21 research outputs found

    Sparse and Low-rank Tensor Estimation via Cubic Sketchings

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for sparse and low-rank tensor estimation from cubic sketchings. A two-stage non-convex implementation is developed based on sparse tensor decomposition and thresholded gradient descent, which ensures exact recovery in the noiseless case and stable recovery in the noisy case with high probability. The non-asymptotic analysis sheds light on an interplay between optimization error and statistical error. The proposed procedure is shown to be rate-optimal under certain conditions. As a technical by-product, novel high-order concentration inequalities are derived for studying high-moment sub-Gaussian tensors. An interesting tensor formulation illustrates the potential application to high-order interaction pursuit in high-dimensional linear regression.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Sparse Tensor Additive Regression

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    Tensors are becoming prevalent in modern applications such as medical imaging and digital marketing. In this paper, we propose a sparse tensor additive regression (STAR) that models a scalar response as a flexible nonparametric function of tensor covariates. The proposed model effectively exploits the sparse and low-rank structures in the tensor additive regression. We formulate the parameter estimation as a non-convex optimization problem, and propose an efficient penalized alternating minimization algorithm. We establish a non-asymptotic error bound for the estimator obtained from each iteration of the proposed algorithm, which reveals an interplay between the optimization error and the statistical rate of convergence. We demonstrate the efficacy of STAR through extensive comparative simulation studies, and an application to the click-through-rate prediction in online advertising.Comment: Accepted by Journal of Machine Learning Researc

    Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Better recovery with atomic norm regularization

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    This paper studies tensor-based Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) using atomic-norm regularization. Given the superposition of a sparse and a low-rank tensor, we present conditions under which it is possible to exactly recover the sparse and low-rank components. Our results improve on existing performance guarantees for tensor-RPCA, including those for matrix RPCA. Our guarantees also show that atomic-norm regularization provides better recovery for tensor-structured data sets than other approaches based on matricization. In addition to these performance guarantees, we study a nonconvex formulation of the tensor atomic-norm and identify a class of local minima of this nonconvex program that are globally optimal. We demonstrate the strong performance of our approach in numerical experiments, where we show that our nonconvex model reliably recovers tensors with ranks larger than all of their side lengths, significantly outperforming other algorithms that require matricization.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    ISLET: Fast and Optimal Low-rank Tensor Regression via Importance Sketching

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    In this paper, we develop a novel procedure for low-rank tensor regression, namely \emph{\underline{I}mportance \underline{S}ketching \underline{L}ow-rank \underline{E}stimation for \underline{T}ensors} (ISLET). The central idea behind ISLET is \emph{importance sketching}, i.e., carefully designed sketches based on both the responses and low-dimensional structure of the parameter of interest. We show that the proposed method is sharply minimax optimal in terms of the mean-squared error under low-rank Tucker assumptions and under randomized Gaussian ensemble design. In addition, if a tensor is low-rank with group sparsity, our procedure also achieves minimax optimality. Further, we show through numerical study that ISLET achieves comparable or better mean-squared error performance to existing state-of-the-art methods while having substantial storage and run-time advantages including capabilities for parallel and distributed computing. In particular, our procedure performs reliable estimation with tensors of dimension p=O(108)p = O(10^8) and is 11 or 22 orders of magnitude faster than baseline methods

    Tensor Methods for Additive Index Models under Discordance and Heterogeneity

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    Motivated by the sampling problems and heterogeneity issues common in high- dimensional big datasets, we consider a class of discordant additive index models. We propose method of moments based procedures for estimating the indices of such discordant additive index models in both low and high-dimensional settings. Our estimators are based on factorizing certain moment tensors and are also applicable in the overcomplete setting, where the number of indices is more than the dimensionality of the datasets. Furthermore, we provide rates of convergence of our estimator in both high and low-dimensional setting. Establishing such results requires deriving tensor operator norm concentration inequalities that might be of independent interest. Finally, we provide simulation results supporting our theory. Our contributions extend the applicability of tensor methods for novel models in addition to making progress on understanding theoretical properties of such tensor methods

    Tensor Regression Using Low-rank and Sparse Tucker Decompositions

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    This paper studies a tensor-structured linear regression model with a scalar response variable and tensor-structured predictors, such that the regression parameters form a tensor of order dd (i.e., a dd-fold multiway array) in Rn1×n2××nd\mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times n_2 \times \cdots \times n_d}. It focuses on the task of estimating the regression tensor from mm realizations of the response variable and the predictors where mn=inim\ll n = \prod \nolimits_{i} n_i. Despite the seeming ill-posedness of this problem, it can still be solved if the parameter tensor belongs to the space of sparse, low Tucker-rank tensors. Accordingly, the estimation procedure is posed as a non-convex optimization program over the space of sparse, low Tucker-rank tensors, and a tensor variant of projected gradient descent is proposed to solve the resulting non-convex problem. In addition, mathematical guarantees are provided that establish the proposed method linearly converges to an appropriate solution under a certain set of conditions. Further, an upper bound on sample complexity of tensor parameter estimation for the model under consideration is characterized for the special case when the individual (scalar) predictors independently draw values from a sub-Gaussian distribution. The sample complexity bound is shown to have a polylogarithmic dependence on nˉ=max{ni:i{1,2,,d}}\bar{n} = \max \big\{n_i: i\in \{1,2,\ldots,d \} \big\} and, orderwise, it matches the bound one can obtain from a heuristic parameter counting argument. Finally, numerical experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed tensor model and estimation method on a synthetic dataset and a collection of neuroimaging datasets pertaining to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Specifically, the proposed method exhibits better sample complexities on both synthetic and real datasets, demonstrating the usefulness of the model and the method in settings where nmn \gg m.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; preprint of a journal paper published in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Scienc

