14 research outputs found

    SER-FIQ: Unsupervised Estimation of Face Image Quality Based on Stochastic Embedding Robustness

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    Face image quality is an important factor to enable high performance face recognition systems. Face quality assessment aims at estimating the suitability of a face image for recognition. Previous work proposed supervised solutions that require artificially or human labelled quality values. However, both labelling mechanisms are error-prone as they do not rely on a clear definition of quality and may not know the best characteristics for the utilized face recognition system. Avoiding the use of inaccurate quality labels, we proposed a novel concept to measure face quality based on an arbitrary face recognition model. By determining the embedding variations generated from random subnetworks of a face model, the robustness of a sample representation and thus, its quality is estimated. The experiments are conducted in a cross-database evaluation setting on three publicly available databases. We compare our proposed solution on two face embeddings against six state-of-the-art approaches from academia and industry. The results show that our unsupervised solution outperforms all other approaches in the majority of the investigated scenarios. In contrast to previous works, the proposed solution shows a stable performance over all scenarios. Utilizing the deployed face recognition model for our face quality assessment methodology avoids the training phase completely and further outperforms all baseline approaches by a large margin. Our solution can be easily integrated into current face recognition systems and can be modified to other tasks beyond face recognition.Comment: Accepted at CVPR202

    Face Quality Estimation and Its Correlation to Demographic and Non-Demographic Bias in Face Recognition

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    Face quality assessment aims at estimating the utility of a face image for the purpose of recognition. It is a key factor to achieve high face recognition performances. Currently, the high performance of these face recognition systems come with the cost of a strong bias against demographic and non-demographic sub-groups. Recent work has shown that face quality assessment algorithms should adapt to the deployed face recognition system, in order to achieve highly accurate and robust quality estimations. However, this could lead to a bias transfer towards the face quality assessment leading to discriminatory effects e.g. during enrolment. In this work, we present an in-depth analysis of the correlation between bias in face recognition and face quality assessment. Experiments were conducted on two publicly available datasets captured under controlled and uncontrolled circumstances with two popular face embeddings. We evaluated four state-of-the-art solutions for face quality assessment towards biases to pose, ethnicity, and age. The experiments showed that the face quality assessment solutions assign significantly lower quality values towards subgroups affected by the recognition bias demonstrating that these approaches are biased as well. This raises ethical questions towards fairness and discrimination which future works have to address.Comment: Accepted at IJCB202

    Beyond Identity: What Information Is Stored in Biometric Face Templates?

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    Deeply-learned face representations enable the success of current face recognition systems. Despite the ability of these representations to encode the identity of an individual, recent works have shown that more information is stored within, such as demographics, image characteristics, and social traits. This threatens the user's privacy, since for many applications these templates are expected to be solely used for recognition purposes. Knowing the encoded information in face templates helps to develop bias-mitigating and privacy-preserving face recognition technologies. This work aims to support the development of these two branches by analysing face templates regarding 113 attributes. Experiments were conducted on two publicly available face embeddings. For evaluating the predictability of the attributes, we trained a massive attribute classifier that is additionally able to accurately state its prediction confidence. This allows us to make more sophisticated statements about the attribute predictability. The results demonstrate that up to 74 attributes can be accurately predicted from face templates. Especially non-permanent attributes, such as age, hairstyles, haircolors, beards, and various accessories, found to be easily-predictable. Since face recognition systems aim to be robust against these variations, future research might build on this work to develop more understandable privacy preserving solutions and build robust and fair face templates.Comment: To appear in IJCB 202