13 research outputs found

    Dantzig Selector with an Approximately Optimal Denoising Matrix and its Application to Reinforcement Learning

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    Dantzig Selector (DS) is widely used in compressed sensing and sparse learning for feature selection and sparse signal recovery. Since the DS formulation is essentially a linear programming optimization, many existing linear programming solvers can be simply applied for scaling up. The DS formulation can be explained as a basis pursuit denoising problem, wherein the data matrix (or measurement matrix) is employed as the denoising matrix to eliminate the observation noise. However, we notice that the data matrix may not be the optimal denoising matrix, as shown by a simple counter-example. This motivates us to pursue a better denoising matrix for defining a general DS formulation. We first define the optimal denoising matrix through a minimax optimization, which turns out to be an NPhard problem. To make the problem computationally tractable, we propose a novel algorithm, termed as Optimal Denoising Dantzig Selector (ODDS), to approximately estimate the optimal denoising matrix. Empirical experiments validate the proposed method. Finally, a novel sparse reinforcement learning algorithm is formulated by extending the proposed ODDS algorithm to temporal difference learning, and empirical experimental results demonstrate to outperform the conventional vanilla DS-TD algorithm

    Mirror Descent Search and its Acceleration

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    In recent years, attention has been focused on the relationship between black-box optimiza- tion problem and reinforcement learning problem. In this research, we propose the Mirror Descent Search (MDS) algorithm which is applicable both for black box optimization prob- lems and reinforcement learning problems. Our method is based on the mirror descent method, which is a general optimization algorithm. The contribution of this research is roughly twofold. We propose two essential algorithms, called MDS and Accelerated Mirror Descent Search (AMDS), and two more approximate algorithms: Gaussian Mirror Descent Search (G-MDS) and Gaussian Accelerated Mirror Descent Search (G-AMDS). This re- search shows that the advanced methods developed in the context of the mirror descent research can be applied to reinforcement learning problem. We also clarify the relationship between an existing reinforcement learning algorithm and our method. With two evaluation experiments, we show our proposed algorithms converge faster than some state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Gold open access in Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092188901730754

    An Analysis of State-Relevance Weights and Sampling Distributions on L1-Regularized Approximate Linear Programming Approximation Accuracy

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    Recent interest in the use of L1L_1 regularization in the use of value function approximation includes Petrik et al.'s introduction of L1L_1-Regularized Approximate Linear Programming (RALP). RALP is unique among L1L_1-regularized approaches in that it approximates the optimal value function using off-policy samples. Additionally, it produces policies which outperform those of previous methods, such as LSPI. RALP's value function approximation quality is affected heavily by the choice of state-relevance weights in the objective function of the linear program, and by the distribution from which samples are drawn; however, there has been no discussion of these considerations in the previous literature. In this paper, we discuss and explain the effects of choices in the state-relevance weights and sampling distribution on approximation quality, using both theoretical and experimental illustrations. The results provide insight not only onto these effects, but also provide intuition into the types of MDPs which are especially well suited for approximation with RALP.Comment: Identical to the ICML 2014 paper of the same name, but with full proofs. Please cite the ICML pape

    Investigating practical linear temporal difference learning

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    Off-policy reinforcement learning has many applications including: learning from demonstration, learning multiple goal seeking policies in parallel, and representing predictive knowledge. Recently there has been an proliferation of new policy-evaluation algorithms that fill a longstanding algorithmic void in reinforcement learning: combining robustness to off-policy sampling, function approximation, linear complexity, and temporal difference (TD) updates. This paper contains two main contributions. First, we derive two new hybrid TD policy-evaluation algorithms, which fill a gap in this collection of algorithms. Second, we perform an empirical comparison to elicit which of these new linear TD methods should be preferred in different situations, and make concrete suggestions about practical use.Comment: Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, 201