    Nonconvex Optimization Meets Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: An Overview

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    Substantial progress has been made recently on developing provably accurate and efficient algorithms for low-rank matrix factorization via nonconvex optimization. While conventional wisdom often takes a dim view of nonconvex optimization algorithms due to their susceptibility to spurious local minima, simple iterative methods such as gradient descent have been remarkably successful in practice. The theoretical footings, however, had been largely lacking until recently. In this tutorial-style overview, we highlight the important role of statistical models in enabling efficient nonconvex optimization with performance guarantees. We review two contrasting approaches: (1) two-stage algorithms, which consist of a tailored initialization step followed by successive refinement; and (2) global landscape analysis and initialization-free algorithms. Several canonical matrix factorization problems are discussed, including but not limited to matrix sensing, phase retrieval, matrix completion, blind deconvolution, robust principal component analysis, phase synchronization, and joint alignment. Special care is taken to illustrate the key technical insights underlying their analyses. This article serves as a testament that the integrated consideration of optimization and statistics leads to fruitful research findings.Comment: Invited overview articl

    A Sharp Blockwise Tensor Perturbation Bound for Orthogonal Iteration

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    In this paper, we develop novel perturbation bounds for the high-order orthogonal iteration (HOOI) [DLDMV00b]. Under mild regularity conditions, we establish blockwise tensor perturbation bounds for HOOI with guarantees for both tensor reconstruction in Hilbert-Schmidt norm \|\widehat{\bcT} - \bcT \|_{\tHS} and mode-kk singular subspace estimation in Schatten-qq norm \| \sin \Theta (\widehat{\U}_k, \U_k) \|_q for any q1q \geq 1. We show the upper bounds of mode-kk singular subspace estimation are unilateral and converge linearly to a quantity characterized by blockwise errors of the perturbation and signal strength. For the tensor reconstruction error bound, we express the bound through a simple quantity ξ\xi, which depends only on perturbation and the multilinear rank of the underlying signal. Rate matching deterministic lower bound for tensor reconstruction, which demonstrates the optimality of HOOI, is also provided. Furthermore, we prove that one-step HOOI (i.e., HOOI with only a single iteration) is also optimal in terms of tensor reconstruction and can be used to lower the computational cost. The perturbation results are also extended to the case that only partial modes of \bcT have low-rank structure. We support our theoretical results by extensive numerical studies. Finally, we apply the novel perturbation bounds of HOOI on two applications, tensor denoising and tensor co-clustering, from machine learning and statistics, which demonstrates the superiority of the new perturbation results

    Optimal Sparse Singular Value Decomposition for High-dimensional High-order Data

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    In this article, we consider the sparse tensor singular value decomposition, which aims for dimension reduction on high-dimensional high-order data with certain sparsity structure. A method named Sparse Tensor Alternating Thresholding for Singular Value Decomposition (STAT-SVD) is proposed. The proposed procedure features a novel double projection \& thresholding scheme, which provides a sharp criterion for thresholding in each iteration. Compared with regular tensor SVD model, STAT-SVD permits more robust estimation under weaker assumptions. Both the upper and lower bounds for estimation accuracy are developed. The proposed procedure is shown to be minimax rate-optimal in a general class of situations. Simulation studies show that STAT-SVD performs well under a variety of configurations. We also illustrate the merits of the proposed procedure on a longitudinal tensor dataset on European country mortality rates.Comment: 73 page

    Heteroskedastic PCA: Algorithm, Optimality, and Applications

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) and singular value decomposition (SVD) are widely used in statistics, econometrics, machine learning, and applied mathematics. It has been well studied in the case of homoskedastic noise, where the noise levels of the contamination are homogeneous. In this paper, we consider PCA and SVD in the presence of heteroskedastic noise, which is a commonly used model for factor analysis and arises naturally in a range of applications. We introduce a general framework for heteroskedastic PCA and propose an algorithm called HeteroPCA, which involves iteratively imputing the diagonal entries to remove the bias due to heteroskedasticity. This procedure is computationally efficient and provably optimal under the generalized spiked covariance model. A key technical step is a deterministic robust perturbation analysis on singular subspaces, which can be of independent interest. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated in a suite of applications, including heteroskedastic low-rank matrix denoising, Poisson PCA, and SVD based on heteroskedastic and incomplete data