1,191 research outputs found

    Sponsored Search, Market Equilibria, and the Hungarian Method

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    Matching markets play a prominent role in economic theory. A prime example of such a market is the sponsored search market. Here, as in other markets of that kind, market equilibria correspond to feasible, envy free, and bidder optimal outcomes. For settings without budgets such an outcome always exists and can be computed in polynomial-time by the so-called Hungarian Method. Moreover, every mechanism that computes such an outcome is incentive compatible. We show that the Hungarian Method can be modified so that it finds a feasible, envy free, and bidder optimal outcome for settings with budgets. We also show that in settings with budgets no mechanism that computes such an outcome can be incentive compatible for all inputs. For inputs in general position, however, the presented mechanism---as any other mechanism that computes such an outcome for settings with budgets---is incentive compatible

    Scalable Winner Determination in Advertising Auctions

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    Internet search results are a growing and highly profitable advertising platform. Search providers auction advertising slots to advertisers on their search result pages. Due to the high volume of searches and the users' low tolerance for search result latency, it is imperative to resolve these auctions fast. Current approaches restrict the expressiveness of bids in order to achieve fast winner determination, which is the problem of allocating slots to advertisers so as to maximize the expected revenue given the advertisers' bids. The goal of our work is to permit more expressive bidding, thus allowing advertisers to achieve complex advertising goals, while still providing fast and scalable techniques for winner determination. We also discuss the application of our framework to advertising in massively multiplayer online games.NS

    Toward Expressive and Scalable Sponsored Search Auctions

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    Internet search results are a growing and highly profitable advertising platform. Search providers auction advertising slots to advertisers on their search result pages. Due to the high volume of searches and the users' low tolerance for search result latency, it is imperative to resolve these auctions fast. Current approaches restrict the expressiveness of bids in order to achieve fast winner determination, which is the problem of allocating slots to advertisers so as to maximize the expected revenue given the advertisers' bids. The goal of our work is to permit more expressive bidding, thus allowing advertisers to achieve complex advertising goals, while still providing fast and scalable techniques for winner determination.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, ICDE 200

    Uniqueness of Coalitional Equilibria

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    We provide an existence and a uniqueness result for coalitional equilibria of a game in strategic form. Both results are illustrated for a public good game and a homogeneous Cournot-oligopoly game.Existence and uniqueness of coalitional equilibrium, Game in strategic form

    The Pigouvian Tax Rule in the Presence of an Eco-Industry

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    Pollution abatement goods and services are now largely being delivered by a specialized “eco-industry.” This note reconsiders Pigouvian taxes in this context. We find that the optimal emission tax will depart from the marginal social cost of pollution according to the polluters’ and the environment firms’ relative market power.Pigouvian taxes, Environment industry

    The Egalitarian Sharing Rule in Provision of Public Projects

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    In this note we consider a society that partitions itself into disjoint jurisdictions, each choosing a location of its public project and a taxation scheme to finance it. The set of public project is multi-dimensional, and their costs could vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. We impose two principles, egalitarianism, that requires the equalization of the total cost for all agents in the same jurisdiction, and efficiency, that implies the minimization of the aggregate total cost within jurisdiction. We show that these two principles always yield a core-stable partition but a Nash stable partition may fail to exist.Jurisdictions, Stable partitions, Public projects, Egalitarianism

    Network Formation with Endogenous Decay

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    This paper considers a communication network characterized by an endogenous architecture and an imperfect transmission of information as in Bala and Goyal (2000). We propose a similar network's model with the difference that it is characterized by an endogenous rate of information decay. Endogenous decay is modelled as dependent on the result of a coordination game, played by every pair of directly linked agents and characterized by 2 equilibria: one efficient and the other risk dominant. Differently from other models, where the network represents only a channel to obtain information or to play a game, in our paper the network has an intrinsic value that depends on the chosen action in the coordination game by each participant. Moreover the endogenous network structure affects the play in the coordination game as well as the latter affects the network structure. The model has a multiplicity of equilibria and we produce a full characterization of those are stochastically stable. For sufficiently low link costs we find that in stochastically stable states network structure is ever efficient; individuals can be coordinated on efficient as well as on risk dominant action depending on the decay difference among the two equilibria in the single coordination game. For high link costs stochastically stable states can display networks that are not efficient; individuals are never coordinated on the efficient action.Network, Decay, Strategical interaction

    Platform Competition with Endogenous Multihoming

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    A model of two-sided market (for credit cards) is introduced and discussed. In this model, agents can join none, one, or more than one platform (multihoming), depending on access prices and the choices made by agents on the opposite market side. Although emerging multihoming patterns are, clearly, one aspect of equilibrium in a two-sided market, this issue has not yet been thoroughly addressed in the literature. This paper provides a general theoretical framework, in which homing partitions are conceived as one aspect of market equilibrium, rather than being set ex-ante, through ad-hoc assumptions. The emergence of a specific equilibrium partition is a consequence of: (1) the structure of costs and benefits, (2) the degree and type of heterogeneity among agents, (3) the intensity of platform competition.Two-sided markets, Network externalities, Standards, Platforms, Multihoming
