541 research outputs found

    Rethinking Masked Language Modeling for Chinese Spelling Correction

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    In this paper, we study Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) as a joint decision made by two separate models: a language model and an error model. Through empirical analysis, we find that fine-tuning BERT tends to over-fit the error model while under-fit the language model, resulting in poor generalization to out-of-distribution error patterns. Given that BERT is the backbone of most CSC models, this phenomenon has a significant negative impact. To address this issue, we are releasing a multi-domain benchmark LEMON, with higher quality and diversity than existing benchmarks, to allow a comprehensive assessment of the open domain generalization of CSC models. Then, we demonstrate that a very simple strategy, randomly masking 20\% non-error tokens from the input sequence during fine-tuning is sufficient for learning a much better language model without sacrificing the error model. This technique can be applied to any model architecture and achieves new state-of-the-art results on SIGHAN, ECSpell, and LEMON.Comment: Accepted by ACL'202

    Contextual Similarity is More Valuable than Character Similarity: Curriculum Learning for Chinese Spell Checking

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    Chinese Spell Checking (CSC) task aims to detect and correct Chinese spelling errors. In recent years, related researches focus on introducing the character similarity from confusion set to enhance the CSC models, ignoring the context of characters that contain richer information. To make better use of contextual similarity, we propose a simple yet effective curriculum learning framework for the CSC task. With the help of our designed model-agnostic framework, existing CSC models will be trained from easy to difficult as humans learn Chinese characters and achieve further performance improvements. Extensive experiments and detailed analyses on widely used SIGHAN datasets show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods

    An Empirical Investigation of Domain Adaptation Ability for Chinese Spelling Check Models

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    Chinese Spelling Check (CSC) is a meaningful task in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which aims at detecting spelling errors in Chinese texts and then correcting these errors. However, CSC models are based on pretrained language models, which are trained on a general corpus. Consequently, their performance may drop when confronted with downstream tasks involving domain-specific terms. In this paper, we conduct a thorough evaluation about the domain adaption ability of various typical CSC models by building three new datasets encompassing rich domain-specific terms from the financial, medical, and legal domains. Then we conduct empirical investigations in the corresponding domain-specific test datasets to ascertain the cross-domain adaptation ability of several typical CSC models. We also test the performance of the popular large language model ChatGPT. As shown in our experiments, the performances of the CSC models drop significantly in the new domains.Comment: ICASSP202

    Chinese Spelling Correction as Rephrasing Language Model

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    This paper studies Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC), which aims to detect and correct potential spelling errors in a given sentence. Current state-of-the-art methods regard CSC as a sequence tagging task and fine-tune BERT-based models on sentence pairs. However, we note a critical flaw in the process of tagging one character to another, that the correction is excessively conditioned on the error. This is opposite from human mindset, where individuals rephrase the complete sentence based on its semantics, rather than solely on the error patterns memorized before. Such a counter-intuitive learning process results in the bottleneck of generalizability and transferability of machine spelling correction. To address this, we propose RephrasingLanguageModelingRephrasing Language Modeling (ReLM), where the model is trained to rephrase the entire sentence by infilling additional slots, instead of character-to-character tagging. This novel training paradigm achieves the new state-of-the-art results across fine-tuned and zero-shot CSC benchmarks, outperforming previous counterparts by a large margin. Our method also learns transferable language representation when CSC is jointly trained with other tasks

    BSpell: A CNN-Blended BERT Based Bangla Spell Checker

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    Bangla typing is mostly performed using English keyboard and can be highly erroneous due to the presence of compound and similarly pronounced letters. Spelling correction of a misspelled word requires understanding of word typing pattern as well as the context of the word usage. A specialized BERT model named BSpell has been proposed in this paper targeted towards word for word correction in sentence level. BSpell contains an end-to-end trainable CNN sub-model named SemanticNet along with specialized auxiliary loss. This allows BSpell to specialize in highly inflected Bangla vocabulary in the presence of spelling errors. Furthermore, a hybrid pretraining scheme has been proposed for BSpell that combines word level and character level masking. Comparison on two Bangla and one Hindi spelling correction dataset shows the superiority of our proposed approach. BSpell is available as a Bangla spell checking tool via GitHub: https://github.com/Hasiburshanto/Bangla-Spell-Checke

    An Adversarial Multi-Task Learning Method for Chinese Text Correction with Semantic Detection

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    Text correction, especially the semantic correction of more widely used scenes, is strongly required to improve, for the fluency and writing efficiency of the text. An adversarial multi-task learning method is proposed to enhance the modeling and detection ability of character polysemy in Chinese sentence context. Wherein, two models, the masked language model and scoring language model, are introduced as a pair of not only coupled but also adversarial learning tasks. Moreover, the Monte Carlo tree search strategy and a policy network are introduced to accomplish the efficient Chinese text correction task with semantic detection. The experiments are executed on three datasets and five comparable methods, and the experimental results show that our method can obtain good performance in Chinese text correction task for better semantic rationality.Comment: Published on 31st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networ

    A Frustratingly Easy Plug-and-Play Detection-and-Reasoning Module for Chinese Spelling Check

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    In recent years, Chinese Spelling Check (CSC) has been greatly improved by designing task-specific pre-training methods or introducing auxiliary tasks, which mostly solve this task in an end-to-end fashion. In this paper, we propose to decompose the CSC workflow into detection, reasoning, and searching subtasks so that the rich external knowledge about the Chinese language can be leveraged more directly and efficiently. Specifically, we design a plug-and-play detection-and-reasoning module that is compatible with existing SOTA non-autoregressive CSC models to further boost their performance. We find that the detection-and-reasoning module trained for one model can also benefit other models. We also study the primary interpretability provided by the task decomposition. Extensive experiments and detailed analyses demonstrate the effectiveness and competitiveness of the proposed module.Comment: Accepted for publication in Findings of EMNLP 202

    CSCD-IME: Correcting Spelling Errors Generated by Pinyin IME

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    Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) is a task to detect and correct spelling mistakes in texts. In fact, most of Chinese input is based on pinyin input method, so the study of spelling errors in this process is more practical and valuable. However, there is still no research dedicated to this essential scenario. In this paper, we first present a Chinese Spelling Correction Dataset for errors generated by pinyin IME (CSCD-IME), including 40,000 annotated sentences from real posts of official media on Sina Weibo. Furthermore, we propose a novel method to automatically construct large-scale and high-quality pseudo data by simulating the input through pinyin IME. A series of analyses and experiments on CSCD-IME show that spelling errors produced by pinyin IME hold a particular distribution at pinyin level and semantic level and are challenging enough. Meanwhile, our proposed pseudo-data construction method can better fit this error distribution and improve the performance of CSC systems. Finally, we provide a useful guide to using pseudo data, including the data scale, the data source, and the training strategy
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