472 research outputs found

    On the performance of the time reversal SM-MIMO-UWB system on correlated channels

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    The impact of spatial correlation on the multi-input multi-output ultrawide band (MIMO-UWB) system using the time reversal (TR) technique is investigated. Thanks to TR, several data streams can be transmitted by using only one antenna in a system named virtual MIMO-TRUWB. Since the virtual MIMO-TR-UWB system is not affected by the transmit correlation, under the condition of the high spatial correlation, it outperforms the true MIMO-UWB system with multiple transmit antennas. The channel measurements are performed in short-range indoor environment, both line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight to verify the adopted correlated channel model.Vietnamese National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED)/

    UWB Antennas: Design and Modeling

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    Experimental Investigation Of Ultrawideband Wireless Systems: Waveform Generation, Propagation Estimation, And Dispersion Compensation

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    Ultrawideband (UWB) is an emerging technology for the future high-speed wireless communication systems. Although this technology offers several unique advantages like robustness to fading, large channel capacity and strong anti-jamming ability, there are a number of practical challenges which are topics of current research. One key challenge is the increased multipath dispersion which results because of the fine temporal resolution. The received response consists of different components, which have certain delays and attenuations due to the paths they took in their propagation from the transmitter to the receiver. Although such challenges have been investigated to some extent, they have not been fully explored in connection with sophisticated transmit beamforming techniques in realistic multipath environments. The work presented here spans three main aspects of UWB systems including waveform generation, propagation estimation, and dispersion compensation. We assess the accuracy of the measured impulse responses extracted from the spread spectrum channel sounding over a frequency band spanning 2-12 GHz. Based on the measured responses, different transmit beamforming techniques are investigated to achieve high-speed data transmission in rich multipath channels. We extend our work to multiple antenna systems and implement the first experimental test-bed to investigate practical challenges such as imperfect channel estimation or coherency between the multiple transmitters over the full UWB band. Finally, we introduce a new microwave photonic arbitrary waveform generation technique to demonstrate the first optical-wireless transmitter system for both characterizing channel dispersion and generating predistorted waveforms to achieve spatio-temporal focusing through the multipath channels

    Alamouti OFDM/OQAM systems with time reversal technique

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OFDM/OQAM) is a multicarrier modulation scheme that can be considered as an alternative to the conventional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with Cyclic Prefix (CP) for transmission over multipath fading channels. In this paper, we investigate the combination of the OFDM/OQAM with Alamouti system with Time Reversal (TR) technique. TR can be viewed as a precoding scheme which can be combined with OFDM/OQAM and easily carried out in a Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) context such as Alamouti system. We present the simulation results of the performance of OFDM/OQAM system in SISO case compared with the conventional CP-OFDM system and the performance of the combination Alamouti OFDM/OQAM with TR compared to Alamouti CP-OFDM. The performance is derived by computing the Bit Error Rate (BER) as a function of the transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

    Performance characterisation of MIMO-UWB systems for indoor environments

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    Although recent advances in wireless system technologies have provided ever increasing throughputs, end user demand continues to increase unabated. The research investigates the performance of a system harnessing two relatively new but powerful technologies, Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Ultra Wideband (UWB) transmission as a possible solution to meet the growing demand for capacity. Each of these technologies in its own right has been subject to a large volume of research and has been proven to bring an increase in throughput. Nevertheless the predicted future demand will outstrip what each strategy can provide individually. MIMO-UWB systems are thus an emerging wireless solution with, in particular, the potential to satisfy short distance, high speed transmission requirements within indoor environments. Before any system is deployed it is important to characterise performance within representative operating environments. The study therefore emulates appropriate indoor environments, defines an experimental protocol to execute a range of measurements that provide robust evidence of the behaviour of the combined system within indoor scenarios. The application scenario dictates that the transmitter represents a gateway device attached to the ceiling and the receiver, a user device set on a table. The sequence of measurements relate to different positioning of the user device, with different angles and ranges to the gateway device, the layout of antenna placements being important. The output of the study is an accurate model for engineers and, the foundation for the design of MIMO-UWB systems for indoor services.Although recent advances in wireless system technologies have provided ever increasing throughputs, end user demand continues to increase unabated. The research investigates the performance of a system harnessing two relatively new but powerful technologies, Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Ultra Wideband (UWB) transmission as a possible solution to meet the growing demand for capacity. Each of these technologies in its own right has been subject to a large volume of research and has been proven to bring an increase in throughput. Nevertheless the predicted future demand will outstrip what each strategy can provide individually. MIMO-UWB systems are thus an emerging wireless solution with, in particular, the potential to satisfy short distance, high speed transmission requirements within indoor environments. Before any system is deployed it is important to characterise performance within representative operating environments. The study therefore emulates appropriate indoor environments, defines an experimental protocol to execute a range of measurements that provide robust evidence of the behaviour of the combined system within indoor scenarios. The application scenario dictates that the transmitter represents a gateway device attached to the ceiling and the receiver, a user device set on a table. The sequence of measurements relate to different positioning of the user device, with different angles and ranges to the gateway device, the layout of antenna placements being important. The output of the study is an accurate model for engineers and, the foundation for the design of MIMO-UWB systems for indoor services

    Analysis of Time-Reversal-Based Propagation for Spatial focusing and Multiplexing

