26 research outputs found

    Natural Language Processing Methods for Acoustic and Landmark Event-Based Features in Speech-Based Depression Detection

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    The processing of speech as an explicit sequence of events is common in automatic speech recognition (linguistic events), but has received relatively little attention in paralinguistic speech classification despite its potential for characterizing broad acoustic event sequences. This paper proposes a framework for analyzing speech as a sequence of acoustic events, and investigates its application to depression detection. In this framework, acoustic space regions are tokenized to 'words' representing speech events at fixed or irregular intervals. This tokenization allows the exploitation of acoustic word features using proven natural language processing methods. A key advantage of this framework is its ability to accommodate heterogeneous event types: herein we combine acoustic words and speech landmarks, which are articulation-related speech events. Another advantage is the option to fuse such heterogeneous events at various levels, including the embedding level. Evaluation of the proposed framework on both controlled laboratory-grade supervised audio recordings as well as unsupervised self-administered smartphone recordings highlight the merits of the proposed framework across both datasets, with the proposed landmark-dependent acoustic words achieving improvements in F1(depressed) of up to 15% and 13% for SH2-FS and DAIC-WOZ respectively, relative to acoustic speech baseline approaches

    Predicting the Emotional Intensity of Tweets

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    Automated interpretation of human emotion has become increasingly important as human-computer interactions become ubiquitous. Affective computing is a field of computer science concerned with recognizing, analyzing and interpreting human emotions in a range of media, including audio, video, and text. Social media, in particular, are rich in expressions of people\u27s moods, opinions, and sentiments. This thesis focuses on predicting the emotional intensity expressed on the social network Twitter. In this study, we use lexical features, sentiment and emotion lexicons to extract features from tweets, messages of 280 characters or less shared on Twitter. We also use a form of transfer learning – word and sentence embeddings extracted from neural networks trained on large corpora. The estimation of emotional intensity is a regression task and we use linear and tree-based models for this task. We compare the results of these individual models as well as making a final ensemble model that predicts the emotional intensity of tweets by combining the output of the individual models. We also use lexical features and word embeddings to train a recently introduced model designed to handle data with sparse or rare features. This model combines LASSO regularization with grouped features. Finally, an error analysis is conducted and areas that need to be improved are emphasized

    Addressing Variability in Speech when Recognizing Emotion and Mood In-the-Wild

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    Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness, affecting 4% of Americans, that is characterized by periodic mood changes ranging from severe depression to extreme compulsive highs. Both mania and depression profoundly impact the behavior of affected individuals, resulting in potentially devastating personal and social consequences. Bipolar disorder is managed clinically with regular interactions with care providers, who assess mood, energy levels, and the form and content of speech. Recent work has proposed smartphones for automatically monitoring mood using speech. Much of the early work in speech-centered mood detection has been done in the laboratory or clinic and is not reflective of the variability found in real-world conversations and conditions. Outside of these settings, automatic mood detection is hard, as the recordings include environmental noise, differences in recording devices, and variations in subject speaking patterns. Without addressing these issues, it is difficult to move towards a passive mobile health system. My research works to address this variability present in speech so that such a system can be created, allowing for interventions to mitigate the life-changing effects of mood transitions. However detecting mood directly from speech is difficult, as mood varies over the course of days or weeks, while speech fluctuates rapidly. To address this, my thesis explores how an intermediate step can be used to aid in this prediction. For example, one of the major symptoms of bipolar disorder is emotion dysregulation - changes in the way emotions are perceived and a lack of inhibition in their expression. My work has supported the relationship between automatically extracted emotion estimates and mood. Because of this, my thesis explores how to mitigate the variability found when detecting emotion from speech. The remainder of my thesis is focused on employing these emotion-based features, as well as features based on language content, to real-world applications. This dissertation is divided into the following parts: Part I: I address the direct classification of mood from speech. This is accomplished by addressing variability due to recording device using preprocessing and multi-task learning. I then show how both subject-specific and population-general information can be combined to significantly improve mood detection. Part II: I explore the automatic detection of emotion from speech and how to control for the other factors of variability present in the speech signal. I use progressive networks as a method to augment emotion with other paralinguistic data including gender and speaker, as well as other datasets. Additionally, I introduce a novel domain generalization method for cross-corpus detection. Part III: I demonstrate real-world applications of speech mood monitoring using everyday conversations. I show how the previously introduced generalized model can predict emotion from the speech of individuals with suicidal ideation, demonstrating its effectiveness across domains. Furthermore, I use these predictions to distinguish individuals with suicidal thoughts from healthy controls. Lastly, I introduce a novel framework for intervention detection in individuals with bipolar disorder. I then create a natural speech mood monitoring system based on features derived from measures of emotion and automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts and show effective intervention detection. I conclude this dissertation with the following future directions: (1) Extending my emotion generalization system to include multiple modalities and factors of variability; (2) Expanding natural speech mood monitoring by including more devices, exploring other data besides speech, and investigating mood rating causality.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153461/1/gideonjn_1.pd

