7 research outputs found

    Crossing Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-View Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (\textit{re-id}) refers to matching pedestrians across disjoint yet non-overlapping camera views. The most effective way to match these pedestrians undertaking significant visual variations is to seek reliably invariant features that can describe the person of interest faithfully. Most of existing methods are presented in a supervised manner to produce discriminative features by relying on labeled paired images in correspondence. However, annotating pair-wise images is prohibitively expensive in labors, and thus not practical in large-scale networked cameras. Moreover, seeking comparable representations across camera views demands a flexible model to address the complex distributions of images. In this work, we study the co-occurrence statistic patterns between pairs of images, and propose to crossing Generative Adversarial Network (Cross-GAN) for learning a joint distribution for cross-image representations in a unsupervised manner. Given a pair of person images, the proposed model consists of the variational auto-encoder to encode the pair into respective latent variables, a proposed cross-view alignment to reduce the view disparity, and an adversarial layer to seek the joint distribution of latent representations. The learned latent representations are well-aligned to reflect the co-occurrence patterns of paired images. We empirically evaluate the proposed model against challenging datasets, and our results show the importance of joint invariant features in improving matching rates of person re-id with comparison to semi/unsupervised state-of-the-arts.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.03431 by other author

    What-and-Where to Match: Deep Spatially Multiplicative Integration Networks for Person Re-identification

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    Matching pedestrians across disjoint camera views, known as person re-identification (re-id), is a challenging problem that is of importance to visual recognition and surveillance. Most existing methods exploit local regions within spatial manipulation to perform matching in local correspondence. However, they essentially extract \emph{fixed} representations from pre-divided regions for each image and perform matching based on the extracted representation subsequently. For models in this pipeline, local finer patterns that are crucial to distinguish positive pairs from negative ones cannot be captured, and thus making them underperformed. In this paper, we propose a novel deep multiplicative integration gating function, which answers the question of \emph{what-and-where to match} for effective person re-id. To address \emph{what} to match, our deep network emphasizes common local patterns by learning joint representations in a multiplicative way. The network comprises two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract convolutional activations, and generates relevant descriptors for pedestrian matching. This thus, leads to flexible representations for pair-wise images. To address \emph{where} to match, we combat the spatial misalignment by performing spatially recurrent pooling via a four-directional recurrent neural network to impose spatial dependency over all positions with respect to the entire image. The proposed network is designed to be end-to-end trainable to characterize local pairwise feature interactions in a spatially aligned manner. To demonstrate the superiority of our method, extensive experiments are conducted over three benchmark data sets: VIPeR, CUHK03 and Market-1501.Comment: Published at Pattern Recognition, Elsevie

    Methods for data-related problems in person re-ID

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    In the last years, the ever-increasing need for public security has attracted wide attention in person re-ID. State-of-the-art techniques have achieved impressive results on academic datasets, which are nearly saturated. However, when it comes to deploying a re-ID system in a practical surveillance scenario, several challenges arise. 1) Full person views are often unavailable, and missing body parts make the comparison very challenging due to significant misalignment of the views. 2) Low diversity in training data introduces bias in re-ID systems. 3) The available data might come from different modalities, e.g., text and images. This thesis proposes Partial Matching Net (PMN) that detects body joints, aligns partial views, and hallucinates the missing parts based on the information present in the frame and a learned model of a person. The aligned and reconstructed views are then combined into a joint representation and used for matching images. The thesis also investigates different types of bias that typically occur in re-ID scenarios when the similarity between two persons is due to the same pose, body part, or camera view, rather than to the ID-related cues. It proposes a general approach to mitigate these effects named Bias-Control (BC) framework with two training streams leveraging adversarial and multitask learning to reduce bias-related features. Finally, the thesis investigates a novel mechanism for matching data across visual and text modalities. It proposes a framework Text (TAVD) with two complementary modules: Text attribute feature aggregation (TA) that aggregates multiple semantic attributes in a bimodal space for globally matching text descriptions with images and Visual feature decomposition (VD) which performs feature embedding for locally matching image regions with text attributes. The results and comparison to state of the art on different benchmarks show that the proposed solutions are effective strategies for person re-ID.Open Acces