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    4 pagesInternational audienceTime-Reversal (TR) technique is well-known for itsability of focusing waves. A common claim, based on this focusing ability, supports that TR technique may allow spatial multiplexing and secure transmissions. In the present paper, measurements campaigns were performed in a reverberation chamber and in a standard office to assess the viability of TR technique. It is shown that the results obtained do not support the common claim, especially in standard indoor environment where the focusing ability is strongly degraded

    Experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas

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    [SPA] Cada día son necesarias comunicaciones mejores y más eficientes, con mayores anchos de banda y mayores tasas de transferencias de datos. Por un lado los sistemas de múltiples antenas, MIMO, surgieron como una técnica para optimizar el uso de la potencia y el espectro. Por otro lado, los sistemas Ultra-Wideband, UWB, han ganado recientemente el interés de la comunidad científica por su gran ancho de banda combinado con su baja potencia de transmisión. A la hora de diseñar y testear nuevos dispositivos de comunicaciones inalámbricas, es esencial poseer un conocimiento preciso del canal de propagación por el que se propagan dichas señales. Esta tesis, se basa en el modelado del canal de propagación para sistemas de gran ancho de banda y múltiples antenas desde un punto de vista experimental. Primeramente se presentan las mejoras y desarrollos realizados en el ámbito de los sistemas de medida del canal, dado que es necesario disponer de equipos adecuados y precisos para realizar adecuadas medidas del canal. Seguidamente, se analiza el canal MIMO-UWB en interiores. Se realiza un análisis en profundidad de varios parámetros, especialmente parámetros de una antena como las pérdidas de propagación, el factor de polarización cruzada o la dispersión del retardo. Finalmente, la tesis particulariza el análisis del canal en un entorno especial como es el caso de túneles. Se realiza un análisis experimental de parámetros de una antena como multi antena para luego evaluar las prestaciones que pueden brindar varias técnicas de diversidad como es en el dominio de la frecuencia, la polarización, el espacio o el tiempo.[ENG] Wireless communications have become essential in our society [Rappaport, 1996], [Parsons, 2000]. Nowadays, people need to be connected everywhere and at any time, and demand faster and enhanced communications every day. New applications requires higher data rates and, therefore, higher bandwidths. On the one hand, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems were proposed as one solution to achieve higher data rates and optimize the use of the spectrum. On the other hand, more recently, systems with an ultra large bandwidth, and particularly Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems, have gained the interest of the scientific community. Such interest is owing to the extremely high data rates offered and its possible coexistence with existing systems due to the its low transmitted power. However, this improvement in mobile communications involves the development and testing of new wireless communications systems. Precise knowledge of the radio channel is an essential issue to design this new devices and, thus, reach such improvement in wireless communications. In general, the modeling of the radio channel can be undertaken in two main ways: Theoretically, where the channel is characterized by means of simulations and theoretical approaches. - Experimentally, where the radio channel is characterized by means of the analysis of measurements carried out in real scenarios. This thesis is mainly focused on the experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas (MIMO). However, characterizing experimentally the MIMO wideband channel implies the availability of adequate and accurate channel sounders.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversité des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL)Programa de doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    A two phase framework for visible light-based positioning in an indoor environment: performance, latency, and illumination

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    Recently with the advancement of solid state lighting and the application thereof to Visible Light Communications (VLC), the concept of Visible Light Positioning (VLP) has been targeted as a very attractive indoor positioning system (IPS) due to its ubiquity, directionality, spatial reuse, and relatively high modulation bandwidth. IPSs, in general, have 4 major components (1) a modulation, (2) a multiple access scheme, (3) a channel measurement, and (4) a positioning algorithm. A number of VLP approaches have been proposed in the literature and primarily focus on a fixed combination of these elements and moreover evaluate the quality of the contribution often by accuracy or precision alone. In this dissertation, we provide a novel two-phase indoor positioning algorithmic framework that is able to increase robustness when subject to insufficient anchor luminaries and also incorporate any combination of the four major IPS components. The first phase provides robust and timely albeit less accurate positioning proximity estimates without requiring more than a single luminary anchor using time division access to On Off Keying (OOK) modulated signals while the second phase provides a more accurate, conventional, positioning estimate approach using a novel geometric constrained triangulation algorithm based on angle of arrival (AoA) measurements. However, this approach is still an application of a specific combination of IPS components. To achieve a broader impact, the framework is employed on a collection of IPS component combinations ranging from (1) pulsed modulations to multicarrier modulations, (2) time, frequency, and code division multiple access, (3) received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF), and AoA, as well as (4) trilateration and triangulation positioning algorithms. Results illustrate full room positioning coverage ranging with median accuracies ranging from 3.09 cm to 12.07 cm at 50% duty cycle illumination levels. The framework further allows for duty cycle variation to include dimming modulations and results range from 3.62 cm to 13.15 cm at 20% duty cycle while 2.06 cm to 8.44 cm at a 78% duty cycle. Testbed results reinforce this frameworks applicability. Lastly, a novel latency constrained optimization algorithm can be overlaid on the two phase framework to decide when to simply use the coarse estimate or when to expend more computational resources on a potentially more accurate fine estimate. The creation of the two phase framework enables robust, illumination, latency sensitive positioning with the ability to be applied within a vast array of system deployment constraints