92 research outputs found

    DRAM Bender: An Extensible and Versatile FPGA-based Infrastructure to Easily Test State-of-the-art DRAM Chips

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    To understand and improve DRAM performance, reliability, security and energy efficiency, prior works study characteristics of commodity DRAM chips. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art open source infrastructures capable of conducting such studies are obsolete, poorly supported, or difficult to use, or their inflexibility limit the types of studies they can conduct. We propose DRAM Bender, a new FPGA-based infrastructure that enables experimental studies on state-of-the-art DRAM chips. DRAM Bender offers three key features at the same time. First, DRAM Bender enables directly interfacing with a DRAM chip through its low-level interface. This allows users to issue DRAM commands in arbitrary order and with finer-grained time intervals compared to other open source infrastructures. Second, DRAM Bender exposes easy-to-use C++ and Python programming interfaces, allowing users to quickly and easily develop different types of DRAM experiments. Third, DRAM Bender is easily extensible. The modular design of DRAM Bender allows extending it to (i) support existing and emerging DRAM interfaces, and (ii) run on new commercial or custom FPGA boards with little effort. To demonstrate that DRAM Bender is a versatile infrastructure, we conduct three case studies, two of which lead to new observations about the DRAM RowHammer vulnerability. In particular, we show that data patterns supported by DRAM Bender uncovers a larger set of bit-flips on a victim row compared to the data patterns commonly used by prior work. We demonstrate the extensibility of DRAM Bender by implementing it on five different FPGAs with DDR4 and DDR3 support. DRAM Bender is freely and openly available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DRAM-Bender.Comment: To appear in TCAD 202

    Mitigating Differential Power Analysis Attacks on AES using NeuroMemristive Hardware

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    Cryptographic algorithms such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are vulnerable to side channel attacks. AES was once thought to be impervious to attacks, but this proved to be true only for a mathematical model of AES, not a physical realization. Hard- ware implementations leak side channel information such as power dissipation. One of the practical SCA attacks is the Differential power analysis (DPA) attack, which statistically analyzes power measurements to find data-dependent correlations. Several countermeasures against DPA have been proposed at the circuit and logic level in conventional technologies. These techniques generally include masking the data inside the algorithm or hiding the power profile. Next generation processors bring in additional challenges to mitigate DPA attacks, by way of heterogeneity of the devices used in the hardware realizations. Neuromemristive systems hold potential in this domain and also bring new challenges to the hardware security of cryptosystems. In this exploratory work, a neuromemristive architecture was designed to compute an AES transformation and mitigate DPA attacks. The random power profile of the neuromemristive architecture reduces the correlations between data and power consumption. Hardware primitives, such as neuron and synapse circuits were developed along with a framework to generate neural networks in hardware. An attack framework was developed to run DPA attacks using different leakage models. A baseline AES cryptoprocessor using only CMOS technology was attacked successfully. The SubBytes transformation was replaced by a neuromemristive architecture, and the proposed designs were more resilient against DPA attacks at the cost of increased power consumption

    Normally-Off Computing Design Methodology Using Spintronics: From Devices to Architectures

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    Energy-harvesting-powered computing offers intriguing and vast opportunities to dramatically transform the landscape of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and wireless sensor networks by utilizing ambient sources of light, thermal, kinetic, and electromagnetic energy to achieve battery-free computing. In order to operate within the restricted energy capacity and intermittency profile of battery-free operation, it is proposed to innovate Elastic Intermittent Computation (EIC) as a new duty-cycle-variable computing approach leveraging the non-volatility inherent in post-CMOS switching devices. The foundations of EIC will be advanced from the ground up by extending Spin Hall Effect Magnetic Tunnel Junction (SHE-MTJ) device models to realize SHE-MTJ-based Majority Gate (MG) and Polymorphic Gate (PG) logic approaches and libraries, that leverage intrinsic-non-volatility to realize middleware-coherent, intermittent computation without checkpointing, micro-tasking, or software bloat and energy overheads vital to IoT. Device-level EIC research concentrates on encapsulating SHE-MTJ behavior with a compact model to leverage the non-volatility of the device for intrinsic provision of intermittent computation and lifetime energy reduction. Based on this model, the circuit-level EIC contributions will entail the design, simulation, and analysis of PG-based spintronic logic which is adaptable at the gate-level to support variable duty cycle execution that is robust to brief and extended supply outages or unscheduled dropouts, and development of spin-based research synthesis and optimization routines compatible with existing commercial toolchains. These tools will be employed to design a hybrid post-CMOS processing unit utilizing pipelining and power-gating through state-holding properties within the datapath itself, thus eliminating checkpointing and data transfer operations

    2022 roadmap on neuromorphic computing and engineering

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    Modern computation based on von Neumann architecture is now a mature cutting-edge science. In the von Neumann architecture, processing and memory units are implemented as separate blocks interchanging data intensively and continuously. This data transfer is responsible for a large part of the power consumption. The next generation computer technology is expected to solve problems at the exascale with 1018^{18} calculations each second. Even though these future computers will be incredibly powerful, if they are based on von Neumann type architectures, they will consume between 20 and 30 megawatts of power and will not have intrinsic physically built-in capabilities to learn or deal with complex data as our brain does. These needs can be addressed by neuromorphic computing systems which are inspired by the biological concepts of the human brain. This new generation of computers has the potential to be used for the storage and processing of large amounts of digital information with much lower power consumption than conventional processors. Among their potential future applications, an important niche is moving the control from data centers to edge devices. The aim of this roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of neuromorphic technology and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds in the major areas of neuromorphic technology, namely materials, devices, neuromorphic circuits, neuromorphic algorithms, applications, and ethics. The roadmap is a collection of perspectives where leading researchers in the neuromorphic community provide their own view about the current state and the future challenges for each research area. We hope that this roadmap will be a useful resource by providing a concise yet comprehensive introduction to readers outside this field, for those who are just entering the field, as well as providing future perspectives for those who are well established in the neuromorphic computing community