4 research outputs found

    Coloring Grids Avoiding Bicolored Paths

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    The vertex-coloring problem on graphs avoiding bicolored members of a family of subgraphs has been widely studied. Most well-known examples are star coloring and acyclic coloring of graphs (Gr\"unbaum, 1973) where bicolored copies of P4P_4 and cycles are not allowed, respectively. In this paper, we study a variation of this problem, by considering vertex coloring on grids forbidding bicolored paths. We let PkP_k-chromatic number of a graph be the minimum number of colors needed to color the vertex set properly avoiding a bicolored Pk.P_k. We show that in any 3-coloring of the cartesian product of paths, Pk−2□Pk−2P_{k-2}\square P_{k-2}, there is a bicolored Pk.P_k. With our result, the problem of finding the PkP_k-chromatic number of product of two paths (2-dimensional grid) is settled for all $k.

    Coloring of Graphs Avoiding Bicolored Paths of a Fixed Length

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    The problem of finding the minimum number of colors to color a graph properly without containing any bicolored copy of a fixed family of subgraphs has been widely studied. Most well-known examples are star coloring and acyclic coloring of graphs (Gr\"unbaum, 1973) where bicolored copies of P4P_4 and cycles are not allowed, respectively. In this paper, we introduce a variation of these problems and study proper coloring of graphs not containing a bicolored path of a fixed length and provide general bounds for all graphs. A PkP_k-coloring of an undirected graph GG is a proper vertex coloring of GG such that there is no bicolored copy of PkP_k in G,G, and the minimum number of colors needed for a PkP_k-coloring of GG is called the PkP_k-chromatic number of G,G, denoted by sk(G).s_k(G). We provide bounds on sk(G)s_k(G) for all graphs, in particular, proving that for any graph GG with maximum degree d≥2,d\geq 2, and k≥4,k\geq4, sk(G)=O(dk−1k−2).s_k(G)=O(d^{\frac{k-1}{k-2}}). Moreover, we find the exact values for the PkP_k-chromatic number of the products of some cycles and paths for $k=5,6.

    Star Coloring of Cartesian Product of Paths and Cycles with Complete Bipartite Graphs

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