64 research outputs found

    Stability and Boundedness of Stochastic Volterra Integrodifferential Equations with Infinite Delay

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    We make the first attempt to discuss stability and boundedness of solutions to stochastic Volterra integrodifferential equations with infinite delay (IDSVIDEs). By the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach, we get kinds of sufficient criteria for stability and boundedness of solutions to IDSVIDEs. The main innovation here is that stochastic systems with infinite delay can retain stability and boundedness of corresponding deterministic systems under some conditions

    2013 (Spring)

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    Abstracts of the talks given at the 2013 Spring Colloquium

    General existence results for abstract McKean-Vlasov stochastic equations with variable delay

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    Results concerning the global existence and uniqueness of mild solutions for a class of first-order abstract stochastic integro-differential equations with variable delay in a real separable Hilbert space in which we allow the nonlinearities at a given time t to depend not only on the state of the solution at time t, but also on the corresponding probability distribution at time t are established. The classical Lipschitz is replaced by a weaker so-called Caratheodory condition under which we still maintain uniqueness. The time-dependent case is discussed, as well as an extension of the theory to the case of a nonlocal initial condition. Two examples illustrating the applicability of the general theory are provided

    Asymptotic Behaviour and Extinction of Delay Lotka-Volterra Model with Jump-Diffusion

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    This paper studies the effect of jump-diffusion random environmental perturbations on the asymptotic behaviour and extinction of Lotka-Volterra population dynamics with delays. The contributions of this paper lie in the following: (a) to consider delay stochastic differential equation with jumps, we introduce a proper initial data space, in which the initial data may be discontinuous function with downward jumps; (b) we show that the delay stochastic differential equation with jumps associated with our model has a unique global positive solution and give sufficient conditions that ensure stochastically ultimate boundedness, moment average boundedness in time, and asymptotic polynomial growth of our model; (c) the sufficient conditions for the extinction of the system are obtained, which generalized the former results and showed that the sufficiently large random jump magnitudes and intensity (average rate of jump events arrival) may lead to extinction of the population

    Existence and Boundedness of Solutions for Nonlinear Volterra Difference Equations in Banach Spaces

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    We consider a class of nonlinear discrete-time Volterra equations in Banach spaces. Estimates for the norm of operator-valued functions and the resolvents of quasi-nilpotent operators are used to find sufficient conditions that all solutions of such equations are elements of an appropriate Banach space. These estimates give us explicit boundedness conditions. The boundedness of solutions to Volterra equations with infinite delay is also investigated
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