6 research outputs found

    Bearing-based formation control with second-order agent dynamics

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    We consider the distributed formation control problem for a network of agents using visual measurements. We propose solutions that are based on bearing (and optionally distance) measurements, and agents with double integrator dynamics. We assume that a subset of the agents can track, in addition to their neighbors, a set of static features in the environment. These features are not considered to be part of the formation, but they are used to asymptotically control the velocity of the agents. We analyze the convergence properties of the proposed protocols analytically and through simulations.Published versionSupporting documentatio

    Bearing-only formation control with auxiliary distance measurements, leaders, and collision avoidance

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    We address the controller synthesis problem for distributed formation control. Our solution requires only relative bearing measurements (as opposed to full translations), and is based on the exact gradient of a Lyapunov function with only global minimizers (independently from the formation topology). These properties allow a simple proof of global asymptotic convergence, and extensions for including distance measurements, leaders and collision avoidance. We validate our approach through simulations and comparison with other stateof-the-art algorithms.ARL grant W911NF-08-2-0004, ARO grant W911NF-13-1-0350, ONR grants N00014-07-1-0829, N00014-14-1-0510, N00014-15-1-2115, NSF grant IIS-1426840, CNS-1521617 and United Technologies

    A distributed optimization framework for localization and formation control: applications to vision-based measurements

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    Multiagent systems have been a major area of research for the last 15 years. This interest has been motivated by tasks that can be executed more rapidly in a collaborative manner or that are nearly impossible to carry out otherwise. To be effective, the agents need to have the notion of a common goal shared by the entire network (for instance, a desired formation) and individual control laws to realize the goal. The common goal is typically centralized, in the sense that it involves the state of all the agents at the same time. On the other hand, it is often desirable to have individual control laws that are distributed, in the sense that the desired action of an agent depends only on the measurements and states available at the node and at a small number of neighbors. This is an attractive quality because it implies an overall system that is modular and intrinsically more robust to communication delays and node failures

    Stabilization of Stiff Formations with a Mix of Direction and Distance Constraints

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    Heterogenous formation shape control with a mix of inter-agent distance and bearing constraints involves the design of distributed control laws that ensure the formation moves such that these inter-agent constraints are achieved and maintained. This paper looks at the design of a distributed control scheme to solve the mixed constraint formation control problem with an arbitrary number of agents. A gradient control law is proposed based on the mathematical notion of a stiff formation structure and a corresponding stiff constraint matrix (which has origins in graph theory). This work provides an interesting and novel contrast to much of the existing work in formation control where distance-only or bearing-only constraints are typically maintained. A stability analysis is sketched and a number of other technical results are given

    Stabilization of stiff formations with a mix of direction and distance constraints

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    Heterogenous formation shape control with a mix of inter-agent distance and bearing constraints involves the design of distributed control laws that ensure the formation moves such that these inter-agent constraints are achieved and maintained. This paper looks at the design of a distributed control scheme to solve the mixed constraint formation control problem with an arbitrary number of agents. A gradient control law is proposed based on the mathematical notion of a stiff formation structure and a corresponding stiff constraint matrix (which has origins in graph theory). This work provides an interesting and novel contrast to much of the existing work in formation control where distance-only or bearing-only constraints are typically maintained. A stability analysis is sketched and a number of other technical results are given. © 2013 IEEE