7 research outputs found

    Non-Binary LDPC Codes with Large Alphabet Size

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    We study LDPC codes for the channel with input x∈Fqm{x}\in \mathbb{F}_q^m and output y=x+z∈Fqm{y}={x}+{z}\in \mathbb{F}_q^m. The aim of this paper is to evaluate decoding performance of qmq^m-ary non-binary LDPC codes for large mm. We give density evolution and decoding performance evaluation for regular non-binary LDPC codes and spatially-coupled (SC) codes. We show the regular codes do not achieve the capacity of the channel while SC codes do

    Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes with No Bit Nodes of Degree Two Achieve the Capacity of BEC

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    Obata et al. proved that spatially-coupled (SC) MacKay-Neal (MN) codes achieve the capacity of BEC. However, the SC-MN codes codes have many variable nodes of degree two and have higher error floors. In this paper, we prove that SC-MN codes with no variable nodes of degree two achieve the capacity of BEC

    Spatially-Coupled Precoded Rateless Codes with Bounded Degree Achieve the Capacity of BEC under BP decoding

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    Raptor codes are known as precoded rateless codes that achieve the capacity of BEC. However the maximum degree of Raptor codes needs to be unbounded to achieve the capacity. In this paper, we prove that spatially-coupled precoded rateless codes achieve the capacity with bounded degree under BP decoding

    Spatially-Coupled Precoded Rateless Codes

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    Raptor codes are rateless codes that achieve the capacity on the binary erasure channels. However the maximum degree of optimal output degree distribution is unbounded. This leads to a computational complexity problem both at encoders and decoders. Aref and Urbanke investigated the potential advantage of universal achieving-capacity property of proposed spatially-coupled (SC) low-density generator matrix (LDGM) codes. However the decoding error probability of SC-LDGM codes is bounded away from 0. In this paper, we investigate SC-LDGM codes concatenated with SC low-density parity-check codes. The proposed codes can be regarded as SC Hsu-Anastasopoulos rateless codes. We derive a lower bound of the asymptotic overhead from stability analysis for successful decoding by density evolution. The numerical calculation reveals that the lower bound is tight. We observe that with a sufficiently large number of information bits, the asymptotic overhead and the decoding error rate approach 0 with bounded maximum degree

    A Simple Proof of Maxwell Saturation for Coupled Scalar Recursions

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    Low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes (or spatially-coupled codes) were recently shown to approach capacity on the binary erasure channel (BEC) and binary-input memoryless symmetric channels. The mechanism behind this spectacular performance is now called threshold saturation via spatial coupling. This new phenomenon is characterized by the belief-propagation threshold of the spatially-coupled ensemble increasing to an intrinsic noise threshold defined by the uncoupled system. In this paper, we present a simple proof of threshold saturation that applies to a wide class of coupled scalar recursions. Our approach is based on constructing potential functions for both the coupled and uncoupled recursions. Our results actually show that the fixed point of the coupled recursion is essentially determined by the minimum of the uncoupled potential function and we refer to this phenomenon as Maxwell saturation. A variety of examples are considered including the density-evolution equations for: irregular LDPC codes on the BEC, irregular low-density generator matrix codes on the BEC, a class of generalized LDPC codes with BCH component codes, the joint iterative decoding of LDPC codes on intersymbol-interference channels with erasure noise, and the compressed sensing of random vectors with i.i.d. components.Comment: This article is an extended journal version of arXiv:1204.5703 and has now been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. This version adds additional explanation for some details and also corrects a number of small typo

    Capacity-Achieving Coding Mechanisms: Spatial Coupling and Group Symmetries

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    The broad theme of this work is in constructing optimal transmission mechanisms for a wide variety of communication systems. In particular, this dissertation provides a proof of threshold saturation for spatially-coupled codes, low-complexity capacity-achieving coding schemes for side-information problems, a proof that Reed-Muller and primitive narrow-sense BCH codes achieve capacity on erasure channels, and a mathematical framework to design delay sensitive communication systems. Spatially-coupled codes are a class of codes on graphs that are shown to achieve capacity universally over binary symmetric memoryless channels (BMS) under belief-propagation decoder. The underlying phenomenon behind spatial coupling, known as “threshold saturation via spatial coupling”, turns out to be general and this technique has been applied to a wide variety of systems. In this work, a proof of the threshold saturation phenomenon is provided for irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) and low-density generator-matrix (LDGM) ensembles on BMS channels. This proof is far simpler than published alternative proofs and it remains as the only technique to handle irregular and LDGM codes. Also, low-complexity capacity-achieving codes are constructed for three coding problems via spatial coupling: 1) rate distortion with side-information, 2) channel coding with side-information, and 3) write-once memory system. All these schemes are based on spatially coupling compound LDGM/LDPC ensembles. Reed-Muller and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquengham (BCH) are well-known algebraic codes introduced more than 50 years ago. While these codes are studied extensively in the literature it wasn’t known whether these codes achieve capacity. This work introduces a technique to show that Reed-Muller and primitive narrow-sense BCH codes achieve capacity on erasure channels under maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding. Instead of relying on the weight enumerators or other precise details of these codes, this technique requires that these codes have highly symmetric permutation groups. In fact, any sequence of linear codes with increasing blocklengths whose rates converge to a number between 0 and 1, and whose permutation groups are doubly transitive achieve capacity on erasure channels under bit-MAP decoding. This pro-vides a rare example in information theory where symmetry alone is suïŹƒcient to achieve capacity. While the channel capacity provides a useful benchmark for practical design, communication systems of the day also demand small latency and other link layer metrics. Such delay sensitive communication systems are studied in this work, where a mathematical framework is developed to provide insights into the optimal design of these systems