10 research outputs found

    Rotation Coordinate Descent for Fast Globally Optimal Rotation Averaging

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    Under mild conditions on the noise level of the measurements, rotation averaging satisfies strong duality, which enables global solutions to be obtained via semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation. However, generic solvers for SDP are rather slow in practice, even on rotation averaging instances of moderate size, thus developing specialised algorithms is vital. In this paper, we present a fast algorithm that achieves global optimality called rotation coordinate descent (RCD). Unlike block coordinate descent (BCD) which solves SDP by updating the semidefinite matrix in a row-by-row fashion, RCD directly maintains and updates all valid rotations throughout the iterations. This obviates the need to store a large dense semidefinite matrix. We mathematically prove the convergence of our algorithm and empirically show its superior efficiency over state-of-the-art global methods on a variety of problem configurations. Maintaining valid rotations also facilitates incorporating local optimisation routines for further speed-ups. Moreover, our algorithm is simple to implement; see supplementary material for a demonstration program.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2021 as an oral presentatio

    MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization

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    We present MultiBodySync, a novel, end-to-end trainable multi-body motion segmentation and rigid registration framework for multiple input 3D point clouds. The two non-trivial challenges posed by this multi-scan multibody setting that we investigate are: (i) guaranteeing correspondence and segmentation consistency across multiple input point clouds capturing different spatial arrangements of bodies or body parts; and (ii) obtaining robust motion-based rigid body segmentation applicable to novel object categories. We propose an approach to address these issues that incorporates spectral synchronization into an iterative deep declarative network, so as to simultaneously recover consistent correspondences as well as motion segmentation. At the same time, by explicitly disentangling the correspondence and motion segmentation estimation modules, we achieve strong generalizability across different object categories. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method is effective on various datasets ranging from rigid parts in articulated objects to individually moving objects in a 3D scene, be it single-view or full point clouds.Comment: Contact: huang-jh18mailstsinghuaeduc

    Learning multiview 3D point cloud registration

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    We present a novel, end-to-end learnable, multiview 3D point cloud registration algorithm. Registration of multiple scans typically follows a two-stage pipeline: the initial pairwise alignment and the globally consistent refinement. The former is often ambiguous due to the low overlap of neighboring point clouds, symmetries and repetitive scene parts. Therefore, the latter global refinement aims at establishing the cyclic consistency across multiple scans and helps in resolving the ambiguous cases. In this paper we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first end-to-end algorithm for joint learning of both parts of this two-stage problem. Experimental evaluation on well accepted benchmark datasets shows that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art by a significant margin, while being end-to-end trainable and computationally less costly. Moreover, we present detailed analysis and an ablation study that validate the novel components of our approach. The source code and pretrained models are publicly available under https://github.com/zgojcic/3D_multiview_reg.Comment: CVPR2020 - Camera Read