    Regularized Off-Policy TD-Learning

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    We present a novel l1l_1 regularized off-policy convergent TD-learning method (termed RO-TD), which is able to learn sparse representations of value functions with low computational complexity. The algorithmic framework underlying RO-TD integrates two key ideas: off-policy convergent gradient TD methods, such as TDC, and a convex-concave saddle-point formulation of non-smooth convex optimization, which enables first-order solvers and feature selection using online convex regularization. A detailed theoretical and experimental analysis of RO-TD is presented. A variety of experiments are presented to illustrate the off-policy convergence, sparse feature selection capability and low computational cost of the RO-TD algorithm.Comment: 26th Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.675

    Proximal Gradient Temporal Difference Learning: Stable Reinforcement Learning with Polynomial Sample Complexity

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    In this paper, we introduce proximal gradient temporal difference learning, which provides a principled way of designing and analyzing true stochastic gradient temporal difference learning algorithms. We show how gradient TD (GTD) reinforcement learning methods can be formally derived, not by starting from their original objective functions, as previously attempted, but rather from a primal-dual saddle-point objective function. We also conduct a saddle-point error analysis to obtain finite-sample bounds on their performance. Previous analyses of this class of algorithms use stochastic approximation techniques to prove asymptotic convergence, and do not provide any finite-sample analysis. We also propose an accelerated algorithm, called GTD2-MP, that uses proximal ``mirror maps'' to yield an improved convergence rate. The results of our theoretical analysis imply that the GTD family of algorithms are comparable and may indeed be preferred over existing least squares TD methods for off-policy learning, due to their linear complexity. We provide experimental results showing the improved performance of our accelerated gradient TD methods.Comment: Journal of Artificial Intelligence (JAIR

    Proximal Reinforcement Learning: A New Theory of Sequential Decision Making in Primal-Dual Spaces

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    In this paper, we set forth a new vision of reinforcement learning developed by us over the past few years, one that yields mathematically rigorous solutions to longstanding important questions that have remained unresolved: (i) how to design reliable, convergent, and robust reinforcement learning algorithms (ii) how to guarantee that reinforcement learning satisfies pre-specified "safety" guarantees, and remains in a stable region of the parameter space (iii) how to design "off-policy" temporal difference learning algorithms in a reliable and stable manner, and finally (iv) how to integrate the study of reinforcement learning into the rich theory of stochastic optimization. In this paper, we provide detailed answers to all these questions using the powerful framework of proximal operators. The key idea that emerges is the use of primal dual spaces connected through the use of a Legendre transform. This allows temporal difference updates to occur in dual spaces, allowing a variety of important technical advantages. The Legendre transform elegantly generalizes past algorithms for solving reinforcement learning problems, such as natural gradient methods, which we show relate closely to the previously unconnected framework of mirror descent methods. Equally importantly, proximal operator theory enables the systematic development of operator splitting methods that show how to safely and reliably decompose complex products of gradients that occur in recent variants of gradient-based temporal difference learning. This key technical innovation makes it possible to finally design "true" stochastic gradient methods for reinforcement learning. Finally, Legendre transforms enable a variety of other benefits, including modeling sparsity and domain geometry. Our work builds extensively on recent work on the convergence of saddle-point algorithms, and on the theory of monotone operators.Comment: 121 page

    Weak Convergence Properties of Constrained Emphatic Temporal-difference Learning with Constant and Slowly Diminishing Stepsize