    Speech-based automatic depression detection via biomarkers identification and artificial intelligence approaches

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    Depression has become one of the most prevalent mental health issues, affecting more than 300 million people all over the world. However, due to factors such as limited medical resources and accessibility to health care, there are still a large number of patients undiagnosed. In addition, the traditional approaches to depression diagnosis have limitations because they are usually time-consuming, and depend on clinical experience that varies across different clinicians. From this perspective, the use of automatic depression detection can make the diagnosis process much faster and more accessible. In this thesis, we present the possibility of using speech for automatic depression detection. This is based on the findings in neuroscience that depressed patients have abnormal cognition mechanisms thus leading to the speech differs from that of healthy people. Therefore, in this thesis, we show two ways of benefiting from automatic depression detection, i.e., identifying speech markers of depression and constructing novel deep learning models to improve detection accuracy. The identification of speech markers tries to capture measurable depression traces left in speech. From this perspective, speech markers such as speech duration, pauses and correlation matrices are proposed. Speech duration and pauses take speech fluency into account, while correlation matrices represent the relationship between acoustic features and aim at capturing psychomotor retardation in depressed patients. Experimental results demonstrate that these proposed markers are effective at improving the performance in recognizing depressed speakers. In addition, such markers show statistically significant differences between depressed patients and non-depressed individuals, which explains the possibility of using these markers for depression detection and further confirms that depression leaves detectable traces in speech. In addition to the above, we propose an attention mechanism, Multi-local Attention (MLA), to emphasize depression-relevant information locally. Then we analyse the effectiveness of MLA on performance and efficiency. According to the experimental results, such a model can significantly improve performance and confidence in the detection while reducing the time required for recognition. Furthermore, we propose Cross-Data Multilevel Attention (CDMA) to emphasize different types of depression-relevant information, i.e., specific to each type of speech and common to both, by using multiple attention mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to integrate different types of depression-relevant information in speech, improving the performance significantly for depression detection

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression

    A computational model of focused attention meditation and its transfer to a sustained attention task

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    Although meditation and mindfulness practices are widely discussed and studied more and more in the scientific literature, there is little theory about the cognitive mechanisms that comprise it. Here we begin to develop such a theory by creating a computational cognitive model of a particular type of meditation: focused attention mediation. This model was created within Prims, a cognitive architecture similar to and based on ACT-R, which enables us to make predictions about the cognitive tasks that meditation experience may affect. We implemented a model based on an extensive literature review of how the meditation experience unfolds over time. We then subjected the Prims model to a session of the Sustained Reaction to Response Task, a task typically used to study sustained attention, a faculty that may be trained with meditation practice. Analyses revealed that the model was significantly more sensitive to detecting targets and non-targets after the meditation practice than before. These results agree with empirical findings of a longitudinal study conducted in 2010. These results suggest that our approach to modeling meditation and its effects of cognition is feasible

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression