4 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Network based Anomaly Detection for Real Time Video Surveillance

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    One of the main concerns across all kinds of domains has always been security. With the crime rates increasing every year the need to control has become crucial. Among the various methods present to monitor crime or any anomalous behavior is through video surveillance. Nowadays security cameras capture incidents in almost all public and private place if desired. Even though we have abundance of data in the form of videos they need to be analyzed manually. This results in long hours of manual labour and even small human discrepancies may have huge consequences negatively. For this purpose, a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based model is built to detect any form of abnormal activities or anomalies in the video footages. This model converts the input video into frames and detects the anomalous frames. To increase the efficiency of the model, the data is de-noised with Gaussian blur feature. The avenue dataset is used in this work to detect and predict various kinds of anomalies. The performance of the model is measured using classification accuracy and the results are reported

    Improvement in detection of presence in forbidden locations in video anomaly using optical flow map

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    Anomaly detection has been in researchers’ scope of study for a long time. The wide variety of anomaly detection use cases ranges from quality control in production lines to providing security in public places. One of the most attractive topics in anomaly detection is in video surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose a method that works based on frame prediction and optical flow to improve anomaly detection in videos. The use of optical flows in normal frames helps the system to better detect the entrance of people or objects to forbidden areas by its information about the amount of movement in different regions of the frames. Based on the optical flow of normal videos and that of current video, the threshold for anomaly decision is adaptively adjusted. This could ultimately lead to a better overall performance of the anomaly detection system compared to the recent similar works. The presented method is general and can be simply incorporated to other video anomaly detection systems to improve the detection accuracy