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    We consider the emphatic temporal-difference (TD) algorithm, ETD(λ\lambda), for learning the value functions of stationary policies in a discounted, finite state and action Markov decision process. The ETD(λ\lambda) algorithm was recently proposed by Sutton, Mahmood, and White to solve a long-standing divergence problem of the standard TD algorithm when it is applied to off-policy training, where data from an exploratory policy are used to evaluate other policies of interest. The almost sure convergence of ETD(λ\lambda) has been proved in our recent work under general off-policy training conditions, but for a narrow range of diminishing stepsize. In this paper we present convergence results for constrained versions of ETD(λ\lambda) with constant stepsize and with diminishing stepsize from a broad range. Our results characterize the asymptotic behavior of the trajectory of iterates produced by those algorithms, and are derived by combining key properties of ETD(λ\lambda) with powerful convergence theorems from the weak convergence methods in stochastic approximation theory. For the case of constant stepsize, in addition to analyzing the behavior of the algorithms in the limit as the stepsize parameter approaches zero, we also analyze their behavior for a fixed stepsize and bound the deviations of their averaged iterates from the desired solution. These results are obtained by exploiting the weak Feller property of the Markov chains associated with the algorithms, and by using ergodic theorems for weak Feller Markov chains, in conjunction with the convergence results we get from the weak convergence methods. Besides ETD(λ\lambda), our analysis also applies to the off-policy TD(λ\lambda) algorithm, when the divergence issue is avoided by setting λ\lambda sufficiently large.Comment: Minor edits; 53 pages. Longer and more proof details than the journal versio

    A generalization of regularized dual averaging and its dynamics

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    Excessive computational cost for learning large data and streaming data can be alleviated by using stochastic algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent and its variants. Recent advances improve stochastic algorithms on convergence speed, adaptivity and structural awareness. However, distributional aspects of these new algorithms are poorly understood, especially for structured parameters. To develop statistical inference in this case, we propose a class of generalized regularized dual averaging (gRDA) algorithms with constant step size, which improves RDA (Xiao, 2010; Flammarion and Bach, 2017). Weak convergence of gRDA trajectories are studied, and as a consequence, for the first time in the literature, the asymptotic distributions for online l1 penalized problems become available. These general results apply to both convex and non-convex differentiable loss functions, and in particular, recover the existing regret bound for convex losses (Nemirovski et al., 2009). As important applications, statistical inferential theory on online sparse linear regression and online sparse principal component analysis are developed, and are supported by extensive numerical analysis. Interestingly, when gRDA is properly tuned, support recovery and central limiting distribution (with mean zero) hold simultaneously in the online setting, which is in contrast with the biased central limiting distribution of batch Lasso (Knight and Fu, 2000). Technical devices, including weak convergence of stochastic mirror descent, are developed as by-products with independent interest. Preliminary empirical analysis of modern image data shows that learning very sparse deep neural networks by gRDA does not necessarily sacrifice testing accuracy

    On Convergence of some Gradient-based Temporal-Differences Algorithms for Off-Policy Learning

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    We consider off-policy temporal-difference (TD) learning methods for policy evaluation in Markov decision processes with finite spaces and discounted reward criteria, and we present a collection of convergence results for several gradient-based TD algorithms with linear function approximation. The algorithms we analyze include: (i) two basic forms of two-time-scale gradient-based TD algorithms, which we call GTD and which minimize the mean squared projected Bellman error using stochastic gradient-descent; (ii) their "robustified" biased variants; (iii) their mirror-descent versions which combine the mirror-descent idea with TD learning; and (iv) a single-time-scale version of GTD that solves minimax problems formulated for approximate policy evaluation. We derive convergence results for three types of stepsizes: constant stepsize, slowly diminishing stepsize, as well as the standard type of diminishing stepsize with a square-summable condition. For the first two types of stepsizes, we apply the weak convergence method from stochastic approximation theory to characterize the asymptotic behavior of the algorithms, and for the standard type of stepsize, we analyze the algorithmic behavior with respect to a stronger mode of convergence, almost sure convergence. Our convergence results are for the aforementioned TD algorithms with three general ways of setting their λ\lambda-parameters: (i) state-dependent λ\lambda; (ii) a recently proposed scheme of using history-dependent λ\lambda to keep the eligibility traces of the algorithms bounded while allowing for relatively large values of λ\lambda; and (iii) a composite scheme of setting the λ\lambda-parameters that combines the preceding two schemes and allows a broader class of generalized Bellman operators to be used for approximate policy evaluation with TD methods.Comment: Revised technical report; added Section 4.2.4 and Section 4.3; 86 page