18 research outputs found

    KNN Learning Techniques for Proportional Myocontrol in Prosthetics

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    This work has been conducted in the context of pattern-recognition-based control for electromyographic prostheses. It presents a k-nearest neighbour (kNN) classification technique for gesture recognition, extended by a proportionality scheme. The methods proposed are practically implemented and validated. Datasets are captured by means of a state-of-the-art 8-channel electromyography (EMG) armband positioned on the forearm. Based on this data, the influence of kNNs parameters is analyzed in pilot experiments. Moreover, the effect of proportionality scaling and rest thresholding schemes is investigated. A randomized, double-blind user study is conducted to compare the implemented method with the state-of-research algorithm Ridge Regression with Random Fourier Features (RR-RFF) for different levels of gesture exertion. The results from these experiments show a statistically significant improvement in favour of the kNN-based algorithm

    Assessment of a Wearable Force- and Electromyography Device and Comparison of the Related Signals for Myocontrol

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    In the frame of assistive robotics, multi-finger prosthetic hand/wrists have recently appeared,offering an increasing level of dexterity; however, in practice their control is limited to a few handgrips and still unreliable, with the effect that pattern recognition has not yet appeared in the clinicalenvironment. According to the scientific community, one of the keys to improve the situation ismulti-modal sensing, i.e., using diverse sensor modalities to interpret the subject’s intent andimprove the reliability and safety of the control system in daily life activities. In this work, wefirst describe and test a novel wireless, wearable force- and electromyography device; throughan experiment conducted on ten intact subjects, we then compare the obtained signals bothqualitatively and quantitatively, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Our resultsindicate that force-myography yields signals which are more stable across time during whenevera pattern is held, than those obtained by electromyography. We speculate that fusion of the twomodalities might be advantageous to improve the reliability of myocontrol in the near future

    Incremental learning of EMG-based Control commands using Gaussian Processes

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    Myoelectric control is the process of controlling a prosthesis or an assistive robot by using electrical signals of the muscles. Pattern recognition in myoelectric control is a challenging field, since the underlying distribution of the signal is likely to change during the application. Covariate shifts, including changes of the arm position or different levels of muscular activation, often lead to significant instability of the control signal. This work tries to overcome These challenges by enhancing a myoelectric human machine interface through the use of the sparse Gaussian Process (sGP) approximation Variational Free Energy and by the introduction of a novel adaptive model based on an unsupervised incremental learning approach. The novel adaptive model integrates an interclass and intraclass distance to improve prediction stability under challenging conditions. Furthermore, it demonstrates the successful incorporation of incremental updates which is shown to lead to a significantly increased performance and higher stability of the predictions in an online user study

    Simultaneous assessment and training of an upper-limb amputee using incremental machine-learning-based myocontrol:a single-case experimental design

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    Background Machine-learning-based myocontrol of prosthetic devices suffers from a high rate of abandonment due to dissatisfaction with the training procedure and with the reliability of day-to-day control. Incremental myocontrol is a promising approach as it allows on-demand updating of the system, thus enforcing continuous interaction with the user. Nevertheless, a long-term study assessing the efficacy of incremental myocontrol is still missing, partially due to the lack of an adequate tool to do so. In this work we close this gap and report about a person with upper-limb absence who learned to control a dexterous hand prosthesis using incremental myocontrol through a novel functional assessment protocol called SATMC (Simultaneous Assessment and Training of Myoelectric Control). Methods The participant was fitted with a custom-made prosthetic setup with a controller based on Ridge Regression with Random Fourier Features (RR-RFF), a non-linear, incremental machine learning method, used to build and progressively update the myocontrol system. During a 13-month user study, the participant performed increasingly complex daily-living tasks, requiring fine bimanual coordination and manipulation with a multi-fingered hand prosthesis, in a realistic laboratory setup. The SATMC was used both to compose the tasks and continually assess the participant's progress. Patient satisfaction was measured using Visual Analog Scales. Results Over the course of the study, the participant progressively improved his performance both objectively, e.g., the time required to complete each task became shorter, and subjectively, meaning that his satisfaction improved. The SATMC actively supported the improvement of the participant by progressively increasing the difficulty of the tasks in a structured way. In combination with the incremental RR-RFF allowing for small adjustments when required, the participant was capable of reliably using four actions of the prosthetic hand to perform all required tasks at the end of the study. Conclusions Incremental myocontrol enabled an upper-limb amputee to reliably control a dexterous hand prosthesis while providing a subjectively satisfactory experience. The SATMC can be an effective tool to this aim

    Stable myoelectric control of a hand prosthesis using non-linear incremental learning

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    Stable myoelectric control of hand prostheses remains an open problem. The only successful human–machine interface is surface electromyography, typically allowing control of a few degrees of freedom. Machine learning techniques may have the potential to remove these limitations, but their performance is thus far inadequate: myoelectric signals change over time under the influence of various factors, deteriorating control performance. It is therefore necessary, in the standard approach, to regularly retrain a new model from scratch. We hereby propose a non-linear incremental learning method in which occasional updates with a modest amount of novel training data allow continual adaptation to the changes in the signals. In particular, Incremental Ridge Regression and an approximation of the Gaussian Kernel known as Random Fourier Features are combined to predict finger forces from myoelectric signals, both finger-by-finger and grouped in grasping patterns. We show that the approach is effective and practically applicable to this problem by first analyzing its performance while predicting single-finger forces. Surface electromyography and finger forces were collected from 10 intact subjects during four sessions spread over two different days; the results of the analysis show that small incremental updates are indeed effective to maintain a stable level of performance. Subsequently, we employed the same method on-line to teleoperate a humanoid robotic arm equipped with a state-of-the-art commercial prosthetic hand. The subject could reliably grasp, carry and release everyday-life objects, enforcing stable grasping irrespective of the signal changes, hand/arm movements and wrist pronation and supination