28 research outputs found

    Wheel and Star-critical Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral

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    The star-critical Ramsey number rβˆ—(H1, H2) is the smallest integer k such that every red/blue coloring of the edges of Kn βˆ’ K1,nβˆ’kβˆ’1 contains either a red copy of H1 or a blue copy of H2, where n is the graph Ramsey number R(H1, H2). We study the cases of rβˆ—(C4, Cn) and R(C4, Wn). In particular, we prove that rβˆ—(C4, Cn) = 5 for all n \u3e 4, obtain a general characterization of Ramsey-critical (C4, Wn)-graphs, and establish the exact values of R(C4, Wn) for 9 cases of n between 18 and 44

    Star-critical Ramsey numbers and regular Ramsey numbers for stars

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    Let GG be a graph, HH be a subgraph of GG, and let Gβˆ’HG- H be the graph obtained from GG by removing a copy of HH. Let K1,nK_{1, n} be the star on n+1n+ 1 vertices. Let tβ‰₯2t\geq 2 be an integer and H1,…,HtH_{1}, \dots, H_{t} and HH be graphs, and let Hβ†’(H1,…,Ht)H\rightarrow (H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) denote that every tt coloring of E(H)E(H) yields a monochromatic copy of HiH_{i} in color ii for some i∈[t]i\in [t]. Ramsey number r(H1,…,Ht)r(H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) is the minimum integer NN such that KNβ†’(H1,…,Ht)K_{N}\rightarrow (H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}). Star-critical Ramsey number rβˆ—(H1,…,Ht)r_{*}(H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) is the minimum integer kk such that KNβˆ’K1,Nβˆ’1βˆ’kβ†’(H1,…,Ht)K_{N}- K_{1, N- 1- k}\rightarrow (H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) where N=r(H1,…,Ht)N= r(H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}). Let rr(H1,…,Ht)rr(H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) be the regular Ramsey number for H1,…,HtH_{1}, \dots, H_{t}, which is the minimum integer rr such that if GG is an rr-regular graph on r(H1,…,Ht)r(H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}) vertices, then Gβ†’(H1,…,Ht)G\rightarrow (H_{1}, \dots, H_{t}). Let m1,…,mtm_{1}, \dots, m_{t} be integers larger than one, exactly kk of which are even. In this paper, we prove that if kβ‰₯2k\geq 2 is even, then rβˆ—(K1,m1,…,K1,mt)=βˆ‘i=1tmiβˆ’t+1βˆ’k2r_{*}(K_{1, m_{1}}, \dots, K_{1, m_{t}})= \sum_{i= 1}^{t} m_{i}- t+ 1- \frac{k}{2} which disproves a conjecture of Budden and DeJonge in 2022. Furthermore, we prove that if kβ‰₯2k\geq 2 is even, then rr(K1,m1,…,K1,mt)=βˆ‘i=1tmiβˆ’trr(K_{1, m_{1}}, \dots, K_{1, m_{t}})= \sum_{i= 1}^{t} m_{i}- t. Otherwise, rr(K1,m1,…,K1,mt)=βˆ‘i=1tmiβˆ’t+1rr(K_{1, m_{1}}, \dots, K_{1, m_{t}})= \sum_{i= 1}^{t} m_{i}- t+ 1