3 research outputs found

    A spectral surrogate model for stochastic simulators computed from trajectory samples

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    Stochastic simulators are non-deterministic computer models which provide a different response each time they are run, even when the input parameters are held at fixed values. They arise when additional sources of uncertainty are affecting the computer model, which are not explicitly modeled as input parameters. The uncertainty analysis of stochastic simulators requires their repeated evaluation for different values of the input variables, as well as for different realizations of the underlying latent stochasticity. The computational cost of such analyses can be considerable, which motivates the construction of surrogate models that can approximate the original model and its stochastic response, but can be evaluated at much lower cost. We propose a surrogate model for stochastic simulators based on spectral expansions. Considering a certain class of stochastic simulators that can be repeatedly evaluated for the same underlying random event, we view the simulator as a random field indexed by the input parameter space. For a fixed realization of the latent stochasticity, the response of the simulator is a deterministic function, called trajectory. Based on samples from several such trajectories, we approximate the latter by sparse polynomial chaos expansion and compute analytically an extended Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion (KLE) to reduce its dimensionality. The uncorrelated but dependent random variables of the KLE are modeled by advanced statistical techniques such as parametric inference, vine copula modeling, and kernel density estimation. The resulting surrogate model approximates the marginals and the covariance function, and allows to obtain new realizations at low computational cost. We observe that in our numerical examples, the first mode of the KLE is by far the most important, and investigate this phenomenon and its implications

    Spectral representation of stochastic field data using sparse polynomial chaos expansions

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    Uncertainty quantification is an emerging research area aiming at quantifying the variation in engineering system outputs due to uncertain inputs. One approach to study problems in uncertainty quantification is using polynomial chaos expansions. Though, a well-known limitation of polynomial chaos approaches is that their computational cost becomes prohibitive when the dimension of the stochastic space is large. In this paper, we propose a procedure to solve high dimensional stochastic problems with a limited computational budget. The methodology is based on an existing non-intrusive model reduction scheme for polynomial chaos representation, introduced by Raisee et al. [1], that is further extended by introducing sparse polynomial chaos expansions. Specifically, an optimal stochastic basis is calculated from a coarse scale analysis, using proper orthogonal decomposition and sparse polynomial chaos and is then utilized in the fine scale analysis. This way, the computational expense on both the coarse and fine discretization levels is drastically reduced. Two application examples are considered to validate the proposed method and demonstrate its potential in solving high dimensional uncertainty quantification problems. One analytical stochastic problems is first studied, where up to 20 uncertainties were introduced in order to challenge the proposed method. A more realistic CFD type application is then discussed. It consists of a two dimensional NACA 0012 symmetric profile operating at subsonic flight conditions. It is shown that the proposed reduced order method based on sparse polynomial chaos expansions is able to predict statistical quantities with little loss of information, at a cheaper cost than other state-of-the-art techniques. © 2018 Elsevier Inc