1,099 research outputs found

    New spectral bounds on the chromatic number encompassing all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix

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    The purpose of this article is to improve existing lower bounds on the chromatic number chi. Let mu_1,...,mu_n be the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix sorted in non-increasing order. First, we prove the lower bound chi >= 1 + max_m {sum_{i=1}^m mu_i / - sum_{i=1}^m mu_{n-i+1}} for m=1,...,n-1. This generalizes the Hoffman lower bound which only involves the maximum and minimum eigenvalues, i.e., the case m=1m=1. We provide several examples for which the new bound exceeds the {\sc Hoffman} lower bound. Second, we conjecture the lower bound chi >= 1 + S^+ / S^-, where S^+ and S^- are the sums of the squares of positive and negative eigenvalues, respectively. To corroborate this conjecture, we prove the weaker bound chi >= S^+/S^-. We show that the conjectured lower bound is tight for several families of graphs. We also performed various searches for a counter-example, but none was found. Our proofs rely on a new technique of converting the adjacency matrix into the zero matrix by conjugating with unitary matrices and use majorization of spectra of self-adjoint matrices. We also show that the above bounds are actually lower bounds on the normalized orthogonal rank of a graph, which is always less than or equal to the chromatic number. The normalized orthogonal rank is the minimum dimension making it possible to assign vectors with entries of modulus one to the vertices such that two such vectors are orthogonal if the corresponding vertices are connected. All these bounds are also valid when we replace the adjacency matrix A by W * A where W is an arbitrary self-adjoint matrix and * denotes the Schur product, that is, entrywise product of W and A

    Observations on graph invariants with the Lovász ϑ-function

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    This paper delves into three research directions, leveraging the Lovász ϑ \vartheta -function of a graph. First, it focuses on the Shannon capacity of graphs, providing new results that determine the capacity for two infinite subclasses of strongly regular graphs, and extending prior results. The second part explores cospectral and nonisomorphic graphs, drawing on a work by Berman and Hamud (2024), and it derives related properties of two types of joins of graphs. For every even integer such that n≥14 n \geq 14 , it is constructively proven that there exist connected, irregular, cospectral, and nonisomorphic graphs on n n vertices, being jointly cospectral with respect to their adjacency, Laplacian, signless Laplacian, and normalized Laplacian matrices, while also sharing identical independence, clique, and chromatic numbers, but being distinguished by their Lovász ϑ \vartheta -functions. The third part focuses on establishing bounds on graph invariants, particularly emphasizing strongly regular graphs and triangle-free graphs, and compares the tightness of these bounds to existing ones. The paper derives spectral upper and lower bounds on the vector and strict vector chromatic numbers of regular graphs, providing sufficient conditions for the attainability of these bounds. Exact closed-form expressions for the vector and strict vector chromatic numbers are derived for all strongly regular graphs and for all graphs that are vertex- and edge-transitive, demonstrating that these two types of chromatic numbers coincide for every such graph. This work resolves a query regarding the variant of the ϑ \vartheta -function by Schrijver and the identical function by McEliece et al. (1978). It shows, by a counterexample, that the ϑ \vartheta -function variant by Schrijver does not possess the property of the Lovász ϑ \vartheta -function of forming an upper bound on the Shannon capacity of a graph. This research paper also serves as a tutorial of mutual interest in zero-error information theory and algebraic graph theory

    The Minimum Spectral Radius of Graphs with the Independence Number

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    In this paper, we investigate some properties of the Perron vector of connected graphs. These results are used to characterize that all extremal connected graphs with having the minimum (maximum) spectra radius among all connected graphs of order n=kαn=k\alpha with the independence number α\alpha, respectively.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure
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