3 research outputs found

    Stochastic Learning for Sparse Discrete Markov Random Fields with Controlled Gradient Approximation Error

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    We study the L1L_1-regularized maximum likelihood estimator/estimation (MLE) problem for discrete Markov random fields (MRFs), where efficient and scalable learning requires both sparse regularization and approximate inference. To address these challenges, we consider a stochastic learning framework called stochastic proximal gradient (SPG; Honorio 2012a, Atchade et al. 2014,Miasojedow and Rejchel 2016). SPG is an inexact proximal gradient algorithm [Schmidtet al., 2011], whose inexactness stems from the stochastic oracle (Gibbs sampling) for gradient approximation - exact gradient evaluation is infeasible in general due to the NP-hard inference problem for discrete MRFs [Koller and Friedman, 2009]. Theoretically, we provide novel verifiable bounds to inspect and control the quality of gradient approximation. Empirically, we propose the tighten asymptotically (TAY) learning strategy based on the verifiable bounds to boost the performance of SPG

    Structure learning for CTBN's via penalized maximum likelihood methods

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    The continuous-time Bayesian networks (CTBNs) represent a class of stochastic processes, which can be used to model complex phenomena, for instance, they can describe interactions occurring in living processes, in social science models or in medicine. The literature on this topic is usually focused on the case when the dependence structure of a system is known and we are to determine conditional transition intensities (parameters of the network). In the paper, we study the structure learning problem, which is a more challenging task and the existing research on this topic is limited. The approach, which we propose, is based on a penalized likelihood method. We prove that our algorithm, under mild regularity conditions, recognizes the dependence structure of the graph with high probability. We also investigate the properties of the procedure in numerical studies to demonstrate its effectiveness

    Concentration Inequalities for Statistical Inference

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    This paper gives a review of concentration inequalities which are widely employed in non-asymptotical analyses of mathematical statistics in a wide range of settings, from distribution-free to distribution-dependent, from sub-Gaussian to sub-exponential, sub-Gamma, and sub-Weibull random variables, and from the mean to the maximum concentration. This review provides results in these settings with some fresh new results. Given the increasing popularity of high-dimensional data and inference, results in the context of high-dimensional linear and Poisson regressions are also provided. We aim to illustrate the concentration inequalities with known constants and to improve existing bounds with sharper constants.Comment: Invited review article on constants-specified concentration inequalities published in Communications in Mathematical Researc