16 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Ranked-Attention Networks for Video Captioning

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    Generating video descriptions automatically is a challenging task that involves a complex interplay between spatio-temporal visual features and language models. Given that videos consist of spatial (frame-level) features and their temporal evolutions, an effective captioning model should be able to attend to these different cues selectively. To this end, we propose a Spatio-Temporal and Temporo-Spatial (STaTS) attention model which, conditioned on the language state, hierarchically combines spatial and temporal attention to videos in two different orders: (i) a spatio-temporal (ST) sub-model, which first attends to regions that have temporal evolution, then temporally pools the features from these regions; and (ii) a temporo-spatial (TS) sub-model, which first decides a single frame to attend to, then applies spatial attention within that frame. We propose a novel LSTM-based temporal ranking function, which we call ranked attention, for the ST model to capture action dynamics. Our entire framework is trained end-to-end. We provide experiments on two benchmark datasets: MSVD and MSR-VTT. Our results demonstrate the synergy between the ST and TS modules, outperforming recent state-of-the-art methods

    Meaning guided video captioning

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    Current video captioning approaches often suffer from problems of missing objects in the video to be described, while generating captions semantically similar with ground truth sentences. In this paper, we propose a new approach to video captioning that can describe objects detected by object detection, and generate captions having similar meaning with correct captions. Our model relies on S2VT, a sequence-to-sequence model for video captioning. Given a sequence of video frames, the encoding RNN takes a frame as well as detected objects in the frame in order to incorporate the information of the objects in the scene. The following decoding RNN outputs are then fed into an attention layer and then to a decoder for generating captions. The caption is compared with the ground truth by learning metric so that vector representations of generated captions are semantically similar to those of ground truth. Experimental results with the MSDV dataset demonstrate that the performance of the proposed approach is much better than the model without the proposed meaning-guided framework, showing the effectiveness of the proposed model. Code are publicly available at https://github.com/captanlevi/Meaning-guided-video-captioning-.Comment: The 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2019

    SBAT: Video Captioning with Sparse Boundary-Aware Transformer

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    In this paper, we focus on the problem of applying the transformer structure to video captioning effectively. The vanilla transformer is proposed for uni-modal language generation task such as machine translation. However, video captioning is a multimodal learning problem, and the video features have much redundancy between different time steps. Based on these concerns, we propose a novel method called sparse boundary-aware transformer (SBAT) to reduce the redundancy in video representation. SBAT employs boundary-aware pooling operation for scores from multihead attention and selects diverse features from different scenarios. Also, SBAT includes a local correlation scheme to compensate for the local information loss brought by sparse operation. Based on SBAT, we further propose an aligned cross-modal encoding scheme to boost the multimodal interaction. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that SBAT outperforms the state-of-the-art methods under most of the metrics.Comment: Appearing at IJCAI 202

    Deep hierarchical pooling design for cross-granularity action recognition

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel hierarchical aggregation design that captures different levels of temporal granularity in action recognition. Our design principle is coarse-to-fine and achieved using a tree-structured network; as we traverse this network top-down, pooling operations are getting less invariant but timely more resolute and well localized. Learning the combination of operations in this network -- which best fits a given ground-truth -- is obtained by solving a constrained minimization problem whose solution corresponds to the distribution of weights that capture the contribution of each level (and thereby temporal granularity) in the global hierarchical pooling process. Besides being principled and well grounded, the proposed hierarchical pooling is also video-length agnostic and resilient to misalignments in actions. Extensive experiments conducted on the challenging UCF-101 database corroborate these statements

    Multimodal Transformer with Pointer Network for the DSTC8 AVSD Challenge

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    Audio-Visual Scene-Aware Dialog (AVSD) is an extension from Video Question Answering (QA) whereby the dialogue agent is required to generate natural language responses to address user queries and carry on conversations. This is a challenging task as it consists of video features of multiple modalities, including text, visual, and audio features. The agent also needs to learn semantic dependencies among user utterances and system responses to make coherent conversations with humans. In this work, we describe our submission to the AVSD track of the 8th Dialogue System Technology Challenge. We adopt dot-product attention to combine text and non-text features of input video. We further enhance the generation capability of the dialogue agent by adopting pointer networks to point to tokens from multiple source sequences in each generation step. Our systems achieve high performance in automatic metrics and obtain 5th and 6th place in human evaluation among all submissions.Comment: Accepted at DSTC Workshop at AAAI 202

