7 research outputs found

    Amplified Hopf bifurcations in feed-forward networks

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    In a previous paper, the authors developed a method for computing normal forms of dynamical systems with a coupled cell network structure. We now apply this theory to one-parameter families of homogeneous feed-forward chains with 2-dimensional cells. Our main result is that Hopf bifurcations in such families generically generate branches of periodic solutions with amplitudes growing like 1/2\lambda^{1/2}, 1/6\lambda^{1/6}, 1/18\lambda^{1/18}, etc. Such amplified Hopf branches were previously found by others in a subclass of feed-forward networks with three cells, first under a normal form assumption and later by explicit computations. We explain here how these bifurcations arise generically in a broader class of feed-forward chains of arbitrary length

    Normal-normal resonances in a double Hopf bifurcation

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    We investigate the stability loss of invariant n-dimensional quasi-periodic tori during a double Hopf bifurcation, where at bifurcation the two normal frequencies are in normal-normal resonance. Invariants are used to analyse the normal form approximations in a unified manner. The corresponding dynamics form a skeleton for the dynamics of the original system. Here both normal hyperbolicity and KAM theory are being used.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Normal resonances in a double Hopf bifurcation

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    We introduce a framework to systematically investigate the resonant double Hopf bifurcation. We use the basic invariants of the ensuing T1-action to analyse the approximating normal form truncations in a unified manner. In this way we obtain a global description of the parameter space and thus find the organising resonance droplet, which is the present analogue of the resonant gap. The dynamics of the normal form yields a skeleton for the dynamics of the original system. In the ensuing perturbation theory both normal hyperbolicity (centre manifold theory) and KAM theory are being used

    Center manifolds of coupled cell networks

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    Dynamical systems with a network structure can display anomalous bifurcations as a generic phenomenon. As an explanation for this it has been noted that homogeneous networks can be realized as quotient networks of so-called fundamental networks. The class of admissible vector fields for these fundamental networks is equal to the class of equivariant vector fields of the regular representation of a monoid. Using this insight, we set up a framework for center manifold reduction in fundamental networks and their quotients. We then use this machinery to explain the difference in generic bifurcations between three example networks with identical spectral properties and identical robust synchrony spaces