1,804 research outputs found

    Finite Correlation Length Scaling in Lorentz-Invariant Gapless iPEPS Wave Functions

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    It is an open question how well tensor network states in the form of an infinite projected entangled pair states (iPEPS) tensor network can approximate gapless quantum states of matter. Here we address this issue for two different physical scenarios: i) a conformally invariant (2+1)d(2+1)d quantum critical point in the incarnation of the transverse field Ising model on the square lattice and ii) spontaneously broken continuous symmetries with gapless Goldstone modes exemplified by the S=1/2S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg and XY models on the square lattice. We find that the energetically best wave functions display {\em finite} correlation lengths and we introduce a powerful finite correlation length scaling framework for the analysis of such finite-DD iPEPS states. The framework is important i) to understand the mild limitations of the finite-DD iPEPS manifold in representing Lorentz-invariant, gapless many body quantum states and ii) to put forward a practical scheme in which the finite correlation length Îľ(D)\xi(D) combined with field theory inspired formulae can be used to extrapolate the data to infinite correlation length, i.e. to the thermodynamic limit. The finite correlation length scaling framework opens the way for further exploration of quantum matter with an (expected) Lorentz-invariant, massless low-energy description, with many applications ranging from condensed matter to high-energy physics.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Entanglement Structure of Deconfined Quantum Critical Points

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    We study the entanglement properties of deconfined quantum critical points. We show not only that these critical points may be distinguished by their entanglement structure but also that they are in general more highly entangled that conventional critical points. We primarily focus on computations of the entanglement entropy of deconfined critical points in 2+1 dimensions, drawing connections to topological entanglement entropy and a recent conjecture on the monotonicity under RG flow of universal terms in the entanglement entropy. We also consider in some detail a variety of issues surrounding the extraction of universal terms in the entanglement entropy. Finally, we compare some of our results to recent numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement negativity and conformal field theory: a Monte Carlo study

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    We investigate the behavior of the moments of the partially transposed reduced density matrix \rho^{T_2}_A in critical quantum spin chains. Given subsystem A as union of two blocks, this is the (matrix) transposed of \rho_A with respect to the degrees of freedom of one of the two. This is also the main ingredient for constructing the logarithmic negativity. We provide a new numerical scheme for calculating efficiently all the moments of \rho_A^{T_2} using classical Monte Carlo simulations. In particular we study several combinations of the moments which are scale invariant at a critical point. Their behavior is fully characterized in both the critical Ising and the anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ chains. For two adjacent blocks we find, in both models, full agreement with recent CFT calculations. For disjoint ones, in the Ising chain finite size corrections are non negligible. We demonstrate that their exponent is the same governing the unusual scaling corrections of the mutual information between the two blocks. Monte Carlo data fully match the theoretical CFT prediction only in the asymptotic limit of infinite intervals. Oppositely, in the Heisenberg chain scaling corrections are smaller and, already at finite (moderately large) block sizes, Monte Carlo data are in excellent agreement with the asymptotic CFT result.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures. Minor changes, published versio

    A variational method based on weighted graph states

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    In a recent article [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006), 107206], we have presented a class of states which is suitable as a variational set to find ground states in spin systems of arbitrary spatial dimension and with long-range entanglement. Here, we continue the exposition of our technique, extend from spin 1/2 to higher spins and use the boson Hubbard model as a non-trivial example to demonstrate our scheme.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figure

    Unusual Corrections to Scaling in Entanglement Entropy

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    We present a general theory of the corrections to the asymptotic behaviour of the Renyi entropies which measure the entanglement of an interval A of length L with the rest of an infinite one-dimensional system, in the case when this is described by a conformal field theory of central charge c. These can be due to bulk irrelevant operators of scaling dimension x>2, in which case the leading corrections are of the expected form L^{-2(x-2)} for values of n close to 1. However for n>x/(x-2) corrections of the form L^{2-x-x/n} and L^{-2x/n} arise and dominate the conventional terms. We also point out that the last type of corrections can also occur with x less than 2. They arise from relevant operators induced by the conical space-time singularities necessary to describe the reduced density matrix. These agree with recent analytic and numerical results for quantum spin chains. We also compute the effect of marginally irrelevant bulk operators, which give a correction (log L)^{-2}, with a universal amplitude. We present analogous results for the case when the interval lies at the end of a semi-infinite system.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Instantons and Entanglement Entropy

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    We would like to put the area law -- believed to by obeyed by entanglement entropies in the ground state of a local field theory -- to scrutiny in the presence of non-perturbative effects. We study instanton corrections to entanglement entropy in various models whose instanton effects are well understood, including U(1)U(1) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions and false vacuum decay in Ď•4\phi^4 theory, and we demonstrate that the area law is indeed obeyed in these models. We also perform numerical computations for toy wavefunctions mimicking the theta vacuum of the (1+1)-dimensional Schwinger model. Our results indicate that such superpositions exhibit no more violation of the area law than the logarithmic behavior of a single Fermi surface.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, substantially revised, published versio

    Holographic coherent states from random tensor networks

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    Random tensor networks provide useful models that incorporate various important features of holographic duality. A tensor network is usually defined for a fixed graph geometry specified by the connection of tensors. In this paper, we generalize the random tensor network approach to allow quantum superposition of different spatial geometries. We set up a framework in which all possible bulk spatial geometries, characterized by weighted adjacent matrices of all possible graphs, are mapped to the boundary Hilbert space and form an overcomplete basis of the boundary. We name such an overcomplete basis as holographic coherent states. A generic boundary state can be expanded on this basis, which describes the state as a superposition of different spatial geometries in the bulk. We discuss how to define distinct classical geometries and small fluctuations around them. We show that small fluctuations around classical geometries define "code subspaces" which are mapped to the boundary Hilbert space isometrically with quantum error correction properties. In addition, we also show that the overlap between different geometries is suppressed exponentially as a function of the geometrical difference between the two geometries. The geometrical difference is measured in an area law fashion, which is a manifestation of the holographic nature of the states considered.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. An error corrected on page 14. Reference update
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