    Vision and Language: from Visual Perception to Content Creation

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    Vision and language are two fundamental capabilities of human intelligence. Humans routinely perform tasks through the interactions between vision and language, supporting the uniquely human capacity to talk about what they see or hallucinate a picture on a natural-language description. The valid question of how language interacts with vision motivates us researchers to expand the horizons of computer vision area. In particular, "vision to language" is probably one of the most popular topics in the past five years, with a significant growth in both volume of publications and extensive applications, e.g., captioning, visual question answering, visual dialog, language navigation, etc. Such tasks boost visual perception with more comprehensive understanding and diverse linguistic representations. Going beyond the progresses made in "vision to language," language can also contribute to vision understanding and offer new possibilities of visual content creation, i.e., "language to vision." The process performs as a prism through which to create visual content conditioning on the language inputs. This paper reviews the recent advances along these two dimensions: "vision to language" and "language to vision." More concretely, the former mainly focuses on the development of image/video captioning, as well as typical encoder-decoder structures and benchmarks, while the latter summarizes the technologies of visual content creation. The real-world deployment or services of vision and language are elaborated as well

    Empirical Autopsy of Deep Video Captioning Frameworks

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    Contemporary deep learning based video captioning follows encoder-decoder framework. In encoder, visual features are extracted with 2D/3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and a transformed version of those features is passed to the decoder. The decoder uses word embeddings and a language model to map visual features to natural language captions. Due to its composite nature, the encoder-decoder pipeline provides the freedom of multiple choices for each of its components, e.g the choices of CNNs models, feature transformations, word embeddings, and language models etc. Component selection can have drastic effects on the overall video captioning performance. However, current literature is void of any systematic investigation in this regard. This article fills this gap by providing the first thorough empirical analysis of the role that each major component plays in a contemporary video captioning pipeline. We perform extensive experiments by varying the constituent components of the video captioning framework, and quantify the performance gains that are possible by mere component selection. We use the popular MSVD dataset as the test-bed, and demonstrate that substantial performance gains are possible by careful selection of the constituent components without major changes to the pipeline itself. These results are expected to provide guiding principles for future research in the fast growing direction of video captioning.Comment: 09 pages, 05 figure

    Relational Reasoning using Prior Knowledge for Visual Captioning

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    Exploiting relationships among objects has achieved remarkable progress in interpreting images or videos by natural language. Most existing methods resort to first detecting objects and their relationships, and then generating textual descriptions, which heavily depends on pre-trained detectors and leads to performance drop when facing problems of heavy occlusion, tiny-size objects and long-tail in object detection. In addition, the separate procedure of detecting and captioning results in semantic inconsistency between the pre-defined object/relation categories and the target lexical words. We exploit prior human commonsense knowledge for reasoning relationships between objects without any pre-trained detectors and reaching semantic coherency within one image or video in captioning. The prior knowledge (e.g., in the form of knowledge graph) provides commonsense semantic correlation and constraint between objects that are not explicit in the image and video, serving as useful guidance to build semantic graph for sentence generation. Particularly, we present a joint reasoning method that incorporates 1) commonsense reasoning for embedding image or video regions into semantic space to build semantic graph and 2) relational reasoning for encoding semantic graph to generate sentences. Extensive experiments on the MS-COCO image captioning benchmark and the MSVD video captioning benchmark validate the superiority of our method on leveraging prior commonsense knowledge to enhance relational reasoning for visual captioning

    Diverse Video Captioning Through Latent Variable Expansion with Conditional GAN

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    Automatically describing video content with text description is challenging but important task, which has been attracting a lot of attention in computer vision community. Previous works mainly strive for the accuracy of the generated sentences, while ignoring the sentences diversity, which is inconsistent with human behavior. In this paper, we aim to caption each video with multiple descriptions and propose a novel framework. Concretely, for a given video, the intermediate latent variables of conventional encode-decode process are utilized as input to the conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) with the purpose of generating diverse sentences. We adopt different Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as our generator that produces descriptions conditioned on latent variables and discriminator that assesses the quality of generated sentences. Simultaneously, a novel DCE metric is designed to assess the diverse captions. We evaluate our method on the benchmark datasets, where it demonstrates its ability to generate diverse descriptions and achieves superior results against other state-of-the-art methods

    Video Captioning Using Weak Annotation

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    Video captioning has shown impressive progress in recent years. One key reason of the performance improvements made by existing methods lie in massive paired video-sentence data, but collecting such strong annotation, i.e., high-quality sentences, is time-consuming and laborious. It is the fact that there now exist an amazing number of videos with weak annotation that only contains semantic concepts such as actions and objects. In this paper, we investigate using weak annotation instead of strong annotation to train a video captioning model. To this end, we propose a progressive visual reasoning method that progressively generates fine sentences from weak annotations by inferring more semantic concepts and their dependency relationships for video captioning. To model concept relationships, we use dependency trees that are spanned by exploiting external knowledge from large sentence corpora. Through traversing the dependency trees, the sentences are generated to train the captioning model. Accordingly, we develop an iterative refinement algorithm that refines sentences via spanning dependency trees and fine-tunes the captioning model using the refined sentences in an alternative training manner. Experimental results demonstrate that our method using weak annotation is very competitive to the state-of-the-art methods using strong annotation