6 research outputs found

    How to Enrich the Semantics of Geospatial Databases by Properly Expressing 3D Objects in a Conceptual Model

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    Abstract. Geospatial conceptual data models represent semantic information about the real world that will be implemented in a spatial database. When linked to a repository, they offer a rich basis for formal ontologies. Several spatial extension

    Literature Review on Temporal, Spatial, and Spatiotermpoal Data Models

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    This paper reviews papers on temporal databases, spatial databases, and spatio-temporal databases

    Spatial Pictogram Enhanced Conceptual Data Models and Their Translation to Logical Data Models

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    The successful development of any geographic information system project needs the careful design and implementation of spatial databases via conceptual and logical data-modeling. This involves understanding the underlying spatial data model, spatial data types and operators, spatial query languages and spatial indexing techniques. Conventional entity-relationship diagrams have limitations for conceptual spatial data-modeling, since they get cluttered with numerous spatial relationships

    A parametric prototype for spatiotemporal databases

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    The main goal of this project is to design and implement the parametric database (ParaDB). Conceptually, ParaDB consists of the parametric data model (ParaDM) and the parametric structured query language (ParaSQL). Parametric data model is a data model for multi-dimensional databases such as temporal, spatial, spatiotemporal, or multi-level secure databases. Main difference compared to the classical relational data model is that ParaDM models an object as a single tuple, and an attribute is defined as a function from parametric elements. The set of parametric elements is closed under union, intersection, and complementation. These operations are counterparts of or, and, and not in a natural language like English. Therefore, the closure properties provide very flexible ways to query on objects without introducing additional self-join operations which are frequently required in other multi-dimensional database models