1 research outputs found

    Stability And Performance Of Adaptive Algorithms For Multichannel Blind Separation And Deconvolution

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    The problem of blind source separation is reviewed and the properties of stability and performance of the classic adap# tive algorithms are derived. In case of an unstable separat# ing solution, a stabilization procedure is proposed. These #ndings are then extended to the problems of single-channel and multichannel blind deconvolution. It is shown that the algorithms for all these problems can be stabilized for any situation of nonlinearities and source distributions. 1 INTRODUCTION In the Multi-Channel Blind Deconvolution #MCBD# prob# lem we observe a signal vector x = #x1;x 2;x 3;::: ;x N # T that is formed from zero-mean source signals s = #s1 ;s 2;s 3;:::;s N # T by mixing and convolution #9#. Mathe# matically,inthez-domain this is represented by x#z#=A#z#s#z# ; #1# where A#z# is an invertible N # N matrix of polynomi# als. The goal is to recover the sources through the demix# ing#deconvolution process u#z#=W#z#x#z#=W#z#A#z#s#z#: #2# The N # N matrix W#z# is such that..