribution over dynamical models, which in turn provides a distribution over possible outcomes as a modeled system advances in time. Experiments show that the DVK model is effective at long-term prediction for a variety of dynamical systems. Furthermore, we describe how to incorporate the learned models into a control framework, and demonstrate that accounting for the uncertainty present in the distribution over dynamical models enables more effective control.Comment: Accepted to the 2019 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 8 pages, 3 figure

    Estimating Risk and Uncertainty in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning agents are faced with two types of uncertainty. Epistemic uncertainty stems from limited data and is useful for exploration, whereas aleatoric uncertainty arises from stochastic environments and must be accounted for in risk-sensitive applications. We highlight the challenges involved in simultaneously estimating both of them, and propose a framework for disentangling and estimating these uncertainties on learned Q-values. We derive unbiased estimators of these uncertainties and introduce an uncertainty-aware DQN algorithm, which we show exhibits safe learning behavior and outperforms other DQN variants on the MinAtar testbed.Comment: Work presented at the ICML 2020 Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learnin

    Deep Learning from Noisy Image Labels with Quality Embedding

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    There is an emerging trend to leverage noisy image datasets in many visual recognition tasks. However, the label noise among the datasets severely degenerates the \mbox{performance of deep} learning approaches. Recently, one mainstream is to introduce the latent label to handle label noise, which has shown promising improvement in the network designs. Nevertheless, the mismatch between latent labels and noisy labels still affects the predictions in such methods. To address this issue, we propose a quality embedding model, which explicitly introduces a quality variable to represent the trustworthiness of noisy labels. Our key idea is to identify the mismatch between the latent and noisy labels by embedding the quality variables into different subspaces, which effectively minimizes the noise effect. At the same time, the high-quality labels is still able to be applied for training. To instantiate the model, we further propose a Contrastive-Additive Noise network (CAN), which consists of two important layers: (1) the contrastive layer estimates the quality variable in the embedding space to reduce noise effect; and (2) the additive layer aggregates the prior predictions and noisy labels as the posterior to train the classifier. Moreover, to tackle the optimization difficulty, we deduce an SGD algorithm with the reparameterization tricks, which makes our method scalable to big data. We conduct the experimental evaluation of the proposed method over a range of noisy image datasets. Comprehensive results have demonstrated CAN outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning approaches.Comment: Under review for Transactions on Image Processin

    Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Modeling Using Uncertainty-Aware Deep Neural Networks and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: Application to Flood Modeling

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    Deep Learning research is advancing at a fantastic rate, and there is much to gain from transferring this knowledge to older fields like Computational Fluid Dynamics in practical engineering contexts. This work compares state-of-the-art methods that address uncertainty quantification in Deep Neural Networks, pushing forward the reduced-order modeling approach of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Neural Networks (POD-NN) with Deep Ensembles and Variational Inference-based Bayesian Neural Networks on two-dimensional problems in space. These are first tested on benchmark problems, and then applied to a real-life application: flooding predictions in the Mille \^Iles river in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada metropolitan area. Our setup involves a set of input parameters, with a potentially noisy distribution, and accumulates the simulation data resulting from these parameters. The goal is to build a non-intrusive surrogate model that is able to know when it does not know, which is still an open research area in Neural Networks (and in AI in general). With the help of this model, probabilistic flooding maps are generated, aware of the model uncertainty. These insights on the unknown are also utilized for an uncertainty propagation task, allowing for flooded area predictions that are broader and safer than those made with a regular uncertainty-uninformed surrogate model. Our study of the time-dependent and highly nonlinear case of a dam break is also presented. Both the ensembles and the Bayesian approach lead to reliable results for multiple smooth physical solutions, providing the correct warning when going out-of-distribution. However, the former, referred to as POD-EnsNN, proved much easier to implement and showed greater flexibility than the latter in the case of discontinuities, where standard algorithms may oscillate or fail to converge.Comment: To be published in the Journal of Computational Physic

    Label-aware Document Representation via Hybrid Attention for Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification

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    Extreme multi-label text classification (XMTC) aims at tagging a document with most relevant labels from an extremely large-scale label set. It is a challenging problem especially for the tail labels because there are only few training documents to build classifier. This paper is motivated to better explore the semantic relationship between each document and extreme labels by taking advantage of both document content and label correlation. Our objective is to establish an explicit label-aware representation for each document with a hybrid attention deep neural network model(LAHA). LAHA consists of three parts. The first part adopts a multi-label self-attention mechanism to detect the contribution of each word to labels. The second part exploits the label structure and document content to determine the semantic connection between words and labels in a same latent space. An adaptive fusion strategy is designed in the third part to obtain the final label-aware document representation so that the essence of previous two parts can be sufficiently integrated. Extensive experiments have been conducted on six benchmark datasets by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods. The results show the superiority of our proposed LAHA method, especially on the tail labels