43 research outputs found

    An SDP-Based Algorithm for Linear-Sized Spectral Sparsification

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    For any undirected and weighted graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with nn vertices and mm edges, we call a sparse subgraph HH of GG, with proper reweighting of the edges, a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-spectral sparsifier if (1−ε)x⊺LGx≤x⊺LHx≤(1+ε)x⊺LGx (1-\varepsilon)x^{\intercal}L_Gx\leq x^{\intercal} L_{H} x\leq (1+\varepsilon) x^{\intercal} L_Gx holds for any x∈Rnx\in\mathbb{R}^n, where LGL_G and LHL_{H} are the respective Laplacian matrices of GG and HH. Noticing that Ω(m)\Omega(m) time is needed for any algorithm to construct a spectral sparsifier and a spectral sparsifier of GG requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) edges, a natural question is to investigate, for any constant ε\varepsilon, if a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-spectral sparsifier of GG with O(n)O(n) edges can be constructed in O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time, where the O~\tilde{O} notation suppresses polylogarithmic factors. All previous constructions on spectral sparsification require either super-linear number of edges or m1+Ω(1)m^{1+\Omega(1)} time. In this work we answer this question affirmatively by presenting an algorithm that, for any undirected graph GG and ε>0\varepsilon>0, outputs a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-spectral sparsifier of GG with O(n/ε2)O(n/\varepsilon^2) edges in O~(m/εO(1))\tilde{O}(m/\varepsilon^{O(1)}) time. Our algorithm is based on three novel techniques: (1) a new potential function which is much easier to compute yet has similar guarantees as the potential functions used in previous references; (2) an efficient reduction from a two-sided spectral sparsifier to a one-sided spectral sparsifier; (3) constructing a one-sided spectral sparsifier by a semi-definite program.Comment: To appear at STOC'1

    Approximate Gaussian Elimination for Laplacians: Fast, Sparse, and Simple

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    We show how to perform sparse approximate Gaussian elimination for Laplacian matrices. We present a simple, nearly linear time algorithm that approximates a Laplacian by a matrix with a sparse Cholesky factorization, the version of Gaussian elimination for symmetric matrices. This is the first nearly linear time solver for Laplacian systems that is based purely on random sampling, and does not use any graph theoretic constructions such as low-stretch trees, sparsifiers, or expanders. The crux of our analysis is a novel concentration bound for matrix martingales where the differences are sums of conditionally independent variables